Serious question about 9/11

Did U.S. foreign policy help contribute to the 9/11 attacks?

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For the EMPEROR!!
^^Speaking from experience?? :tinhat:
arming and training them back in the 70's to fight the ruskies wasn't the smartest move. prob should've let them and the russians kill each other off as much as possible and come out with a cleaner image.

we got way to many wars going on elsewhere -you'd expect we would have a dozen or so more stars by now.
I voted yes, however the religious fanatics that orchestrated the attacks IMO have used America's involvement in the Middle East and support of Israel to justify their actions to their followers and the rest of the world. They need something to gain support for their cause. If the few fanatics convince people that America is evil and oppressive then they can get people to join their cause in the name of righteousness and freedom.


Is somewhere outhere.
Yes,but not entirely.As other factors might have played a part,to which
we may never know about for another 50 years or so.


Hiliary 2020
^ Good grief, a history lesson from Professor Wikipedia. :nono:
NOTHING justifies 9/11. The United States had done nothing to warrant such a horrific act of murder. The U.S. spends more blood and more money than any nation on Earth to help solve the rest of the world's problems, the rest of the world owes us debts of gratitude. Yes, the U.S. (CIA) helped the Mujahideen (of which Osama bin Laden was a part long before he becameTerrorist Enemy #1) fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The Soviets invaded Afganistan in 1979 in an act of naked agression for terrorital acquisition, and so we resisted them by fighting a proxy war alongside the Mujahideen. We were helping, or so we thought at the time, the good guys. The Muslims should've loved us. They certainly loved our funding and Stinger SAM missiles. But no. We were the ones whom they believed made it possible for Israel to continue to exist. If the U.S. was out of the way, the Jews could be expelled from Palestine once again.

Muslim fanatics committed 9/11 (murdered 3,000 people) because they were religious zealots and bigots. They hate Jews and they hate us for supporting the Jews. It is every bit that simple. Israel is the Jewish ancestral homeland from which they were expelled 2,000 years ago, scattered or sold into slavery all over Europe. After the West stood by and watched as Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews, the VERY LEAST WE COULD DO WAS HELP THE JEWS RETURN TO THEIR TRUE HOME. Australia, Africa, Albania, Argentina? Seriously? Why not Greenland or Antartica while you're at it. Jews have no ties to any of those places -- especially not Argentina, which was a German ally and fucking safe haven for Nazis fleeing capture from the Allies for Christ sake!! :brick:

And do you remember former White House correspondent Helen Thomas' (who is Lebanese, BTW) comments about the Jews? She said they should leave, "to go home" to Poland or Germany or wherever. WTF!? Why in God's name would Jewish people go back to countries were 6 million of them were murdered? The Jews ARE HOME!!!

I just answered the question.
I used wikipedia entries because the answer is very complicated.
Facts are facts, and if you can dispute anything i said do it.

But seriously, 2000 years ago?
So them getting that area back by force was worth it?
100 years of death and misery from mostly non jews?
And what was wrong with those other places?
Madagascar is beautiful and 6 times bigger than Palestine, so are many of the other places they could have had without all the death and destruction, not to mention uncountable trillions of dollars.
But I guess it was worth it.
Tell me, why haven't all the Jews moved there by now, considering what was sacrificed to get it and how important it was.
But i see how you think.
You don't mind people being displaced by force and murdered , depending on who those people are.
The hypocrisy of that.
Germans wanted jews out of their country like 100+ countries before them and they are "The face of evil".
Jews wanted Arabs out of a country that wasn't even theirs and they are 100% justified.
And give it up with the 6 million, I'm so sick of that made up number being thrown in my face that if I hear it one more time I'm gonna puke my balls out through my mouth.
The number is a mathematical impossibility and a lie which was only made up to gain sympathy of Americans and Europeans.
Reality is that Jewish leaders defied Hitler knowing full well what would happen and also that The USA and England would spill their blood afterwards.
They threw their own people under the train to get what they wanted.


Why them and not one of all the other groups who were displaced throughout history?
And real history, not from some book that we don't even know is true.
I don't think you realize the price that has been and continues to be paid for that little piece of land they just had to have.
Generally speaking countries should conduct their foreign policy objectively and not favour one side no matter what they do, possibly due to the strong Jewish influence in the US the US seems to support Israel no matter what they do so many muslims have told me why should they care about terrorist attacks on America when America seems to condone Israeli aggression against the Palestinians which they also consider terror, as I've mentioned before the US never labelled the IRA as a terrorist group in fear of upsetting many of the Irish Americans who were sympathetic the the Irish struggle against the British. Foreign policy that concentrates on oil rich Arab dictators whilst ignoring similarly brutal African dicatators (from piss poor countries) only makes more and more muslims think that this is a war on Islam, reports of rapes and unlawfull killings of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan only further angers muslims who wish to gain revenge on the US. No doubt the US also gives more aid than any other nation but this aggressive foreign policy is the only thing an extremist will care about. I know a lot of Americans think Europeans are a bunch of pussies for not willingly sending troops to fight in global conflicts but what they don't realise is Europeans have had empires across the world and they have experience of the problems faced when you invade and try to govern a foreign country, most of these Empires colapsed because of internal rebellions so Europeans learnt the hard way that no foreign intervention is sustainable. That being said any form of aggression against innocent people is wrong and only a sick minority is capable of such acts, we need to move away from the fighting and killing and try to tackle the root causes of the problems before people can get angry enough to turn to terror, and that may mean making unpopular decisions which may upset one side but bring justice to the other. :2 cents:
I just answered the question.
I used wikipedia entries because the answer is very complicated.
Facts are facts, and if you can dispute anything i said do it.

But seriously, 2000 years ago?
So them getting that area back by force was worth it?
100 years of death and misery from mostly non jews?
And what was wrong with those other places?
Madagascar is beautiful and 6 times bigger than Palestine, so are many of the other places they could have had without all the death and destruction, not to mention uncountable trillions of dollars.
But I guess it was worth it.
Tell me, why haven't all the Jews moved there by now, considering what was sacrificed to get it and how important it was.
But i see how you think.
You don't mind people being displaced by force and murdered , depending on who those people are.
The hypocrisy of that.
Germans wanted jews out of their country like 100+ countries before them and they are "The face of evil".
Jews wanted Arabs out of a country that wasn't even theirs and they are 100% justified.
And give it up with the 6 million, I'm so sick of that made up number being thrown in my face that if I hear it one more time I'm gonna puke my balls out through my mouth.
The number is a mathematical impossibility and a lie which was only made up to gain sympathy of Americans and Europeans.
Reality is that Jewish leaders defied Hitler knowing full well what would happen and also that The USA and England would spill their blood afterwards.
They threw their own people into the trains to get what they wanted.


Why them and not one of all the other groups who were displaced throughout history?
And real history, not from some book that we don't even know is true.
I don't think you realize the price that has been and continues to be paid for that little piece of land they just had to have.

Fixed lol
i will Not post my answer on this ...leave me alone.........

The idea that we brought 9/11 onto ourselves is absurd and fine example of "Blame the U.S." sentiment quite popular with a certain segment of society.

That notion completely ignores decades of history where the U.S. had no influence or say which would've shaped certain minds in the ME to "hate" the U.S.

Nor does it take into account the cultural elements within Arab society which foster a sense of victimhood.

But I guess history means little to that certain segment which will prostrate themselves and go along playing the bad guy in the eyes of the Arab world.
U.S. Intervention in the Middle East
"Why do people in the Middle East hate the United States," people are asking, in the wake of the events of September 11.

This partial chronology of U.S. intervention in the Middle East illustrates the lengths to which the U.S. power structure has gone to gain and maintain U.S. domination of the Middle East-

1920-28: U.S. pressures Britain, then the dominant Middle East power, into signing a "Red Line Agreement" providing that Middle Eastern oil will not be developed by any single power without the participation of the others. Standard Oil and Mobil obtain shares of the Iraq Petroleum Company.

1932-34: Oil is discovered in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and U.S. oil companies obtain concessions.

1944: U.S. State Department memo refers to Middle Eastern oil as "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history." During U.S.-British negotiations over the control of Middle Eastern oil, President Roosevelt sketches out a map of the Middle East and tells the British Ambassador, "Persian oil is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours." On August 8, 1944, the Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement is signed, splitting Middle Eastern oil between the U.S. and Britain.

Between 1948 and 1960, Western capital earns $12.8 billion in profits from the production, refining and sale of Middle Eastern oil, on fixed investments totaling $1.3 billion.


1946: President Harry Truman threatens to drop a "super-bomb" on the Soviet Union if it does not withdraw from Kurdestan and Azerbaijan in northern Iran.

November 1947: The U.S. helps push through a UN resolution partitioning Palestine into a Zionist state and an Arab state, giving the Zionist authorities control of 54% of the land. At that time Jewish settlers were about 1/3 of the population.

May 14, 1948: War breaks out between newly proclaimed state of Israel, and Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Syria, who had moved troops into Palestine to oppose the partition of Palestine. Israeli attacks force some 800,000 Palestinians--two-thirds of the population--to flee into exile in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Gaza, and the West Bank. Israel seizes 77 percent of historic Palestine. The U.S. quickly recognizes Israel.

March 29, 1949: CIA backs a military coup overthrowing the elected government of Syria and establishes a military dictatorship under Colonel Za'im.

1952: U.S.-led military alliance expands into the Middle East with Turkey's admission to NATO.

1953: The CIA organizes a coup overthrowing the Mossadeq government of Iran after Mossadeq nationalizes British holdings in Iran's huge oilfields. The Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, is put on the throne, ruling as an absolute monarch for the next 25 years--torturing, killing and imprisoning his political opponents.

1955: U.S. installs powerful radar system in Turkey to spy on the Soviet Union.


July 1956: After Egypt's nationalist leader, Gamal Abdul Nasser, receives arms from the Soviet Union, the U.S. withdraws promised funding for Aswan Dam, Egypt's main development project. A week later Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal to fund the project. In October Britain, France and Israel invade Egypt to retake the Suez Canal. President Eisenhower threatens to use nuclear weapons if the Soviet Union intervenes on Egypt's side; and at the same time, the U.S. asserts its regional dominance by forcing Britain, France and Israel to withdraw from Egypt.

October 1956: A planned CIA coup to overthrow a left-leaning government in Syria is aborted because it was scheduled for the same day Israel, Britain and France invade Egypt.

March 9, 1957: Congress approves Eisenhower Doctrine, stating "the United States regards as vital to the national interest and world peace the preservation of the independence and integrity of the nations of the Middle East."

April 1957: After anti-government rioting breaks out in Jordan, U.S. rushes 6th fleet to the eastern Mediterranean and lands a battalion of Marines in Lebanon to "prepare for possible future intervention in Jordan." Later that year, the CIA begins making secret payments of millions a year to Jordan's King Hussein.

September 1957: In response to the Syrian government's more nationalist and pro-Soviet policies, the U.S. sends Sixth Fleet to eastern Mediterranean and rushes arms to allies Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia; meanwhile the U.S. encourages Turkey to mass 50,000 troops on Syria's northern border.

1958: The merger of Syria and Egypt into the "United Arab Republic," the overthrow of the pro-U.S. King Feisal II in Iraq by nationalist military officers, and the outbreak of anti-government/anti-U.S. rioting in Lebanon, where the CIA had helped install President Camille Caiman and keep him in power, leads the U.S. to dispatch 70 naval vessels, hundreds of aircraft and 14,000 Marines to Lebanon to preserve "stability." The U.S. threatens to use nuclear weapons if the Lebanese army resists, and to prevent an Iraqi move into the oilfields of Kuwait, and draws up secret plans for a joint invasion of Iraq with Turkey. The plan is shelved after the Soviet Union threatens to intervene.

1957-58: Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA agent in charge of the 1953 coup in Iran, plots, without success, to overthrow Egypt's Nasser. "Between July 1957 and October 1958, the Egyptian and Syrian governments and media announced the uncovering of what appear to be at least eight separate conspiracies to overthrow one or the other government, to assassinate Nasser, and/or prevent the expected merger of the two countries." (Blum, p. 93)

1960: U.S. works to covertly undermine the new government of Iraq by supporting anti-government Kurdish rebels and by attempting, unsuccessfully, to assassinate Iraq's leader, Abdul Karim Qassim, an army general who had restored relations with the Soviet Union and lifted the ban on Iraq's Communist Party.

1963: U.S. supports a coup by the Ba'ath party (soon to be headed by Saddam Hussein) to overthrow the Qassim regime, including by giving the Ba'ath names of communists to murder. "Armed with the names and whereabouts of individual communists, the national guards carried out summary executions. Communists held in detention...were dragged out of prison and shot without a hearing... y the end of the rule of the Ba'ath, its terror campaign had claimed the lives of an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 communists."

1966: U.S. sells its first jet bombers to Israel, breaking with 1956 decision not to sell arms to the Zionist state.

June 1967: With U.S. weapons and support, Israeli military launches the so-called "Six Day War," seizing the remaining 23 percent of historic Palestine--the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem--along with Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and Syria's Golan Heights.

September 17, 1970: With U.S. and Israeli backing, Jordanian troops attack Palestinian guerrilla camps, while Jordan's U.S.-supplied air force drops napalm from above. U.S. deploys the aircraft carrier Independence and six destroyers off the coast of Lebanon and readies troops in Turkey to support the assault. The U.S. threatens to use nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union if it intervenes. 5000 Palestinians are killed and 20,000 wounded. This massacre comes to be known as "Black September."

1973: The U.S. rushes $2.2 billion in emergency military aid to Israel after Egypt and Syria attack to regain Golan Heights and Sinai. U.S. puts forces on alert, and moves them into the region. When the Soviet Union threatens to intervene to prevent the destruction of Egypt's 3rd Army by Israel, U.S. nuclear forces go to DEFCON III to force the Soviets to back down.

1973-1975: U.S. supports Kurdish rebels in Iraq in order to strengthen Iran and weaken the then pro-Soviet Iraqi regime. When Iran and Iraq cut a deal, the U.S. withdraws support, denies the Kurds refuge in Iran, and stands by while the Iraqi government kills many Kurdish people.

1979-84: U.S. supports paramilitary forces to undermine the government of South Yemen, which was allied with the Soviet Union.


1978: As the Iranian revolution begins against the hated Shah, the U.S. continues to support him "without reservation" and urges him to act forcefully against the masses. In August 1978, some 400 Iranians are burned to death in the Rex Theater in Abadan after police chain and lock the exit doors. On September 8, 10,000 anti-Shah demonstrators are massacred at Teheran's Jaleh Square.

1979: The U.S. tries, without success, to organize a military coup to save the Shah. In January, the Shah is forced to flee and the reactionary Shi-ite Islamists led by Ayatollah Khomeini take power in February.

Summer 1979: The U.S. publicly supports the Khomeini regime's efforts to suppress the Kurdish liberation struggle and maintain Iranian domination of Kurdestan.

1979: U.S. President Jimmy Carter designates the Persian Gulf a vital U.S. interest and declares the U.S. will go to war to ensure the flow of oil.

1979: In response to Soviet military maneuvers on Iran's northern border, Carter secretly puts U.S. forces on nuclear alert and warns the Soviets they will be used if the Soviets intervene.

Summer 1979: U.S. begins arming and organizing Islamic fundamentalist "Mujahideen" in Afghanistan. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski writes, "This aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention," drawing the Soviets into an Afghan quagmire. Over the next decade the U.S. alone passed more than $3 billion in arms and aid to the Mujahideen, with another $3 billion provided by the U.S. ally Saudi Arabia.

November 4, 1979: Islamic militants, backed by the Khomeini regime, seize the U.S. embassy in Teheran and demand the U.S. return the Shah to Iran for trial. The Embassy and 52 U.S. personnel are held for 444 days; this international embarrassment prompts new U.S. actions against Iran--including an abortive rescue attempt.

December 1979: Soviet troops invade Afghanistan--which the U.S. rulers considered a "buffer state" between the Soviet Union to the north and the strategically important states of Iran and Pakistan to the south--overthrowing the Amin government and installing a more pro-Soviet regime.

1980: U.S. begins organizing a "Rapid Deployment Force," increasing its naval presence and pre-positioning military equipment and supplies. It also steps up aid to reactionary client states such as Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. On September 12, Turkey's military seizes power and unleashes a brutal clampdown on revolutionaries and Kurds struggling for liberation in order to "stabilize" the country as a key U.S. ally.

Summer 1980: As the Carter administration tries to bully Iran into surrendering the U.S. hostages, supporters of presidential candidate Ronald Reagan cut a secret deal with the Islamic Republic: promising that the Reagan administration will allow Israel to ship arms to Iran if Iran continues to hold the hostages during the coming presidential campaign to cripple Carter's campaign for re-election. (Gary Sick)

September 22, 1980: Iraq invades Iran with tacit U.S. support, starting a bloody eight-year war. The U.S. supports both sides in the war providing arms to Iran and money, intelligence and political support to Iraq in order to prolong the war and weaken both sides, while trying to draw both countries into the U.S. orbit.

1981: U.S. holds military maneuvers off the coast of Libya to bully the Qaddafi government. When a Libyan plane fires a missile at U.S. planes penetrating Libyan airspace, two Libyan planes are shot down.

1981: The Reagan administration secretly encourages Israel and other allies, such as South Korea and Turkey, to ship hundreds of millions of U.S.-made arms to Iran despite a ban on the shipment of U.S.-made weapons.

From the fall of 1981 through the winter of 1982, forces led by the Union of Iranian Communists, Sarbederan, mount an historic resistance to the Islamic Republic; the uprising at Amol at the end of January 1982 is brutally crushed by the forces of the Islamic Republic.

1982: After receiving a "green light" from the U.S., Israel invades Lebanon to crush Palestinian and other anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli forces. Over 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians are killed, and Israel seizes southern Lebanon, holding it until 2000.

September 14, 1982: Lebanon's pro-U.S. President-elect, Bashir al-Jumayyil, is assassinated. The following day, Israeli forces occupy West Beirut, and from 16 to 18 September, the Phalangist militia, with the support of Israel's military under now-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, move into the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps and barbarically massacre over 1,000 unarmed Palestinian men, women, and children.

1983: U.S. sends troops to Lebanon, supposedly as part of a multinational "peace-keeping" operation but in reality to protect U.S. interests, including Israel's occupation forces. U.S. troops are withdrawn after a suicide bomber destroys a U.S. Marine barracks.

1983: CIA helps murder Gen. Ahmed Dlimi, a prominent Moroccan Army commander who seeks to overthrow the pro-U.S. Moroccan monarchy.

Spring 1983: The U.S. provides the Islamic Republic of Iran with a list of Soviet agents.

1984: U.S. shoots down two Iranian jets over Persian Gulf.

1985-1986: The U.S. secretly ships weapons to Iran, including 1,000 TOW anti-tank missiles, Hawk missile parts, and Hawk radars. The weapons are exchanged for U.S. hostages in Lebanon, and in hopes of increased U.S. leverage in Iran. The secret plot collapses when it is publicly revealed on November 3, 1986, by the Lebanese magazine, Al-Shiraa. (The Chronology)

1985: U.S. attempts to assassinate Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, a Lebanese Shiite leader. 80 people are killed in the unsuccessful attempt. (Blum)

1986: When a bomb goes off in a Berlin nightclub and kills two Americans, the U.S. blames Libya's Qaddafi. U.S. bombers strike Libyan military facilities, residential areas of Tripoli and Benghazi, and Qaddafi's house, killing 101 people, including Qaddafi's adopted daughter.

1987: The U.S. Navy is dispatched to the Persian Gulf to prevent Iran from cutting off Iraq's oil shipments. During these patrols, a U.S. ship shoots down an Iranian civilian airliner, killing all 290 onboard.

1988: The Iraqi regime launches mass poison-gas attacks on Kurds, killing thousands and bulldozing many villages. The U.S. responds by increasing its support for the Iraqi regime.

July 1988: A cease-fire ends the Iran-Iraq war with neither side victorious. Over 1 million Iranians and Iraqis are killed during the 8-year war.

1989: The last Soviet troops leave Afghanistan. The war, fueled by U.S.-Soviet rivalry, has torn Afghanistan apart, killing more than one million Afghans and forcing one-third of the population to flee into refugee camps. More than 15,000 Soviet soldiers die in the war.

July 1990: April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, meets with Saddam Hussein, who threatens military action against Kuwait for overproducing its oil quota, slant drilling for oil in Iraqi territory, and encroaching on Iraqi territory--seriously harming war weakened Iraq. Glaspie replies, "We have no opinion on the Arab- Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait."

August 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait. The U.S. seizes the moment to assert its hegemony in the post-Soviet world and strengthen its grip on the Persian Gulf: the U.S. condemns Iraq, rejects a diplomatic settlement, imposes sanctions, and prepares for an all-out military assault on Iraq.

January 16, 1991: After a 6-month military buildup, the U.S.-led coalition launches "Operation Desert Storm." For the next 42 days, U.S. and allied planes pound Iraq, dropping 88,000 tons of bombs, systematically targeting and largely destroying its electrical and water systems. On February 22, 1991, the U.S. coalition begins its 100-hour ground war. Heavily armed U.S. units drive deep into southern Iraq. Overall, 100,000 to 200,000 Iraqis are killed during the war.

Spring 1991: Shi'ites in the south and Kurds in the north rise up against Hussein's regime in Iraq. The U.S., after encouraging these uprisings during the war, now fears turmoil and instability in the region and refuses to support the rebels. The U.S. denies the rebels access to captured Iraqi weapons and allows Iraqi helicopters to attack them.

1991: Iraq withdraws from Kuwait and agrees to a UN-brokered cease-fire, but the U.S. and Britain insist that devastating sanctions be maintained. The U.S. declares large parts of north and south Iraq "no-fly" zones for Iraqi aircraft.

1991-present: U.S. military deployments continue after the war, with 17,000 to 24,000 U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf region at any given time. (CSM)

1992: U.S. Marines land near Mogadishu, Somalia, supposedly to ensure humanitarian relief and "restore order." But the U.S. also plans to remove the dominant warlord, Mohammed Aidid, and install a more pro-U.S. regime. In June 1983, after numerous gun battles with Aidid forces, U.S. helicopters strafe Aidid supporters, killing scores. In October, when U.S. forces attempt to kidnap two Aidid lieutenants, a fierce gunbattle breaks out. Five U.S. helicopters are shot down, 18 U.S. soldiers killed and 73 wounded, while 500 to 1000 Somalians are killed and many more injured.

March 1992: U.S. Defense Department drafts new, post-Soviet "Defense Planning Guidance" paper stating, "In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predominant outside power in the region and preserve U.S. and Western access to the region's oil."

1993: U.S. brokers a "peace" agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization at Oslo, Norway. The agreement strengthens Israel and U.S. domination, while leaving Palestinians a small part of their historic homeland, broken up into isolated pieces surrounded by Israel. No provisions are made for the return of the four million Palestinian refugees living outside of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.

1993: U.S. launches missile attack on Iraq, claiming self-defense against an alleged assassination attempt on former president Bush two months earlier.

1995: The U.S. imposes oil and trade sanctions against Iran, reinforcing sanctions in effect since 1979, for alleged sponsorship of 'terrorism', seeking to acquire nuclear arms and hostility to the Middle East process. (BBC, CSM)

1995: With U.S. backing, Turkey launches a major military offensive, involving some 35,000 Turkish troops, against the Kurds in northern Iraq.

1998: Congress passes the "Iraq Liberation Act," giving nearly $100 million to groups attempting to overthrow the Hussein regime.

August 1998: Claiming retaliation for attacks on U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, President Clinton sends 75 cruise missiles pounding into rural Afghanistan --supposedly targeting Osama Bin Laden. The U.S. also destroys a factory producing half of Sudan's pharmaceutical supply, claiming the factory is involved in chemical warfare. The U.S. later acknowledges there is no evidence for the chemical warfare charge.

December 16-19, 1998: The U.S. and Britain launch "Operation Desert Fox," a bombing campaign supposedly aimed at destroying Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. For most of the next year, U.S. and British planes strike Iraq every day with missiles. (BBC)


Hiliary 2020
The idea that we brought 9/11 onto ourselves is absurd and fine example of "Blame the U.S." sentiment quite popular with a certain segment of society.

That notion completely ignores decades of history where the U.S. had no influence or say which would've shaped certain minds in the ME to "hate" the U.S.

Nor does it take into account the cultural elements within Arab society which foster a sense of victimhood.

But I guess history means little to that certain segment which will prostrate themselves and go along playing the bad guy in the eyes of the Arab world.

Terrorist are scumbags, no doubt about it.
So is anybody who supports, condones or even turns a blind eye and doesn't speak out against it.
Killing people who had nothing to do with any of it is just cowardly and wrong .

As far as fostering victimhood, The US is guilty too.
And Israel, theyre off the charts. They shorted out the victimhood meter .
Knowing what I know of history its fact that The US has interfered with that area quite a lot and expecting peace and love just ain't ga happen.

Just the Israel thing alone.
How would we feel if say Syria came to California and said " Ok, everybody out, we're giving this place to the Tunisians, and if you don't like it we will kill you".

Understand the enemy.


The idea that we brought 9/11 onto ourselves is absurd and fine example of "Blame the U.S." sentiment quite popular with a certain segment of society.

The mind of the average right wing american ultra nationalist is such a twisted little contraption. It's been programmed to defend it's government's actions in every circumstance, regardless of the facts. It knows that the government's actions are always pure and just therefore any criticism is by default, invalid.

Then it's told to only ever vote for the politician who says government is evil,government is always wrong, government is always the cause of life's problems. It happily complies with this order without the slightest sense of irony.

It's political positions are always based on emotions and hubris, mainly because of it's total ignorance of history and because it lacks the I.Q required to articulate a half decent argument for just about anything it does. It also hates foreigners and knows that they are wrong about everything (because they are foreign). This gives it another reason to believe that external criticism of the US couldn't possibly have any truth to it.

cindy CD/TV

So you believe that the Bible predicted the future in regards to the formation of the state of israel in 1948? You believe God promised the land to the Jews and this fulfills a Biblical Prophecy?

I have neither said nor insinuated anything of the kind. Don't twist my fucking words. Go back and reread what I wrote. I did not bring religion into this. Historical fact: Judea/Palestine is the Jews' ancestral homeland. The world owed them that land, at the very least, for 2,000 fucking years of persecution, murder and explusion from every country they tried to call home. Get it? Here I am repeating my first post. :facepalm: Maybe I should just repeat that post, but with smaller words as so "helpfully" suggested by emcee below. God you guys are so quick to hate your own country. WTF?

Jenkum, since you twisted my words and made ridiculous obtuse conclusion based on them, allow me to return the favor. Ok? So you think we have obviously abused these "poor" "peaceful" "innocent" people. You think we deserved to be attacked on 9/11. You believe that we had it coming. You believe that those 3,000 deaths were just a downpayment on the retribution that the Muslim world is entitled to. You believe they should kidnap Americans and Jews and cut their heads off and post it on Al Jazeera. God is Great!

you could have just typed 'America- FUCK YEAH!'

you would have got the point across with fewer key strokes.

Yeah, so people like Jenkum will be able to understand.

U.S. Intervention in the Middle East
"Why do people in the Middle East hate the United States," people are asking, in the wake of the events of September 11.

This partial chronology of U.S. intervention in the Middle East illustrates the lengths to which the U.S. power structure has gone to gain and maintain U.S. domination of the Middle East

Quoting a timeline out of context and without citing your source is intellectually dishonest. For every point there is indeed a counterpoint. For everything "bad" we have done, we done five things that are good. Posting this "timeline" like you have done is a fucking disgrace to those who have truly studied history and understand the historical method. It would take hours to explain/refute that long, BS list. And I refuse to do so. You either will recognize the truth or you won't. My first post summed up the position as clearly as I possibly can. If you still can't figure it out, then drop out of class.
Historical fact: Judea/Palestine is the Jews' ancestral homeland. The world owed them that land, at the very least, for 2,000 fucking years of persecution.

So, let me get this straight, you think it is up to the "world" to go back 2000 years to right some sort of wrong that you think was done to the Jews?

That is equally absurd as the notion that God promised that land to them.

By that logic we should go back 2000 years and give the USA back to the Native Americans, and every other group who has lost territory during the last 2000 years should get to go back to live where their ancestors were living 2000 years ago, kicking out and killing the current inhabitants of the land.

Why stop at 2000 years? We could go back 3000 years before the tribe of judah ever existed. Judah was just one little tribe out of many tribes that made up the old "Isreal". Should we find the ancestors of all the other tribes of Israel and give them their fair share of the reclaimed land?

The formation of the state of Israel was a crime against humanity, and the subsequent terrorism and crimes against humanity commited in the name of Israel is something indefensible to rational thinking human beings.
I have neither said nor insinuated anything of the kind. Don't twist my fucking words. Go back and reread what I wrote. I did not bring religion into this. Historical fact: Judea/Palestine is the Jews' ancestral homeland. The world owed them that land, at the very least, for 2,000 fucking years of persecution, murder and explusion from every country they tried to call home. Get it? Here I am repeating my first post. :facepalm:
That may have been their ancestral home but like many other people they migrated to other places, Jews have moved to countries across the world and integrated into these societies and many hold prominant postitions so why are they entitled to a land they weren't even born in, if you believe Jews should just be handed back Judea then why not give Britain back to the Celts who are now found in in Ireland and Scotland or America back to the native Indians and move back home to your country of origin? You say they were owed land but what right did European powers have to enforce that on the Palestinians, it was never their land to give away in the first place! I can't go back to the house I lived in 10 years ago and kick out the new inhabitants because the new place 'didn't work out', it's illegal. And Israel is not representative of Jews worldwide, there are many Jews who stuck it out in European countries because they accept that is their home (born and bred) and many other Jews hate the Israeli govt as they are uncompromising extremists, Israel was founded on Terrorism (Irgun) yet this whole thread is about condemning terrorism, can't you see the double standards? If the Irgun didn't seize control and allowed the UN to slowly set up the two nation issue then you would now have both an Israel and Palestine that could have worked but because of the greed of a few extremists we'll never know. If millions of Mexicans suddenly started crossing the border into the US in a short space of time that would cause unrest amongst the local US population too, things need to be done in an steady organised manner respective of all viewpoints. You probably won't be able to watch because of your location but watch The Promise for a good overview of the history of the troubles

cindy CD/TV

I just answered the question.
I used wikipedia entries because the answer is very complicated.
Facts are facts, and if you can dispute anything i said do it.

This is exactly why you SHOULD NOT use "make-up-your-own-history-pedia" because it IS VERY COMPLICATED.

But seriously, 2000 years ago?
So them getting that area back by force was worth it? The UN voted to give it back to them, I believe. You make it sound like an army of Jewish people stormed the beaches and seized the land medievel-style.
100 years of death and misery from mostly non jews? Huh?
And what was wrong with those other places? Because I already told you why. Should I draw you picture as well?
Madagascar is beautiful and 6 times bigger than Palestine, so are many of the other places they could have had without all the death and destruction, not to mention uncountable trillions of dollars.
But I guess it was worth it.
Tell me, why haven't all the Jews moved there by now, considering what was sacrificed to get it and how important it was. Because the region is loaded to the rafters with Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists that have sworn to destory Israel and all Jews. Would you move there?
But i see how you think.
You don't mind people being displaced by force and murdered, depending on who those people are. That's a generalization completely uprooted from all reality. The so-called Palestinians have NO CLAIM to that territory. They are an itinerant people that have been booted out of every other Middle Eastern country they have squatted in over the decades. Then all of sudden, they look at Israel and say that they should be given a country of their own carved out of Israel? About 5 years ago, that goal was in reach and they PULLED BACK. Why? Because they don't want to co-exist with Jews. They want it all to themselves. FACT.
The hypocrisy of that.
Germans wanted jews out of their country like 100+ countries before them and they are "The face of evil". So the Holocaust was OK because other nations persecuted Jews, too?
Jews wanted Arabs out of a country that wasn't even theirs and they are 100% justified. IT IS THE JEWS' COUNTRY. It's the Arabs who want the Jews out and have started several wars with that very intent -- and failed.
And give it up with the 6 million, I'm so sick of that made up number being thrown in my face that if I hear it one more time I'm gonna puke my balls out through my mouth. "Made-up number!? Are you kidding me? Are you denying the Holocaust or minimizing it? OMFG!! This statement leads me to believe your anti-Semetic. Please clarify this or live with that label.
The number is a mathematical impossibility and a lie which was only made up to gain sympathy of Americans and Europeans. Correction, you ARE anti-Semetic, proven with your own words. I pity you. I really do.

Reality is that Jewish leaders defied Hitler knowing full well what would happen and also that The USA and England would spill their blood afterwards.
They threw their own people under the train to get what they wanted. Completely fucking insane. And I suppose aliens built the pyramids.

Why? I answered this in my first post!!!!!!
Why them and not one of all the other groups who were displaced throughout history? Should be goddamn obvious.
And real history, not from some book that we don't even know is true.
I don't think you realize the price that has been and continues to be paid for that little piece of land they just had to have. I do actually. Imagine if Iran develops a nuke, they or some terrorist group will do what Ahmadinejad has vowed to do: Wipe Israel off the map. But I don't suppose that would break your heart at all, after all, those terrible Jews "deserve" it.

I really feel bad for this guy ...
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