Post of the Week (POTW) - 2006

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Thanks fellas! :hatsoff:
An old mannerism which hasn't deserted me - I use "guys" and "fellas" when I reference a group of people - be they of the same sex or mixed. It gets me in hot water at work sometimes - since most of my co-workers are female.

Sorry if I hurt yer feelings Lady, I certainly wasn't glossing over your vote :wave:


It's good to be the king...
belated (and having read the post, well-deserved) congrats roughneck....:glugglug:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yes belated congrats roughneck!
Something missing here, what is it ?


Oh yeah...Nominations people!

We need some nominations to vote on!
I will keep this open for about 18 hours to get some nominations in. This is due to the board being down for about a day.

So get the nominations in!
Nominating is closed, Voting is open!

1. Have u guys ever smoked weed then jacked off?...AFA
2. L.A. Police done it again and caught on tape !...Seraphim
3. On Hamas and Fateh's Response to the Recent Atrocities in Gaza...Baal
4. Inexpensive Gifts for women...Iamforever

Good luck to nominated!
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