tasting your own cum !!!


Nightfly said:
I tried my cow-catcher idea (Punch to the Face, Venting Thread post from a few days ago) at a Wal Mart Super Center tonight, but I didn't use a cow catcher. I hit this woman in the heels on purpose because she acted like she was deaf when I kept saying (like 5 times) "excuse me," so I just pushed my cart into her legs and she jumped as if she had a snake in her pants!!! It was fucking brilliant!!!! LOL!!! "Excuse me for the last time," I said, and her retort was "How rude!" I kept walking but gave her the middle finger as I kept walking... :thefinger :rofl: :D :1orglaugh

I assume most will disagree with me; but not good imo man. Not horrible. But not good.
I would never do that to a woman (I hope). I would either wait to squeeze through. Or I would go around. I just do not believe you ever physically push a woman - unless it is an emergency - to even the smallest degree. No matter how rude she is being.
And then you gave her the finger on top of that? You gotta learn to not take shopping so seriously.

Now if it was a guy that was roughly my size; then okay. But never a woman. Not in my book anyway.
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Nightfly said:
I tried my cow-catcher idea (Punch to the Face, Venting Thread post from a few days ago) at a Wal Mart Super Center tonight, but I didn't use a cow catcher. I hit this woman in the heels on purpose because she acted like she was deaf when I kept saying (like 5 times) "excuse me," so I just pushed my cart into her legs and she jumped as if she had a snake in her pants!!! It was fucking brilliant!!!! LOL!!! "Excuse me for the last time," I said, and her retort was "How rude!" I kept walking but gave her the middle finger as I kept walking... :thefinger :rofl: :D :1orglaugh

The greatest danger to shoppers...women with prams!
I had to shuffle my way around two today whilst trying to buy presents in a shop, the aisle was wide enough for two people, but the two eejits decided to park their prams ACROSS the aisle ..how fucking clever is that??
If that wasn't bad enough they just turned their backs and wandered off down the aisle, leaving their prams there...


Member, you member...
Man, there must be some HUGE aisles in the stores you shop at Tunsty, because I had to look up "pram" and must say, you all shop differently from here in the states.

1. A small dinghy having a flat, snub-nosed bow.
2. A flatbottom boat used chiefly in the Baltic Sea as a barge.

hehehehe, baby carriage,huh?


Closed Account
I would have physically moved her. Grabbed her and moved her. No middle finger but I would have said very loudly "No I will not pay for sex".

I'm a different kind of asshole, but an asshole none the less.


mcrocket said:
I assume most will disagree with me; but not good imo man. Not horrible. But not good.
I would never do that to a woman (I hope). I would either wait to squeeze through. Or I would go around. I just do not believe you ever physically push a woman - unless it is an emergency - to even the smallest degree. No matter how rude she is being.
And then you gave her the finger on top of that? You gotta learn to not take shopping so seriously.

Now if it was a guy that was roughly my size; then okay. But never a woman. Not in my book anyway.

Sorry, bud ... gotta respectfully disagree on this one.

I may not have actually physically pushed her, per se ... but you can damn well guarantee I would have nudged the friggin' hell out of that basket of hers as well as being quite vocal about her getting her lard-ass out of the way ... especially if I had stood there patiently and said it politely five times previously.

People are inherently rude. Shoppers are the worst of the lot ... they're preoccupied with themselves and are only concentrating on what's immediately in front of them. I know that whenever I shop - and this is only me and my experiences - I'm quite aware of what's happening around me and make every effort to get over as far as possible if I see someone coming. Another verse up under it ... if I'm trying to shop and some ol' fat sow or ignorant ass fool is blocking the aisle, I will politely say "excuse me" or "pardon me". I'll give 'em a couple of chances to do the right thing. If they ignore me or otherwise pretend not to hear me, I WILL embarass the ever-loving shit out of 'em; even including a slight physical contact (i.e., a touch on the shoulder, etc.) if they don't get the picture.


We have so much in the West and to treat each other this way is just sad. But I am not naive - I was an crackhead afterall.

But I disagree with all who would push a woman or a much smaller man for any reason other then an emergency. It is just not cool in my book.
And shopping isn't remotely close to an emergency.

And then for Nightfly to come on here and minorly brag about it to the 'guys' - a little too adolescent for my tastes.

Whenever one has a choice to make - the least desireable one is almost always the right one. We all want to push her out of the way. But the cooler heads prevail and show tolerance. The less cooler do not.
I'll choose tolerance thanks - whenever I can.

If I tried to treat people with respect and restraint when I was strung out on crack cocaine. I am certainly going to do it in a WalMart!


Closed Account
mcrocket said:
We have so much in the West and to treat each other this way is just sad. But I am not naive - I was an crackhead afterall.

But I disagree with all who would push a woman or a much smaller man for any reason other then an emergency. It is just not cool in my book.
And shopping isn't remotely close to an emergency.

And then for Nightfly to come on here and minorly brag about it to the 'guys' - a little too adolescent for my tastes.

Whenever one has a choice to make - the least desireable one is almost always the right one. We all want to push her out of the way. But the cooler heads prevail and show tolerance. The less cooler do not.
I'll choose tolerance thanks - whenever I can.

If I tried to treat people with respect and restraint when I was strung out on crack cocaine. I am certainly going to do it in a WalMart!

Adults don't need to be treated special, they should no how the world works by now. I don't applaud Nightfly, but shopping centers are for shopping, not loitering. A child or a handicapped person I agree with you on, but not grown ass people.

however I do say thank you when someone notices me and moves so I can pass.


4G63 said:
Adults don't need to be treated special, they should no how the world works by now. I don't applaud Nightfly, but shopping centers are for shopping, not loitering. A child or a handicapped person I agree with you on, but not grown ass people.

however I do say thank you when someone notices me and moves so I can pass.

Not pushing them is treating them special? Not in my book.
They piss me off - I (hopefully) tell them. And then move on. Only the weak (imo) resort to violence in any form; no matter how slight.

3 of the persons I have noteworthy respect on here for all disagree with me. That is not shocking. But it is.....disappointing. Why should life be any different on here.:)

Have a nice day.


Not that I "disagree" with you on the implied violence level, but all I can say in reply is this:

Yes ... patience and politeness will get you many more steps ahead than being an asshole. We all know that sugar and honey attracts flies ... true or false? (wrong metaphor, but shit, you get what I'm saying, right? LMFAO)

However, when push comes to shove - and I mean this in a figurative sense - and you're standing there for over five minutes politely saying "Excuse me" or "Pardon me" or whatever ... and the person you're addressing still isn't responding, it's then time to be just a teensy-weensy little bit RUDE. One begats the other. I'm a very patient person, but there comes a time whenever the most patient and understanding person gets tweaked ... and has every rght to sound off about it. I'm certainly not advocating beating the shit out of a person because they didn't move quick enough, but damn ... at the same time ... if I'm standing there as the soul of patience asking you to move so I can get by, then just friggin' do it. Period. No arguments. No fuss. No muss. Why should I have to be made to suffer the indignity of turning tail and walking off? I'm being nice ... the other person is being rude. There comes a time when you have to stand up and say, "Screw this ... you ain't being rude to me." I'm not about to let anyone walk over me and use me as a dorrmat ... man OR woman.

I'm one of the most docile people you could ever meet when it comes to shopping. I've worked in retail for a long time and I've witnessed many a strange, hilarious, and even horrible thing. I've seen children pushed out of the way and shoved aside while grown men and women clamor after friggin' dolls. I've seen women slap men for no apparent reason other than to be bitches when they don't get their way, I've seen men be complete assholes when told that product is out of stock. Etc., etc., etc.

I respect others fully and completely until I perceive disrespect, discourtesy, or disrespect. When I perceive or encounter any of those situations, I will let you know about it in a most humiliating way. I'm no better - or worse, for that matter - than any other shopper ... but I am respectful of others and I make every effort to be as unintrusive as possible. I expect no less from others.

So ... if some big bertha heifer is standing there in the middle of the aisle, smackin' and poppin' her chewin' gum, drinking a can of Fresca or Diet Coke while ruminating over the many multitudes of choices of cold cereal and choosing to deliberately ignore me while I'm being polite and asking to get by her fat ass ... then hell fucking yeah, I'm gonna humiliate her sorry ass. Ditto for a man.

There is such a thing as common courtesy. While it may not be an "emergency" ... I do expect to be treat in a like manner. If I say, "Pardon me, but may I get by, please?" (FIVE times, no less), I expect that person to move out of the way; they don't have to move out of the country ... just enought to let me by and let me be on my way. They don't have to acknowledge me in any other way. Just let me by and I'll be on my merry way with no further issues or comments. But if you're goingto be an ass about it, I can damn well assure you that I can be an even BIGGER ass.

Common courtesy, folks ... just plain ol' common courtesy.
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I understand what you are saying AsianXXXchick. And I was not there with Nightfly.
But from what I understand; my first assumption would be that either she is a bitch or she is hard of hearing. I would then (if I could) tap her on the shoulder (after the 5 excuse me's) and say it again. IF after that and she still does not move or respond. Then either she has a mental or a physical defect - imo. In which case I give up and either go around or wait for her highness to move.

I do not care what the situation (outside of an emergency). To push a woman is wrong.

But if you are going to do it anyway. At least be a man about it and push her shoulder - gently. Don't act like a kid and give her a push behind her back. That's weak. And if Nightfly had typed that; then not too bad. But he bragged about it. Not cool.

We all have NO idea what was on her mind. I know people have told me that I sometimes look like I am ready to kill someone when in reality I was feeling very insecure and passive. THis lady may have been distraught. Mentally retarded slightly. Slightly hard of hearing. Raped by her father everyday for 10 years when she was little. Or just a cold hearted bitch.
Anyway, to anyone normal watching the situation; she looks like the idiot. Once I start pushing her; then I do.
If she IS a bitch; there is NO way I will give her that satisfaction. And please do not tell me that some women do not ever think that way.
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Closed Account
Oh yeah we got a good rumble going on here.

I hear you mcrocket, and all my idols in life say what you say. I know that if I were behind you in wal-Mart, you would move and apologize, and I would thank you and politely move so you could resume whatever activity you were engaged in. No hostility.

However inconsiderate folk in America who treat this ground an those on it like garbage get no quarter from me. I fought your war on 9/11, the least you can do is acknowledge me and move so I may pass.

If you treated someone like garbage how would you feel mcrocket?
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True. And I completely understand what you're saying and advocating, mcrocket. It's just sometimes I can certainly empathize with that level of intolerance (not Nightfly's, but in general). Hell, I commend Nightfly for being as patient as he was. I would've been at wit's end after three times.

I dunno ... I just think that in order to get by in this world, you have to be a bit vocal and not be afraid to assert yourself. By that I mean, don't be afraid to speak up if you perceive some sort of wrong-doing or disrespect. God knows, I hate to shop, but I have to do it out of necessity.

Would I actually RAM someone's basket? No ... but I am guilty of nudging a basket or two out of my way as I pass and after I have asked an individual to let me by and they ignore me. They get the picture quite quickly, though.

Would I deliberately berate or belittle someone for being a complete ass or jerk? Damned straight. I've done it a time or two and am quite proud of it, too.

I'm just that way. I'll show you common courtesy and respect as long as I get the same in return. I'll open and hold doors open for you if you're behind me and I'm entering or exiting a store. I'll give you my basket / cart if I see you're in need of one. I'll be more than happy to slide out of the way if you need to reach something and you say, "Excuse me" or "Pardon me." Hell, I'll even give you that last package of ground round if I see that you have a distinct need for it. I can always go to a different store and buy it there.

All it is a simple thing called "common courtesy" ... a very rare thing these days, it seems. Show it to me ... and I'll turn friggin' backflips for you. Disrespect me ... and you've called down thunder from the throne.


4G63 said:
Oh yeah we got a good rumble going on here.

I hear you mcrocket, and all my idols in life say what you say. I know that if I were behind you in wal-Mart, you would move and apologize, and I would thank you and politely move so you could resume whatever activity you were engaged in. No hostility.

However inconsiderate folk in America who treat this ground an those on it like garbage get no quarter from me. I fought your war on 9/11, the least you can do is acknowledge me and move so I may pass.

That is why I brought up my crack past. EVERYONE treated almost everyone like shit during my drug days. But I was not going to let them win. I was not going to let them break me down and start acting like them. And I (believe and hope) that I didn't. Because they wanted me too. It made them feel worse about themselves to see me not act as badly as they were. They wanted me to act like shit so they would not feel less honourable to themselves.
And although that is an extreme. That is similar to this. That woman may have been acting like a bitch. And if she was there is no fucking way I am going to let her bring me down to her level. And when Nightfly did that and then came on here and brgged about it - he did. For one second he was acting just as bad (a little worse in my book) as her. Even more pathetic. She won.
Not me. It's going to take alot more then some pathetically self-absorbed woman in a WALMART to make me lose my basic human dignity and decency - in even the smallest amounts. If my fellow crackheads couldn't do it. There is not way she will.
(this is all assuming she was not hard of hearing or mentally defective in some way).
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Retired Moderator
mcrocket said:
I do not care what the situation (outside of an emergency). To push a woman is wrong.

I think pushing anyone out of frustration is wrong.
I say this in a way not to insult anyone's beliefs.

I believe that when you let someone Else's actions dictate your own, you have lost.
What would happen if the person you shove decides to escalate the situation and decides to meet physical confrontation with even more physical force. Now you have committed yourself to a reaction and possibly a knockout drag out fight.
Some may say great, bring it on!
Not I, there are things in this world worth standing up for, but some times it's best to take the road less traveled and step aside. :2 cents:


AsianxxxChick said:
True. And I completely understand what you're saying and advocating, mcrocket. It's just sometimes I can certainly empathize with that level of intolerance (not Nightfly's, but in general). Hell, I commend Nightfly for being as patient as he was. I would've been at wit's end after three times.

I dunno ... I just think that in order to get by in this world, you have to be a bit vocal and not be afraid to assert yourself. By that I mean, don't be afraid to speak up if you perceive some sort of wrong-doing or disrespect. God knows, I hate to shop, but I have to do it out of necessity.

Would I actually RAM someone's basket? No ... but I am guilty of nudging a basket or two out of my way as I pass and after I have asked an individual to let me by and they ignore me. They get the picture quite quickly, though.

Would I deliberately berate or belittle someone for being a complete ass or jerk? Damned straight. I've done it a time or two and am quite proud of it, too.

I'm just that way. I'll show you common courtesy and respect as long as I get the same in return. I'll open and hold doors open for you if you're behind me and I'm entering or exiting a store. I'll give you my basket / cart if I see you're in need of one. I'll be more than happy to slide out of the way if you need to reach something and you say, "Excuse me" or "Pardon me." Hell, I'll even give you that last package of ground round if I see that you have a distinct need for it. I can always go to a different store and buy it there.

All it is a simple thing called "common courtesy" ... a very rare thing these days, it seems. Show it to me ... and I'll turn friggin' backflips for you. Disrespect me ... and you've called down thunder from the throne.

I hear/read what you are saying. All I mean is what Nightfly did was rather juvenile. ANd then he bragged about it. I expect that kind of very minor crap from many people. But I have more respect for Nightfly then that to let it pass.

All this is NO BIG deal to me. But I abhore violence for any reason. And if someone is going to brag about a tiny little act of semi-understandable violence; I am going to say something. And if it is from someone I expect more out of then the masses; I am going to say it louder.


Colonel said:
I think pushing anyone out of frustration is wrong.
I say this in a way not to insult anyone's beliefs.

I believe that when you let someone Else's actions dictate your own, you have lost.
What would happen if the person you shove decides to escalate the situation and decides to meet physical confrontation with even more physical force. Now you have committed yourself to a reaction and possibly a knockout drag out fight.
Some may say great, bring it on!
Not I, there are things in this world worth standing up for, but some times it's best to take the road less traveled and step aside. :2 cents:

You are, of course, imo, right. I bow to your greater wisdom. It should include all persons.

I hope I only bump into people like you (by mistake) this Christmas.:)


Closed Account
mcrocket said:
I hear/read what you are saying. All I mean is what Nightfly did was rather juvenile. ANd then he bragged about it. I expect that kind of very minor crap from many people. But I have more respect for Nightfly then that to let it pass.

All this is NO BIG deal to me. But I abhore violence for any reason. And if someone is going to brag about a tiny little act of semi-understandable violence; I am going to say something. And if it is from someone I expect more out of then the masses; I am going to say it louder.

Humans need to admonish one another. Just like NF to that lady, and just like you to NF, and me and AsianXXChick to you, mcrocket. It's the discussion that bring us together, and truly expresses our feelings.

My counterpoint is this: That woman knew that she was in a public shopping center, and if she had a cell phone, she knew the etiquette. The mentally handicapped and hard of hearing people I know, are extra courteous and know etiquette better than most. So I doubt that was her problem.

Humility is a virtue, NF humiliated her, she did win. NF gained nothing, but a story. That woman can learn, just as we all can. We all need pushes. Would you have stopped smoking rocks unless you were humiliated?