Ron Paul 2012

It's too bad he's gonna stick to the Republican line in the end. He's a guy I could see actually being able to form a viable third party.

There is no more a truer statement then this. He could actually get a semi libertarian party going. Nothing as liberal as socialism, but not so hardlined like the tea part. A party that makes sense. The few interviews I have watched shows him as a realist. He appears to understand that issues are not simply black and white or republican or democratic. He seems to understand that there are shades of grey when it comes to human lives.
I dont think we will actually ever see a third of fourth party. Big corporations wont allow it. They have it made right now, there are only two parties they have to pay off. Could you imagine how much more it would cost them if there 3,4 or even 5 parties. They couldnt buy everyone off, it would become not economically viable.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's a shame that candidates have to come from such an extreme position. I don't know but I'm from Canada and we've got multiple parties that fit in different areas on the political spectrum. Why does the US have just two major parties when it's clear at this point that a viable party centered somewhere in the middle of the Republicans and Democrats would probably be a good idea.

Those two parties just seem to want to do what they can to screw the other guy over instead of trying to work things out and do what's best for your country. It's like you just said, you don't care for Obama but are pretty much going to be forced to vote for him as he's the lesser of two evils.

There are several good articles on the theory of why bifurcation has taken hold in America (especially within the past 4 or 5 years). Google "bifurcation politics" or "bifurcated politics"... many good pieces will pop up. My own (quasi)theory is that Americans are becoming increasingly simple minded and intellectually lazy. So despite more resources for finding and verifying data than we have EVER had, rather than think for ourselves, it's much easier to just glom onto whatever irrational, factually incorrect positions that are being pushed by "the party", and let someone else do the heavy lifting. Many of us now tend to seek out sources that simply agree with whatever we WANT to believe is true. We ignore or dismiss anything to the contrary (valid or not). And then we fill in the blanks with our made up factoids afterward - just the opposite of how logical thinking should take place. That applies to both parties. Though it appears to apply to one more than the other just now. But that could always change.

IMO, increasingly, we are becoming a nation that rejects or ignores valid, verifiable data and simply reacts to emotions or gut feel... like dumb animals do.
Ron Paul wants to end all the wars immediately and bring all the soldiers back home from all 900 bases in 130 different countries. He said he would use some of the money saved to support social security and medicare. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to completely dismantle the Federal Reserve and return us to the gold standard so that our money has value again. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to end the Patriot Act immediately. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to secure our borders with the soldiers brought back from wars. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to end the drug war and make the states responsible for regulating drugs. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to dismantle the Department of Education and make the states responsible for educating the children in their states. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to get rid of property taxes so that our properties completely belong to us. And...the voters don't want that?

Ron Paul wants to get rid of most of the regulations on business so that businesses will come back to the US. And...the voters don't want that?

Goodness! What DO the voters want? Are they looking for just another shameless liar? If so, Ron Paul is NOT their man. Are they looking for someone who is "in bed" with the mass media, big business, and "the Bilderberg Group"? If So, Ron Paul is NOT their man. Ron Paul doesn't even participate in the government retirement plan.

Ron Paul has spoken the same message for 30 years! He has consistently voted against big government. He wants what I want for us. He wants the Federal Government to stay out of our lives and he wants LIBERTY to pursue a better life. And...the voters don't want that?

Experience. Ron Paul has been in Congress since 1976. This is part of his voting record:

Ron never voted for raising taxes.
Ron never voted for the Patriot Act
Ron never voted to raise the debt ceiling
Ron never voted to go to war in Iraq and all the other places
Ron never voted to use your tax dollars to bail out the banks
Ron has introduced term limit legislation but has been denied by the rest of Congress
Ron does not participate in the congressional pension plan.
Ron returns a portion of his congressional office budget to the Treasury every year
Ron never voted for an unbalanced budget
Ron never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership
Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA
Ron voted against the NDAA
Ron has always wanted to reduce our massive spending by stopping these useless wars.
Ron will get rid of foreign aid
Ron will help audit then gradually abolish the Federal Reserve so we can return to a sound currency
Ron will enforce immigration law and close the border with Mexico
Ron is against the useless war on drugs that jails non violent criminals while the justice system allows murderers, rapists, and child molesters to get out early
Ron is against the income tax
Ron will get rid of the IRS
Ron has never taken a government-paid junket
Ron will reduce regulation so companies come back to the United States and create more jobs
Ron once offered $100 of his own money and told the rest of Congress to do the same to pay for the Congressional Medal of Freedom given to Rosa Parks. No one joined him despite Congressmen earning a base salary of 174K a year.

Ron Paul is the only GOP candidate who has served in the armed forces and is the only one who wants to stop the wars. Romney and the others have never served and are happy to send your sons and daughters to useless wars. This is why the media has ignored Ron Paul.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I know the mainstream media on TV has told the people that the presidential race is between Obama and Romney but Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are still in the race


My Penis Is Dancing!
Yeah, and the Boston Redsox still have a chance at the World Series this year.
A Paul ticket not part of the Republican party would be a gift to Obama. Paul and Romney would simply split votes already going their way.
Yeah, and the Boston Redsox still have a chance at the World Series this year.
A Paul ticket not part of the Republican party would be a gift to Obama. Paul and Romney would simply split votes already going their way.

actually if the mainstream presstitute media gave all the candidates equal coverage (since it seems that the majority of Americans still believe whatever the TV tells them) then there would be a close battle between Paul, Obama and Johnson, Willard would be an afterthought


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The Most Corrupt Members of Congress

Ron Paul made Honorable Mention. lol

lol yeah that was some good stretching to dig up dirt on Paul, now if you really wanna impress me, post Obama's list of integrity flaws, though You Might need a few hundred pages to list them all