Random Statement Thread II

Jon S.

It's even more strange when it's considered that tomatoes are technically a fruit in a scientific sense.

Yeah, I know.....that's what the REALLY strange part about it was.....and that is without debating the sense (from a nutritional standpoint) of saying that it's acceptable for kids to get a "vegetable" serving by eating ketchup in the 1st place (which, as we've already established....a tomato is a fruit to begin with....but even if it had been a vegetable....kids getting a serving of something through a condiment!?!?!? Ha ha ha! Just sayin'!)
I have 949 posts in this here thread!
I have 894 including this post. It looks like I'm slacking.

Although I probably have a lot more in the first Random Statement Thread.

Jon S.

This will probably sound stupid, but how do you see how many posts you have actually made to a particular thread? Also, can you actually see how many posts someone else has made to a thread too?
(He hasn't posted in a long time and I still haven't caught up to Dr.Death in the Member Above Me thread. :1orglaugh)

Click on the number in the replies column when you are looking at the thread list/index/whatever

Also, if you just want to check your own post count in a thread hold the cursor over the envelope by the thread title in the section it's in.
Hey everyone. I am likely not to be around as much for I have no idea how long yesterday my husband decided to leave me and the girls. I have to find some kind of a 'normal' job to make ends meet. For the time being and get a lawyer I guess and well a ton of shit. I'll try and get on to keep you boys updated and I plan to hang out a bit now but I'm not even sure how much longer I'll have internet or power as for now he is still paying the bills but I know that can change on the a dime.

I hope you boys are doing well.
I was venting a bit and saying why I'll be away at the same time.

I guess I am a single chick now. This is going to take some getting use to 15 years together and it all seems to have ended so he tells me.

I wish I could come up with something better to say, but the smilies above pretty much express my thoughts on your situation Alisa.

Sometimes relationships go sour, but I hate thinking he would just leave you let alone his children out to dry.
For the moment he hasn't cancelled like the net or anything and he said when he left he would pay the morgage but I have no clue how long that will last he seems pretty pissed off. :(