Much like Ross Perot did, if Ron Paul is true to his values, perhaps the best thing he could do to show the GOP the error of its ways would be to run as a 3rd Party candidate. Now, I think we all know that would pretty much guarantee Obama a victory. But one would hope that a bruising loss to a President, who is more hated by the right wing than any President in recent memory, would "teach" them to change their ways and delusional beliefs.
Money matters in politics. Since the days of Julius Caesar (who climbed to power because of a wealthy benefactor), it always has. And since Mitt Romney has SO much more money than Gingrich (in addition to Gingrich being incredibly flawed), he is going to get the GOP nomination. So if Romney does not represent the core beliefs of the average GOP voter, one would think that they'll have to ask themselves just how the hell he got the nomination???