Did U.S. foreign policy help contribute to the 9/11 attacks? did we bring it upon ourselves?
^ Good grief, a history lesson from Professor Wikipedia. :nono:
NOTHING justifies 9/11. The United States has done nothing to warrant such a horrific act of murder.
Muslim fanatics committed 9/11 (murdered 3,000 people) because they were religious zealots and bigots. They hate Jews and they hate us for supporting the Jews. It is every bit that simple. Israel is the Jewish ancestral homeland from which they were expelled 2,000 years ago, scattered or sold into slavery all over Europe. After the West stood by and watched as Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews, the VERY LEAST WE COULD DO WAS HELP THE JEW RETURN TO THEIR HOME. Australia, Africa, Albania, Argentina? Seriously? Why not Greenland or Antartica while you're at it. Jews have no ties to any of those places -- especially not Argentina,which was a safe haven for Nazis fleeing capture from the Allies for Christ sake!!
And do you remember former White House correspondent Helen Thomas' (who is Lebanese, BTW) comments about the Jews? She said they should leave, "to go home" to Poland or Germany or wherever. WTF!? Why in God's name would Jew go back to countries were 6 million of them were murdered? The Jews ARE HOME!!!
I'll buy a ticket to Jerusalem for you if you promise to spew that bullshit there.
This cat is more interesting than anything you've posted.
^ Good grief, a history lesson from Professor Wikipedia. :nono:
NOTHING justifies 9/11. The United States had done nothing to warrant such a horrific act of murder. The U.S. spends more blood and more money than any nation on Earth to help solve the rest of the world's problems, the rest of the world owes us debts of gratitude. Yes, the U.S. (CIA) helped the Mujahideen (of which Osama bin Laden was a part long before he becameTerrorist Enemy #1) fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The Soviets invaded Afganistan in 1979 in an act of naked agression for terrorital acquisition, and so we resisted them by fighting a proxy war alongside the Mujahideen. We were helping, or so we thought at the time, the good guys. The Muslims should've loved us. They certainly loved our funding and Stinger SAM missiles. But no. We were the ones whom they believed made it possible for Israel to continue to exist. If the U.S. was out of the way, the Jews could be expelled from Palestine once again.
Muslim fanatics committed 9/11 (murdered 3,000 people) because they were religious zealots and bigots. They hate Jews and they hate us for supporting the Jews. It is every bit that simple. Israel is the Jewish ancestral homeland from which they were expelled 2,000 years ago, scattered or sold into slavery all over Europe. After the West stood by and watched as Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews, the VERY LEAST WE COULD DO WAS HELP THE JEWS RETURN TO THEIR TRUE HOME. Australia, Africa, Albania, Argentina? Seriously? Why not Greenland or Antartica while you're at it. Jews have no ties to any of those places -- especially not Argentina, which was a German ally and fucking safe haven for Nazis fleeing capture from the Allies for Christ sake!!
And do you remember former White House correspondent Helen Thomas' (who is Lebanese, BTW) comments about the Jews? She said they should leave, "to go home" to Poland or Germany or wherever. WTF!? Why in God's name would Jewish people go back to countries were 6 million of them were murdered? The Jews ARE HOME!!!
Obviously it contributed to 9/11.
I take it nobody here goes out at night and makes a habit of picking fights with people, knowing full well that it's in the interests of self preservation not to act like a total cunt if you want to make it home in one piece.
But, you don't have to worry about blowback when you're the government. You get the personal security detail and your kids don't have to do the fighting. All of the fun that comes with shit stirring but none of the responsibility- what a great job.