here are some facts:
the United States of America was founded in order to avoid religious intolerance and freedom of and from religion was written into the Constitution for that reason. in the times that our country was founded the church was the government in those times so a country separated from the church was something bold and new. that was the very reason that the separation of church and state was written into US law.
a) "In God We Trust" was printed on the money in the 1950's. This motto is unconstitutional (government shall not promote any religion) but it doesn't offend me. It's just another example of the constitution being ignored in favor of religion.
b) Although it shouldn't be anybody's business, politicians' religious beliefs are put in the spot light. For example, many claimed Obama is a Muslim and didn't want to vote for him because of that. Romney is a Mormon. The Australian PM is an atheist.
c) People like 4 of the last republican candidates for president are trying to throw out science and teach religion in our public schools. Religion has no place in these schools to brainwash our children. School is for learning and evolution is fact, not creationism or ID. If you want your children brainwashed to believe then send them to private school.
d) During holidays, there are posted signs of "keep Christ in Christmas" on public/government property. Besides being inaccurate, this again is against the constitution but doesn't offend me. I don't mind people celebrating christmas as long as the government isn't being used to do so.
e) Politicians and others are using their religion as basis for laws such as gay marriage and abortion. No religion should be forced on everybody (freedom of religion).
There are also countless laws passed on local levels forbidding certain things on Sundays. How about entire counties in states like Kentucky and North Carolina and Georgia and West Virginia where alcohol is illegal?? that affects over 4 million people if you combined all those counties in the US that are "dry"!!!
f)when it comes to placing your hand on the Bible to swear into a U.S. court, it's a violation of the constitution
you say I have only an issue with christianity well The Muslim holy book, the Quran, says that non-Muslims are “the most vile of created beings” (Q 98:6)
I forgot to mention when asked how religion has affected me today! If I want to give a blow job have anal sex in Texas I could go to jail for doing so! it's illegal even a husband and wife!!!!!!!!!!!
and let's not leave out Sharia law. with a growing muslim population in the US especially in states like michigan the issues with sharia laws are becoming more and more common.
In a 2011 report, Center for Security Policy found 50 “significant” published appellate court cases where sharia law entered the court’s decision making. “Some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections." While later overturned, a New Jersey judge exonerated a Muslim man of raping his wife because sharia allowed him to do so. (The ruling was later overturned.)