Random Statement Thread II

I try very hard never to have a bowel movement while at work. It makes me very uncomfortable. However, sometimes the decision is taken out of one's hands and we must do what is necessary. Today was such a day. It's a surreal experience to be voiding human waste while listening to two strangers at the urinals talk about a vacation one of them is taking to the beach while separated by nothing more than a stall door.
**** This is the entire post. Damn board rules. Ignore the first post*******

I try very hard never to have a bowel movement while at work. It makes me very uncomfortable. However, sometimes the decision is taken out of one's hands and we must do what is necessary. Today was such a day. It's a surreal experience to be expelling feces while listening to two strangers at the urinals talk about a vacation one of them is taking to the beach while separated by nothing more than a stall door.

It was while overhearing this conversation that the individual going to the beach mentioned that his daughter is a teenager and I couldn't stop myself from wondering if she was hot. I contemplated her young female body while I filled the bathroom with the smell of human waste. It then occurred to me that his daughter is almost certainly underage and I was thinking of doing the things I was thinking of doing with her. Then again, she could be 18 and still be a teenager. On the other hand, if she was 18 why would she still be going on vacation with her parents? If she were 18, she could instead go on vacations with me. Except that she and I have never met and she likely would not willingly associate with the sort of person who could produce the kind of smells that her father was smelling at that time and not mentioning it out of saintly politeness. It probably wouldn't work out. It probably wouldn't work out with that guys outrageously hot teenage daughter or even with that obese woman with the unsightly goiter on her neck who works in the small office not far from the elevators. It won't work out with any woman because I'm a cynical, embittered, misanthropic drunk with a pedestrian mob whose action figure collection is "creepy". It was at this moment that the weight of existence overcame me and I broke down in tears because I will always be alone.

I hate shitting at work.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I beg to differ. (I hope I spelled that right)

The best times to take a shit is at work, when you get payed for it.

Of course, oftentimes, at work, there won't be the comfortable 4-layer paper tissue I want to close my visit with, so there were times, where I brought my own. I don't like some of the brutal paper some companies provide, just to save some cents
I do not think I have written an unhinged rant or a venomous screed. I feel like I have missed out in life.
Hello Bonezster!
Depression. Sometimes it randomly hits me and last maybe day or two or sucker punches me and lasts a week or two.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I had much worse phases with depression in my life, but I began to handle it better, when I quit getting drunk every damn day.

I still get those moody days, like you describe them, but it is almost nothing compared to the days back then.

And I know how to get out of the Blue Zone faster, making fried noodles with bacon and onions, drinking cold, fresh fruit juice, etc.
Cooking is definitely a therapy session for me. Especially if I am cooking for another.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Yes! These days, I m baking cookies for the family. None of the others has the time, energy or/and the passion for it, and they love my cookies :)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I have done this:

Get out of your place more. BVest do some physical work, if possible, work with animals. I basically had a little farm under my wing, a dozen hens, two roosters, two geese (Later, we added 45 little geese we raised there), and two ducks - and, my favorite ones, two goats (Mom, and daughter).

Every day, I picked up the eggs the chiocken laid, and let the animals out of their shacks, fed them, and cleared out one or two of the shacks.

Another major factor was: I completely stopped drinking alcohol.

It also helped that I began making music again, that is such a great way to cope with everything that you have to deal with


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It was in a small town here in northern Germany, in a thrapeutic facility. You could check in, if you are an alcoholic, or you could move to the town and offer to work there free-lance, and old guy from the neighbourhood does the same in the garden there.