I'm married, we have one bank account. We both make money, I make quite a bit more than she does. We don't fight about money. We pay the bills from the account. We buy the groceries from the account. We fix the house from the account. If one of us needs something, we buy it from the account. We work together to make life comfortable, and we aren't trying to spend our percentage. If we need something, we get it. If we earn something, it goes in the account. I have no worries about my wife having complete access to the money I've earned. If she needs something, she'll get it, and I'm going to trust her to use good judgement in spending money, just as I know she's trusting me to do the same.
To me separate accounts creates possibilities of financial secrecy between partners, and that's a dangerous thing in my opinion. 100% openness includes 100% disclosure about finances, and 100% trust with said finances. We review our finances twice monthly together. It works well for us.