Do it on my behalf Poggy, dear. I'm always too tired and dd is always too lazy. 
I can't as I've explained to Fox before. With me managing the thread and the member who has to make certain rule enforcements and such at times I like to not show any favour towards any members and then I can treat them all on the same level. Like the one above on the post that was nominated out of the date range and thats not the first time I've had to do that. When I did it with one of Gordar's it was only hours the wrong side and still couldn't allow it.
This is also the reason I don't vote. But if I do see a good post I usually rep the member if able. Leaving the comment that it was a good post or sometimes PM them.
As I keep saying the post you nominate can be from anywhere on the board. Also it can even be a link, you might not think it will win. But if you tell people why you think it was such a good post then you never know. Example someone posts just as a example here, a link to pictures of Lucy doing a full frontal nude. Then explain that it most likely the only ever time you'll see it or the first time she's done one. Then people might think yes that was a great post to find that and vote for it. No one says it has to be only from the talk section and a comment sway peoples opinions at times.
I will be closing this in about 10 hours, so if no one nominates any more post, BNF's will win it on it been the only one nominated.