So, I visited my own profile today which I haven't done in a long time for nostalgia’s sake and partly just for the heck of it. You know that part where it list the last 30 visitors to it? I had people on there that have either quit coming here or were banned years ago. (sigh)
Have any of you ever had a bunch of friends, and then at some point they all moved away or something happened to them leaving you by yourself wondering what happened? I feel like that. I feel like I have lost all my friends and allies on here (And for all practical purposes I have. Some of them were pretty good people. It's even worse as I don't have many in real life. ) It's a very lonely crappy feeling. It's not fun at all.
It also makes a lot of things I do on here feel like an uphill battle. After not engaging in a lot of discussions on here for some time I have made an effort to at least try to more. It's just that I'm also not willing to back away from writing what I think is correct or what I know to be the right thing to do. Once quite some time ago I would have many people on here give me backup on the thread or vice versa. I would more often than not often have the whole community here supporting me or at least my positions, and I would support them after I saw them writing something in response to people here. It was a friendlier more caring place where more people stuck together to fend off the rabble that will always come on Internet messageboards, especially as this place got bigger and more well known. There were even people of different viewpoints than I that were nice people or at least articulate about what they were saying. We treated each other better, we sure as hell treated and defended the OCSMs and the women in the industry better, and we treated others outside the industry better. We were also an actual community.
Now, I go back and read things I write recently, and it seems everybody is apathetic, unwilling to support people with my positions even if they might agree, or is actively a jerk or working against what I write and think. I have to be honest sometimes I think it seems like it appears I've become the guy that just bitches because of it, and I hate that. It gives me the appearance of being more hostile by comparison, even to the jerks in here. I don't like having to complain or worse yet bitch out somebody even when they deserve it. I don't want to be that guy. I really don't. I hate it, but I feel it's sometimes something that has to be done, and increasingly I'm one of the few people that's willing to do it.
It seems like I'm often the "bad guy" for doing the right thing. It's starting to make me wonder. Have I really become the bad guy? Am I the one that's wrong? Have I become the problem and I'm just not able to see it? Have I become somebody that just cares too much? I hope not.
Looking at what this thread once was is sort of a metaphor for all the people that have left. I guess the silver lining in it is that it did give me a place to vent this where it wouldn’t bother that many people.