Random Statement Thread II

I can no longer remember when I last got a full eight continuous hours of sleep. Between having to wake up in the middle of the night to put wood in the wood stove and driving my brother to work in the middle of the night because he doesn't have a car right now I never get a chance to stay asleep. I will probably have to wait until spring.
i just cracked my neck and my nose started running...i think it's spinal fluid

I've cracked my neck before and had painful tingly sensations run down my arm towards the side I cracked my neck. It's kind of worrisome, but it might be the best neck cracks I have ever done also. :1orglaugh
my playstation 2 is starting to fuck up...i think i shall get another one...i like to stay a system behind for monetary reasons...i like being able to buy games for $5 instead of $50...i like being able to buy games on a whim not needing to think which game i want for the month...i also like being able to buy a new system for 40-50 bucks
Tonight will be fun its my cousins 19th Dbay should be very interesting night :) He doesn't want to go to a strip club though:( I wonder if its because its me that was going to take him lol


Postal Paranoiac
I finally jumped into the 21st century and hooked up a Blue-Ray to my HDTV. I'm glad they're backward compatible, by cracky! :clap: