Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Well, he must have just been an awful "Senior Lecturer on leave," because I don't think he quite understands co-equal branches of govt., checks and balances nor the limitations of executive authority outlined in the constitution.

I assume you are referring to the recent challenge by John Boehner to "sue" the POTUS for exceeding his authority to issue executive orders. What an idiotic waste of time and resources. It's just another partisan ploy to push the divide between right and left even further. Sorry Johnny but you are as full of shit as Boehner and the entire republican leadership. Illustrate for all of us if you would just exactly how he is exceeding the limitations of executive authority....I'd like to hear the details. In the interim, here's the truth:

“Executive monarchy,” “imperial precedents” and “aggressive unilateralism”—these are just a few of the terms being bandied about since House Speaker John Boehner announced two days ago a grand plan to sue President Barack Obama over his “king-like authority at the expense of the American people and their elected legislators.”

Calling Obama’s “selective” use of presidential powers “dangerous,” Boehner urged House members to join him in challenging the president in a memo issued Wednesday. “If the current president can selectively enforce, change or create laws as he chooses with impunity, without the involvement of the legislative branch, his successors will be able to do the same,” Boehner said. “This shifts the balance of power decisively and dangerously in favor of the presidency, giving the president king-like authority at the expense of the American people and their elected legislators.”

There’s just one problem. Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any other president since Franklin Roosevelt, according to Gerhard Peters, co-founder of the American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Peters and his co-founder, John Woolley, are among the nation’s leading authorities on the use of presidential executive power, going back to George Washington. “In the modern era that most presidential scholars believe began with Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, Obama has issued the least number of executive orders per year,” Peters tells Newsweek, after updating and crunching out the numbers.

In fact, Obama’s yearly average of 33.58 executive orders is lower than any president in 130 years, going back to Chester Arthur, who averaged 27.7 executive orders a year. (Peters prefers using an average-per-year metric, as the length of presidential terms can greatly vary.)

By comparison, George W. Bush clocked in at 36.38 and Clinton at 45.5. Reagan topped 47 and Carter hit 80, but no president has broken above 100 since Truman, who surpassed 116 and flexed his authoritative muscles to desegregate the Armed Forces with an executive order in 1948, notes Peters, “a much more controversial use of executive orders than anything Obama has so far done.”

As of June 20, Obama had issued 182 executive orders, covering everything from financial sanctions on Ukraine and Russia to equal pay for men and women. In the coming weeks, he will sign an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from discriminating against people based on their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Obama has not spoken specifically about his record regarding executive orders—traditionally a way for presidents to use constitutional powers to legislate, imposing anything from legally binding new rules to simple suggestions and recommendations. But he did dismiss the suit as a “stunt.” Referring to Boehner in an interview Thursday with ABC News, Obama said, “You notice he didn’t specifically say what exactly he was objecting to.” Later, referencing members of Congress, he added, “I’m not going to apologize for trying to do something while they’re doing nothing.”

All of which is not to say presidential overreach is not a real issue. A unanimous decision handed down by the Supreme Court on Thursday—a day after Boehner’s lawsuit announcement—found that the president unlawfully made recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board in 2012. “It has no relation to the president’s use of executive orders, but it’s germane to the wider debate about whether Obama is overreaching his executive powers,” Peters tells Newsweek.

While Peters does not believe the quality or quantity of Obama’s executive orders raises any red flags from a historical standpoint, Jonathan Turley, a professor of public interest law at George Washington University, believes a shift toward greater executive power began before Obama and represents a concerning trend. “Even though I voted for President Obama and agree with many of his policies, in my view there is a serious problem here,” he told Newsweek. “We’ve been seeing a shift in our system that certainly didn’t start with the president, but the rise of this new type of über-president is destabilizing to our system.”

Boehner plans to bring up a proposal in July to authorize the House to use the taxpayer-funded Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group to file suit in the coming weeks.

“It’s very weird for the speaker of the House to suggest something like this,” says John Hudak, a fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, a think tank in Washington. “That said, if the speaker feels the president has violated the constitutional order of powers in a way that has harmed the House, he may feel he needs to sue.”

Peters, Turley and Hudak all noted the federal courts are very wary of handling disputes among the branches of government. “It is not an insurmountable barrier,” says Turley, “but it is extremely difficult.”

Hudak is skeptical. “While the use of executive power is always an important and healthy discussion to have over any president, my feeling is, this is not being born of a true concern over constitutionality but being born over party politics.”

The White House declined to comment, and Boehner’s office did not return calls from Newsweek seeking comment.

The president has to act in the face of the total inaction on behalf of our absolutely worthless congress. The recess appointment issue is not where Boehner is focusing his latest attack and has nothing to do with the issuance of executive orders. If your reference is to some other issue, please accept my apologies and enlighten me since, although I frequently disagree with your viewpoints, I sincerely do respect your opinion.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I assume you are referring to the recent challenge by John Boehner to "sue" the POTUS for exceeding his authority to issue executive orders. What an idiotic waste of time and resources. It's just another partisan ploy to push the divide between right and left even further. Sorry Johnny but you are as full of shit as Boehner and the entire republican leadership. Illustrate for all of us if you would just exactly how he is exceeding the limitations of executive authority....I'd like to hear the details. In the interim, here's the truth:

The president has to act in the face of the total inaction on behalf of our absolutely worthless congress. The recess appointment issue is not where Boehner is focusing his latest attack and has nothing to do with the issuance of executive orders. If your reference is to some other issue, please accept my apologies and enlighten me since, although I frequently disagree with your viewpoints, I sincerely do respect your opinion.

Nope. And you know you should never assume anything, gramps. Well, those were part of it, but it's pretty much everything he's done in office that I take exception with. Unilaterally changing existing laws; lack of enforcement of laws he disagrees with; appointing activist judges; terrible foreign policy decisions and appointments; his refusal to acknowledge Islamic extremists as a threat and the disengaging of Israel, our best and only real ally in that shitty part of the world; treating the Ft. Hood terrorist attack as workplace violence; fast and furious; IRS; immigration and its lack of a need for reform, what it needs is competent enforcement (We have more than enough laws already about that shitty topic); Losing the war in Iraq after it had been won; Zero understanding about economics;"TRANSPARENCY." Really just about everything he gets his hands on turns to shit.

The only thing he's good at apparently is raising campaign money and avoiding accountability.

And there's not inaction on the part of the House. They pass bills but whorehouse Harry doesn't see fit to discuss them in the Senate.


Closed Account
Nope. And you know you should never assume anything, gramps. Well, those were part of it, but it's pretty much everything he's done in office that I take exception with. Unilaterally changing existing laws; lack of enforcement of laws he disagrees with; appointing activist judges; terrible foreign policy decisions and appointments; his refusal to acknowledge Islamic extremists as a threat and the disengaging of Israel, our best and only real ally in that shitty part of the world; treating the Ft. Hood terrorist attack as workplace violence; fast and furious; IRS; immigration and its lack of a need for reform, what it needs is competent enforcement (We have more than enough laws already about that shitty topic); Losing the war in Iraq after it had been won; Zero understanding about economics;"TRANSPARENCY." Really just about everything he gets his hands on turns to shit.

The only thing he's good at apparently is raising campaign money and avoiding accountability.

And there's not inaction on the part of the House. They pass bills but whorehouse Harry doesn't see fit to discuss them in the Senate.

You just described nearly every president we have had since Truman, maybe even before that. That doesn't make it right of course, it just illustrates that our system of government is rather flawed. As to Iraq, we had that war won much the way we had Vietnam won when we pulled out in the 70's, in other words it was never won. Unfortuantely it looks like Obama will involve us in Iraq for a third decade.

He kisses the Israeli ass just like every other president. Stop funding Isreal, stop funding Egypt, and all the others. Pull the troops out of South Korea, Okinawa, Germany, and all the other foreign nations. It is time for all of our allies to pull up their big boy pants and deal with their own shit. Once we stop trying to secure everyone else's borders, maybe we can finally secure ours.
To be fair, he's been thwarted by the "just say no" republican congress at every turn so I'll give him a pass on that. What disappoints me most about him is his inability to command leadership and his departure from the agenda that originally got him elected (getting out of Iraq for instance).

I agree with this.

When I consider rating this crew Best or Worse, I think of the lesser or two who cares. So, I just don't think it is time well spent.

I do agree with you that Obama has been hampered by the Party of No. I think the Republican Congress has failed and I have no idea what their strategy is. I think they would be better served at this point cultivated Liberal Repubicans rather than continuing to build on the right. That is a risk, but their current strategy isn't going to work and the problem is many of them think it will.

However, I also do not think Obama should be let off the hook so easily. It is his job to work with the entire government, not just his party. It is his failure as well that he could not work with the Republican House and I believe there were many cases he did not even try. Some of what he faced was started early on when he made use of the Democrat majority and rammed through legislation. There was a backlash to that and we still feel it today. It is his weakness to whine about it and it is just politics. The Republicans have been very unwise about how to manage the backlash and that helps let Obama off the hook.

In fairness to the other presidents they did work better. Jon Stewart rightfully enjoys pointing out that the border crisis caused by the law that allows for humanely treating children who cross the border is caused or allowed by a law passed under George W. Bush. He is taking a shot at the protesters who I guess are on the right and Jon is right to do so. However, it is also an example of a government that worked together to pass legislation.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
it's pretty much everything he's done in office that I take exception with.

Get over the butthurt of voting for the losing candidate twice. I voted for Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, I can sympathize, but claiming you "take exception" with everything Obama has done is typical far-right Fox News inspired garbage, I particularly appreciate your glaring lack of specific actions with which you are excepted. It's a shame folks like you hate Obama more than you love America, that's the reason for the rise of the teabagger faction that has taken over the GOP and is to blame for the do-nothing House of Representatives.

I also do not think Obama should be let off the hook so easily. It is his job to work with the entire government, not just his party. It is his failure as well that he could not work with the Republican House and I believe there were many cases he did not even try.

Sure, he quit trying after GOP leadership made it clear that their main priority was to make him a one term president. Compromise is a dirty word to republicans, they see it as a failure to maintain ideological purity and are proud of it. Democrats are willing to work with republicans, and at one time it was reciprocated. That's not the case any longer and you can't blame Obama for "failing" to work with congressional republicans when they've never had any intention of doing anything other than obstructing his agenda, regardless of what he's trying to do. Hey, do you remember George W. Bush's first press conference after getting re-elected where he said, "This week the voters of America set the direction of our nation for the next four years. I earned capital in the political campaign and I intend to spend it." I can't recall Obama making any statement that arrogant or divisive.

In fairness to the other presidents they did work better.

Perhaps, but there hasn't been a congress as hostile and obstructive as the 112th and 113th in our lifetimes. It's no different than If the current congress was your coworker and the boss rode your ass for the work your coworker refused to do, I doubt if you would be so quick to dismiss the responsibility of your colleague.
Sure, he quit trying .

That is the issue I take with Obama. What you say is true enough. I don't' give the Republicans a pass. They suck. (Fill in abusive comments here about Republicans in general) Obama had a steamroller when he could, then quit when he couldn't. Its politics. Its the way the game is played. It also isn't what I want to pay for. I hold that particular position that he holds to a higher level of expectations than most. He has let me down. He isn't the only one, but that doesn't absolve him.

You may or may not agree, but I think our opinion has a healthy overlap. Not 100%, but I'd put it over 50%.

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Sure, he quit trying .

That is the issue I take with Obama. What you say is true enough. I don't' give the Republicans a pass. They suck. (Fill in abusive comments here about Republicans in general) Obama had a steamroller when he could, then quit when he couldn't. Its politics. Its the way the game is played. It also isn't what I want to pay for. I hold that particular position that he holds to a higher level of expectations than most. He has let me down. He isn't the only one, but that doesn't absolve him.

You may or may not agree, but I think our opinion has a healthy overlap. Not 100%, but I'd put it over 50%.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
How many times would you let Lucy Van Pelt pull the football out from in front of you before you quit trying to kick it? There's no education in the second kick of a mule.
How many times would you let Lucy Van Pelt pull the football out from in front of you before you quit trying to kick it? There's no education in the second kick of a mule.

I voted for him twice, but I will not give him any excuses. I get what you're saying, but to Obama and any President, "I don't want to hear it. You wanted the job, do it. Figure it out." Anything else is noise.

Under his leadership the country has become more polarized. Does he own the majority of the blame? No. Does he own some of the blame? Absolutely. He isn't innocent, so that lowers my threshold for excuses.

Doesn't really matter. We are't budging ourselves, are we? :)

Since after Eisenhower, I think the best Republican President was JFK.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't absolve him of all blame, no, he has to take responsibility for some it, just like the one's giving him most of the blame need to acknowledge their own responsibility.


Light one for Me
Thanks, man. Yeah, if Temptation had gotten the better of me and I'd zapped Petra, I'd be sitting on a desert island with Philbert about now, huh? :D
Why, where has Philbert gone??:crying:

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Thanks, man. Yeah, if Temptation had gotten the better of me and I'd zapped Petra, I'd be sitting on a desert island with Philbert about now, huh? :D
Why, where has Philbert gone??:crying:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Why, where has Philbert gone??:crying:

The FreeOnes :dominatrix: told him not to :playfire:. But being a big :dickhead: he kept on :troll2: so she had to :spanking: him again. And then when he gave her :thefinger, she began singing...

To which I say :banger:
Umm...JFK was a democrat. Nixon was a republican

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Umm...JFK was a democrat. Nixon was a republican

I think xfire got the point that you may have missed. It was twofold:
1 - I was taking a shot at the Republican presidents.
2 - He as a Democrat like Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican. He had policies that he pushed that even Reagan exulted.

Sarcasm is part of my speech and thought process. I remember it took about 5 dates before my wife got what the "f" I was talking about. I could apologize for the communication style that can be easily misunderstood, but I would probably only be sarcastic in doing so. I rarely mean insult.

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Umm...JFK was a democrat. Nixon was a republican

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Umm...JFK was a democrat. Nixon was a republican

I think xfire got the point that you may have missed. It was twofold:
1 - I was taking a shot at the Republican presidents.
2 - He as a Democrat like Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican. He had policies that he pushed that even Reagan exulted.

Sarcasm is part of my speech and thought process. I remember it took about 5 dates before my wife got what the "f" I was talking about. I could apologize for the communication style that can be easily misunderstood, but I would probably only be sarcastic in doing so. I rarely mean insult.
Confuzious said : ... * the ability of American citizens to BELIEVE IN HORSESHIT is totally unlimited ...*