Talk about pulling things out of your ass !Everything I highlighted is easily refuted and you pulled them out of your ass. The unemployment rate is artificially lowered because so many people have dropped out of the market and those jobs that have been filled are generally underpaying part time jobs. The actual rate of unemployment is probably closer to 18-20%.
And, assuming it is right, how much it was in '08 ?
WRONG !Yeah Bin Laden's dead but only because Obammy had his hand forced. reviewing the intelligence breakthroughs, the Obama administration had to grapple with the data's resulting uncertainty. When asked for confidence that bin Laden was in the Abbottabad compound, the estimates ranged from 10 percent to 95 percent certainty. Several red teams worked to "poke holes" in the analysis and finding. Bowden on the president's reaction:
So as the conversation around him about levels of certainty wore on, the president... interrupted.
"This is fifty-fifty," he said. That silenced everyone. "Look guys, this is a flip of the coin. I can't base this decision on the notion that we have any greater certainty than that."
In order to respond to the intelligence finding, the interagency process produced four options:
The first option, a large bombing, was rejected because of the expected collateral damage. According to Bowden, "America was not going to obliterate [the compound, its women and children, and the surrounding houses] on a fifty-fifty chance of also killing Osama bin Laden."
Another type of airstrike the White House considered was a surgical bombing with a "small guided munition that could be fired from a tiny drone [...]" It was, in Bowden's words, "a kind of magic bullet [...]"
[But] The weapon had yet to be used in combat, although the technologies involved - drones and missiles - were hardly new. The only difference with this one was its size. Sill... did you want to hinge such a critical opportunity on one shot, with a missile that had never been fired in anger?
The "ground option" -- a raid -- was more complicated, though better if Obama wanted to positively confirm bin Laden's identity. Its advocate, Admiral William McRaven of the Joint Special Operations Command, could "tell the president for sure [...] that if his team could be delivered to the compound, they could clear it and kill or capture bin Laden with minimal loss of life."
Obama told McRaven that if his SEALs went in, they were coming out. Bin Laden was an imperative that outweighed the relationship [with Pakistan]. If the Pakistanis sounded an alarm and responded faster than they anticipated, so be it. There would have to be a confrontation. He told the admiral to be fully prepared to fight his way out.
"Doing nothing" does not seem to have been ever seriously considered but it was an option presented during the final discussion on April 28, 2011.
According to Bowden, participants in that final meeting held in the White House Situation Room were "asked to choose one of the three options: the raid, the missile strike, or doing nothing -- and then defend their choice." While nearly everyone in the room preferred the ground option, the advice at that meeting forced deliberations, as designed, and reflected varying personal and bureaucratic knowledge and comfort with risk:
The only major dissenters were [Vice President Joe] Biden and [Secretary of Defense Robert] Gates and, by the next morning, Gates had changed his mind. [Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General James Cartwright and Leiter favored the drone over the raid.]
The vice president was never shy about political calculations. He believed that if the president decided to choose either the air or the ground option, and if the effort failed in any of the many ways it could, Obama would lose his chance for a second term.
While there has been some suggestion that President Obama "had made this gutsy call after being roundly advised not to," Bowden concludes that "when Obama decided to launch the raid he was not acting against the advice of his top-level advisers."
He made the decision. He could have done nothing and no one would have known. Or he could choose either of the options and risk his second-termn on it. He choosed the most risky solution, the one that had the less chance to work but the one who would have the less consequences if the datas had been wrong. And it worked.
Again you've pulled this out of your ass...More corporations are moving their headquarters overseas because of his punitive measures and they're making a profit in spite of him.
Except Herr Netanyahu, who did Obama antagonised ? In my view, most of US allies who have met both Bush and Obama (David. Cameron, Angela. Merkel, S. Abe, etc.) like Obama better than Bush.He antagonizes our closest allies and race relations are near an all time low and he consistently takes sides without letting the justice system do its job first.