Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

The two US presidents with the highest rate approvals post WWII were Reagan and Clinton.

Source for this?

I saw this a year ago on wiki, do search with the name of clinton and reagan in wiki and it will say you the same as I wrote

Actually, based on Gallup polls for each president since 1937, the two president's who's average approval rating's have been the highest were JFK and Eisenhower at 70 and 65%

Reagan and Clinton scored 53 and 55, respectively.

Hard to imagine, but the highest approval rating for any president at any time during that period was 90% for George W. Bush, 10 days after the attack on the twin towers. That didn't last long, however, and by the end of his second term his approval rating had taken a nosedive, all the way down to 25%.
Dubya also holds the record for highest disapproval rating, 71% ....in October 2008.

Interestingly, his father's numbers were similar, with an early high of 89 and a say goodbye of 29.

Truman, who was discussed earlier, shared a similar fate, dropping precipitously from 87 to 22 (22% being the lowest approval rating for any president at any time during that period).

Johan said:
When Georges W Bush was in office, it was said he was the worst president ever, now that Barrack Obama is in office, he's said to be the worst. I guess when the next president will be in office he -or she- will be said to be the worst..
The two US presidents with the highest rate approvals post WWII were Reagan and Clinton.
Because they were in office at a time when the economy was good so everyone praise them for that Since 2008, the economy is bas so everyone blames Obama for that.

G. W. Bush was in office at a time when the economy was quite good but nobody praises hims for that, nobody thinks his policy is what makes the economy go pretty well. And everyone remembers he sent thousands of US boys to die for a war for wisch he and his administration lied about the causes, a war that was supposed to free iraqi people and make them happier than when Saddam was ruling the country but that only make things worse, even to the point were iraq is about to fall in the hands of ISIL and become some kind of "Jihadistan".
That is how Bush was a terrible president, at least the worst since Nixon

[QUOTE="Jagger69]Present-day congressional leaders like Reid, Boehner, McConnell and Pelosi are supposed to find ways to get things done.[/QUOTE]
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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And as for Ace Boobtoucher taking exception to pretty much everything Obama has done in office, I still appreciate the glaring lack of specifics, of course I don't really expect any coherent response, it would merely be something parroted from some far right media outlet, and as I've already covered, their opinions don't mean shit.

Why specify when EVERYTHING he touches magically turns to crap like the least desirable version of King Midas. Economics? Crap. Leadership? Crap. Foreign policy? Crap. Law enforcement? Crap. Transparency? Crap. Juridical powers? Crap. Upholding and adhering to the Constitution? Crap.
Why specify when EVERYTHING he touches magically turns to crap like the least desirable version of King Midas. Economics? Crap. Leadership? Crap. Foreign policy? Crap. Law enforcement? Crap. Transparency? Crap. Juridical powers? Crap. Upholding and adhering to the Constitution? Crap.
Actually, economy had turned to crap about 3 monthes before he took office.

And foreign policy had turned to crap on March 20th, 2003. In fact, it had turn to piss On February 5th, when Collin Powell presented a viol of an unditified content looking like urine as proof that Saddam Hussein had WMD. 11 years after these WMD that are still to be found...

If there is one thing that turned into crap since Obama took office, it's your brain. Assuming that you have a brain, what remains to prove...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Why specify when EVERYTHING he touches magically turns to crap like the least desirable version of King Midas. Economics? Crap. Leadership? Crap. Foreign policy? Crap. Law enforcement? Crap. Transparency? Crap. Juridical powers? Crap. Upholding and adhering to the Constitution? Crap.

Crap, wherever you get the disinformation you base your opinions on, that's crap.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

The Worst President Since World War II? Uh, Guess Again

When George W. Bush was inaugurated president of the United States on January 20, 2001, the unemployment rate stood at 2.4 percent. By the time Dubya completed his second term in office on January 19, 2009, the unemployment rate had risen to 7 percent. When Dubya took office in 2001, he was left with a budget surplus of $127.3 billion. When he completed his second term, he left a budget deficit of $1.4 trillion. The US national debt was $5.7 trillion on January 19, 2001. After eight years of Dubya, the debt was $10.6 trillion.

The US was at peace on January 20, 2001. After eight years of Dubya, the US was involved in two overseas wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that had cost US taxpayers nearly $1 trillion. The bigger of the two -- Iraq -- was launched based on mistaken, manipulated, or concocted information (or some combination of the three), and had resulted in the deaths of approximately 4,200 US military personnel and somewhere between 100,000 to 500,000 Iraqi civilians.

America's image abroad took a serious plunge under Dubya, primarily because of Iraq. International surveys of tens of thousands of people taken by the Pew Research Center's Pew Global Attitudes Project during those years consistently found extremely low opinions of Dubya and the US due to the war in Iraq, particularly among Muslims. The revelations of atrocities committed by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison and abuses by contracted security firms like Blackwater certainly didn't help. Oh, and the little matter of holding prisoners at Guantanamo and... more torture.

Both wars were carried out in retaliation for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The attacks, which took place during Dubya's first year, resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and at least $10 billion in material damage.

A muscular foreign policy? Well, yeah... if you consider taking on third-rate powers like Iraq and Afghanistan "muscular." Dubya couldn't do much against Russia when it invaded Georgia in 2008, nor against Iran's nuclear program. Also impotent to prevent the military rise of China. Some things just can't be helped -- not even if you're a superpower.

The stock market? When Dubya took office in 2001, the Dow Jones stood at $10,587.59, the S&P 500 at $1,342.54, the NASDAQ at $2,770.38. Eight years later, the Dow was at $7,949.09, the S&P at $805.22, and the NASDAQ at $1,440.86. Those represented drops of 25 percent, 40 percent, and 48 percent, respectively.

The Great Recession in the US, which occurred during Dubya's seventh and eighth years (2007-2008) in office, triggered a worldwide financial crisis -- the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and resulted in the collapse of numerous large financial firms in the US and around the world. It threatened the very viability of the international financial system.

During Dubya's seventh and eighth years, Americans lost a total of $16.4 trillion in household wealth. In 2008 alone -- Dubya's last year -- more than 1 million Americans lost their homes, and the foreclosure process had begun on another 2 million Americans.

Healthcare costs? Under the Dubya years, health insurance premiums doubled. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average cost of employer-sponsored premiums for a family of four was $6,000 per year in January 2001. Eight years later, the average cost had risen to $12,680. It's no wonder that the number of Americans with healthcare insurance dropped by 7.9 million under Dubya. Some 13.7 percent of Americans were uninsured in January 2001. Eight years later, the figure had risen to 15.4 percent.

Oh, Americans have such short memories -- made only worse by how pathetically poorly many choose to be informed. This is perhaps best reflected in the immensely entertaining poll recently taken by Quinnipiac University on June 24-30. The poll surveyed 1,446 people and asked them to rate US presidents since World War II. The result? Barack Obama was found to be the worst president since WWII. Right.

It brings to mind a gag quote I found online a couple of years ago. It was accompanied by a photo of Dubya. Went like this: "I screwed you all. But thanks for blaming it on the black guy."

Bill Clinton perhaps put it best when he described the Republican Party's position toward Obama: "We left him a total mess. He hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in."

Sounds about right.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
LBJ chose not to seek reelection because he was so despised by his own base.

100% correct. Vietnam literally ate him alive and he simply could not have won reelection with a strong republican nominee in the offing (at that time, Nixon was by no means a shoo-in to gain the GOP nod but Reagan, Rockefeller and others could have been just as formidable) and it was widely rumored that RFK was planning a run to unseat him since Eugene McCarthy had polled so well in the '68 New Hampshire primary. A sitting POTUS had never failed to receive his party's nomination for reelection and LBJ wasn't about to become the first so, instead of enduring that ordeal, he simply withdrew from the race. An enigmatic man who was at war with himself, Johnson cuts a fascinating profile. The lasting legacy of his Vietnam policies drove him to drink serious amounts of Cutty Sark in his later years and, already suffering from heart problems, unquestionably led to his early demise.
100% correct. Vietnam literally ate him alive and he simply could not have won reelection with a strong republican nominee in the offing (at that time, Nixon was by no means a shoo-in to gain the GOP nod but Reagan, Rockefeller and others could have been just as formidable) and it was widely rumored that RFK was planning a run to unseat him since Eugene McCarthy had polled so well in the '68 New Hampshire primary. A sitting POTUS had never failed to receive his party's nomination for reelection and LBJ wasn't about to become the first so, instead of enduring that ordeal, he simply withdrew from the race. An enigmatic man who was at war with himself, Johnson cuts a fascinating profile. The lasting legacy of his Vietnam policies drove him to drink serious amounts of Cutty Sark in his later years and, already suffering from heart problems, unquestionably led to his early demise.

I'm not sure where that pairing of Reagan and Clinton pairing as the most popular presidents originated from, but I've heard it quite a few times. Interesting to see it's not true.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

You must have a list of all the things you got butthurt over that liberals attacked about Bush and have made it your mission to make the same attacks against Obama whether there's any truth to them or not. That image doesn't even make sense, it could be really clever camouflage, not your best effort :/.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


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Where to start:
The great Ronnie myth astounds me the guy was a stammering Alzheimer's patient for most of his time in office. He was a national dept machine and gets a great deal more credit for the Berlin Wall coming down than he deserves, see Gorbachev.

As for the divide and conquer quote that seem a direct example of what the Tea/Republican party's agenda has been since Obama took office.

Don't know who Dr Carson is but I suspect an agenda of some sort on that one.

All I know is I lived through Ronnie and his band of cronies were damn near as corrupt a bunch as W put together and it astounds me that he is held up as this 'Great man' when it's so very obvious he was not.
The GOP should still carry a badge of shame for putting W in office for 8 years the guy was never qualified to run a Taco Bell let alone the free world.
History will prove that The right did nothing but obstruct and hold back anything that would help this country during the Obama administration and my hope is that future generations are smart enough to learn the lessons of stupidity of their short sightedness.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
^ The disinformation propaganda is strong with these two.

I hardly know where to begin with zeab's nonsense but I'll try. There were allegations of alzheimer's during the Reagan era, of course, by those who were attempting to defame him. Namely, his overlooked precious snowflake, Ron. Trying to call the Bush, Jr. administration more corrupt than the Clinton's or the Dear Leader's is laughable. Dr. Ben Carson isn't too difficult to find and his agenda is to regain exceptionalism as a country; to stress self reliance and adherence to the Constitution.

Here's why progressives and accolytes of Dear Leader have it in for him:

Carson was the keynote speaker at the February 7, 2013, National Prayer Breakfast. During his speech, Carson commented on several social and fiscal issues including political correctness, education, the national debt, health care, and taxation. On political correctness, Carson remarked: “PC is dangerous, because you see, this country, one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. And it [PC] muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them.” On education, he compared current graduation rates with those 200 years ago: “In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to our country ... anybody finishing the second grade was completely literate.” About healthcare: “Here’s my solution. When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account, to which money can be contributed, pretax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members.” Carson spoke favorably of the flat tax system, which he prefers to call the Proportional Tax based on the biblical principle of the tithe.

The speech was magnified because Carson’s views were generally interpreted to be politically conservative, and President Barack Obama was sitting 10 feet away.

Carson has said he is not a member of any political party. “If I were part of one, it would be called the Logic party, and it would be dedicated to commonsense approaches we all should be able to see.”[19] In his book America the Beautiful, Carson explained why he decided to get involved in politics: “I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena and help guide our country.”[20] He also said, “we [physicians] should be concerned not only about the health of individual patients, but also about the health of our entire society.”[21] Despite largely expressing conservative viewpoints, Carson has also expressed some views at odds with most conservatives, such as supporting banning automatic weapons in large cities. He has also stated, “There’s a reason for the Second Amendment; people do have the right to have weapons.”

Ben was 8 and Curtis, Ben's brother, was 10 when Sonya was left to raise the children on her own. The family was very poor, and to make ends meet Sonya sometimes took on two or three jobs at a time in order to provide for her boys. Most of the jobs she had were as a domestic servant. There were occasions when her boys wouldn't see her for days at a time, because she would go to work at 5:00 a.m. and come home around 11:00 p.m., going from one job to the next.

Carson's mother was frugal with the family's finances, cleaning and patching clothes from the Goodwill in order to dress the boys. The family would also go to local farmers and offer to pick corn or other vegetables in exchange for a portion of the yield. She would then can the produce for the kids' meals. Her actions, and the way she managed the family, proved to be a tremendous influence on Ben and Curtis.

After Ben graduated with honors from high school, he knew he wanted to pursue a medical career. But because his mother was not financially well off, Carson had to work through most of his time in college. The automobile industry was facing a downturn in Detroit during the 1970s, making it tough to get a summer job.

But Carson was determined to achieve his goals. He knocked on doors looking for summer work and usually, through persistence, was able to obtain one. From this work, and a scholarship, he attended Yale University and earned a B.A. degree in psychology.

I didn't see anything about Pell grants, food stamps or affirmative action anywhere in his biography and any of the searches I've done.


Writing in National Review, Jonah Goldberg compared Carson to legendary African American leader Booker T. Washington. Meanwhile, in The Atlantic, David Graham compared Carson to Herman Cain without the "personal skeletons."


Ben Carson does write in his autobiography that his mother took food stamps and he did benefit from government assistance.

I don't oppose there being a safety net for those in need but Ben Carson's mother seems to be the exception to the rule. There are far too many who are not necessarily "proud" to be on government assistance but are content to remain on it. I've seen this firsthand with personal acquaintances - no job and not looking for one, 4 kids and one on the way, a car in the garage, a big screen tv, plenty of food in the fridge, enough money to go out and drink and smoke weed (why I was an acquaintance) on a regular basis.
The right did nothing but obstruct and hold back anything that would help this country during the Obama administration and my hope is that future generations are smart enough to learn the lessons of stupidity of their short sightedness.

The right was powerless to obstruct anything in Obama's first two years of office and we got the Affordable Care Act. We'll see what lessons will be learned from that one.
I don't have high hopes.

President Obama himself has done more to change his own law than the republicans have.
The right was powerless to obstruct anything in Obama's first two years of office and we got the Affordable Care Act. We'll see what lessons will be learned from that one.
I don't have high hopes.

President Obama himself has done more to change his own law than the republicans have.

How dare he make tweaks to improve the implementation of a new law, who does he think he is, a politician???
Um, the affordable care act is a raging success, and will continue to be. Don't you people ever get sick of being wrong about everything?
^ The disinformation propaganda is strong with these two.

I hardly know where to begin with zeab's nonsense but I'll try. There were allegations of alzheimer's during the Reagan era, of course, by those who were attempting to defame him. Namely, his overlooked precious snowflake, Ron. Trying to call the Bush, Jr. administration more corrupt than the Clinton's or the Dear Leader's is laughable. Dr. Ben Carson isn't too difficult to find and his agenda is to regain exceptionalism as a country; to stress self reliance and adherence to the Constitution.

Here's why progressives and accolytes of Dear Leader have it in for him:

Carson was the keynote speaker at the February 7, 2013, National Prayer Breakfast. During his speech, Carson commented on several social and fiscal issues including political correctness, education, the national debt, health care, and taxation. On political correctness, Carson remarked: “PC is dangerous, because you see, this country, one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. And it [PC] muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them.” On education, he compared current graduation rates with those 200 years ago: “In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville came to our country ... anybody finishing the second grade was completely literate.” About healthcare: “Here’s my solution. When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account, to which money can be contributed, pretax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members.” Carson spoke favorably of the flat tax system, which he prefers to call the Proportional Tax based on the biblical principle of the tithe.

The speech was magnified because Carson’s views were generally interpreted to be politically conservative, and President Barack Obama was sitting 10 feet away.

I didn't see anything about Pell grants, food stamps or affirmative action anywhere in his biography and any of the searches I've done.


Writing in National Review, Jonah Goldberg compared Carson to legendary African American leader Booker T. Washington. Meanwhile, in The Atlantic, David Graham compared Carson to Herman Cain without the "personal skeletons."


Once again you just sound like an angry person and lack anything factual or sensible.
Not long after Ronnie's 2nd term ended he suddenly suffered from Alzheimer's when it was plain to see all through his second term he was having great difficulty articulating.
Beat your pulpit with everything you've got but the facts are 99% of the things the right scream about Obama are either made up bullshit or outright lies and/or the 1% blown soooo far out of proportion as to be laughable.
You say he is absentee in his duties yet you supported W who took more vacation days than any president in history during such miniscule events as 9/11, the drowning of New Orleans, the Afghan/Iraq wars, or the fiscal crash 0f 2008???
A selective memory and the rights carefully arranged smear campaign do not make you right.
Find videos of any whack job or low morale piece of crap you want, hello Mrs. Palin, in the end you just make my argument for me.
How dare he make tweaks to improve the implementation of a new law, who does he think he is, a politician???
Um, the affordable care act is a raging success, and will continue to be. Don't you people ever get sick of being wrong about everything?

It's been a win for some and a loss for others. And half of the law hasn't even been implemented yet, it's been delayed twice by the administration. Wait til the employer mandate kicks in and what effect that has on the job market and see what rate hikes occur in 2015.

It will take years once the law is fully implemented and settles in to judge whether this is a raging success or not.