Random Statement Thread II

Jon S.

Here is a question for everyone:

For the evening meal.....which term do you prefer? Supper or dinner? I have my preference, but I'll save that for later as to not influence anyone.

Jon S.

Guys, if you haven't already noticed (I mean, how could you not have noticed by now), our very own Nikki Nova's site is now a MEGASITE...and like all things Nikki Nova, it KICKS ASS!!!!!!! So, if you're not a member already, what better time than the present! Just sayin' :cool: As if being able to get your daily Nikki fix isn't enough of a reason to join(I mean come on, what else could you possibly need?), you now also get access to 13 additional MAJOR sites (14 total), all for the same price! How cool is that? Like I said....it KICKS ASS!!!! :cool: So what are you waiting for, check it out and see for yourselves! www.nikkinova.com

Like I already said, if you are not already a member...what are you waiting for? As if Nikki herself alone isn't reason enough to join (and anyone with any taste knows it is), all of the extra content you now have access to is just the icing on the cake!!!!! All told, you get 3-6 updates EVERY SINGLE DAY with all of the added MAJOR sites you have access to now!!!!!! Can't beat that with a stick guys!!!!!! Don't just take my word for it....check it out for yourself: www.nikkinova.com and you'll see that it DEFINITELY KICKS ASS!!!!! Just one look, and you'll be a member for life!

Here's a little sample to give you your daily Nikki fix (plus a popsicle for bbbwlover's hunger)!!!!!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Just stopping by to say hello.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And I'm off to the mission again.