Random Statement Thread II

drinking is really kind of a disappointment only every once in a while do you get that perfect feel good drunk...mind you it's usually enjoyable but the perfect level of drunk is rare


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Care to elaborate on the perfect drunk thing?
hmmm it's hard to explain...i think it's gotta do with your frame of mind when you drink a particular time...your mental/emotional state affects the effect alcohol has upon you so every once in a while you're in the perfect state of mind and drink just the right amount and achieve a lovely drunken state
I found it totally useless and worst of all not even correct on many accounts. One we started it in gr 4 so by gr 8 the reteaching they did basically ever year got totally ignored. Then in high school we spend half a semester on the subject with a teacher that was afraid of the topic so basically had us read from text books that were 30 years old and that I would later on learn when I was pregnant were not only out of date but actually wrong about many things. The worst part they still haven't upgraded the books so they are still teaching children from them and totally giving them misinformation. Though they do teach more about the diseases and that condom = good to prevent them unlike when I was taking it it was all about no sex or you will die.

Had a bad day today.:(


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I barely learned anything in school, especially english.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Thank Metal Gear Solid for that


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
For some it does.
Yes but they are the same people that would watch normal tv and have the same thing happen so they don't count.

The storm is finally here!!!!!!