Re: Can we move beyond a 4th grade level understanding of the world?
Those secondhand smoking statistics I posted awhile back, which you immediately dismissed as lacking any substance,
As usually, you take my points completely out-of-context. For once I honestly wish you would stop, read and get my point (especially after I explain it in detail after you don't), instead of finding and fixating on what you want to disagree with by
correlate to a dollar sum cost for which alcohol abuse doesn't come close to. I know you've tried to introduce alcohol into a discussion on tobacco, I've ignored it hoping you'd catch on:thumbsup:.
Dude. It all depends on the study and the focus.
If you want to compare primary, plus secondary, plus tertiary statistics on smoking versus only primary alcohol, I'm sure you can find all sorts of statistics in your favor. But when you start adding in all of the secondary and tertiary statistics on alcohol, the countless alcohol-induced domestic calls to police, the alcohol impaired judgement at work, in vehicles, etc... not to mention the repeat, long-term effects of abuse, it gets rather interesting.
Because where people can only draw an "educated guess" on what second-hand smoke does to others, there is no "guess" in what alcohol does to others. It is far more discrete and well defined.
But that's not even my argument!
My argument continues to be that
anything that violates the individual rights of others is
wrong. That includes alcohol, smoking, firearms, etc... You seem to want to "pick'n choose" or play some "this is worse" game. You seem to want to pin on me that I'm "defending smoking" when I'm
defending individual rights!
I can
not stand smoke! I hate it! I honestly do! I'm so tired of the ordinances and statues not being enforce for non-smoking sections in restaurants. That's the problem! That and irresponsible smokers, let alone the ones that get upset if you mention that they are being irresponsible.
But is that any different than alcohol abusers? Or those who binge drink or do all sorts of other things? The women I helped when they were drunk, didn't take advantage of, only for their "memory" to not remember, and then make an issue of something.
My continued point is that irresponsibility itself is the problem!
I haven't "dismissed" anything. You keep having this argument with someone who doesn't exist! You want to paint me as the "guns and smoking right-winger" or something. But you don't want to look at
all the rights I say we should
continue to have. And I say that as someone who does
none of them!
That's the difference between a Libertarian and a Democrat or Republican. A Libertarian recognizes
all individual rights are not defined by preference or political alignment. Individual rights do
not exist because of taste or individual decision. They exist so an individual may choose them, regardless of taste or the decision of others.
And with that becomes the responsibility to not make it an issue for the individual choices of others. When alcohol, firearm and tobacco users make that an issue for others, then we have a problem where the government should step in on an
individual basis. But before that? Sorry. And
never should the government step in general.
We've seen one right lost lead to another. It happens over and over and over again. One of my recent favorites was the "Male Roe v. Wade" case, where the denial of paternal rights by the state, and the fiscal responsibilities impaired upon him, may eventually cause the material rights to be lost, when she does have choice. It's one of those classic, "but my view is correct."
No, your view is subjective. I believe in the objective, which protects
all rights.
The advocating of NATIONAL symbols to represent Individuality seems like a contradiction.
Actually, the first use of the rattlesnake was the 8-sectional cut snake with the text "JOIN OR DIE." It was a national political cartoon, created by, interestingly enough, Ben Franklin. Again, it appears a unified America seems to be his direction all along...:wave2:
This is what I love. You will not give any context! I have to stab-in-the-dark what context you're making a statement under. Then you go, "ah ha, I was talking about this!"
I lose! You win! Okay? If that is your goal, then you can catch me out-of-context regularly, especially if you're quoting me out-of-context, or questioning me without giving one!
You referenced the Bald Eagle. So I tried to figure out what context you were referring to. I understand where the eight colonies came. But you were referring to the national animal, in a context that came later. I merely used the Rattlesnake as an example, and explicitly said,
"Rattlesnake and other, select animals", because they varied over time.
Nice anecdote, Prof. And it bears significance to the discussion because...:dunno:
I'm going to just copy/paste my earlier response..Nice anecdote, Prof. And it bears significance to the discussion because...:dunno: Other then to slip in and digress into your gun rights rant...
What "guns rant"? Dude, why is my speaking up for various rights a "rant"? I am
not "show preference." But apparently you're all about making it a "smoking rant" or a "guns rant" or whatever, then
ignoring my support of alcohol as well. I'm trying to
warn you that if you start eliminating some vices,
they will all go!
It would bother me none, personally. But civics-wise, I know what comes next. It's no longer just alleged "vices," but how I live my life at all.
The Super Majority is what's holding California back. It may be harmful in the Senate, today. Again, I said the basic American system is fine. All I want is tweaks.
you want preference, not tweaks. Preference is for individuals, to decide for themselves,
not a group to enact their will on others.
Are you suggesting that all countries around the world and throughout history have all had the same basic rights, but that some countries have dumb populations or "simple gov'ts" which allow them to vote away their rights?
I wouldn't call them "dumb populations," but "a significant enough majority or supermajority that pissed away their individual rights."
If you think all countries have always had the same rights--it's time for YOU to do some reading, Prof!!!
When did I say all countries had the same rights? I said countries have had similar Democratic-Republic designs, some modelled after the US or UK or others. Apparently you still can't maintain context.
Take Chavez for example. When a nation decides to grant sweeping powers to one individual, to enact change, do people honestly realize what they are doing? What about allegiances to one person specifically, instead of an institution or at least the position?
I do. A political party is an organization which exists to consolidate power for itself. The way to eliminate political parties is to eliminate lobbying. I didn't say it would be an easy thing to do!
At this point, I'm rolling my eyes. Again, when you want to stop talking at a 4th grade level, I'm all ears. Until then, it's all politics.
Another irrelevant many times have I said in various responses in this thread, and others, about how irrelevant the Powdered Wig and Musket days of yore are for Contemporary, mass populated, mass technology America!
Again, have you read Franklin? The man was one hell of a designer. You keep talking about the late 18th Century being some musket-only state, but we had explosive fragmentation for over a century, repeater designs and several ball+powder concepts that were known to be on-the-horizon. In fact, the modern, rifled cartridge was invented not much later. So when you argue about it being "a long time ago," it was
closer chronologically to the modern, rifled cartridge than today by twice over!
So that argument is getting so old. You act like people in the 18th Century didn't know what the future would hold, and yet, not only did their entire design for the foundation of government, balance and due process hold true. But
the states who refused to pass on the US Constitution to their constituents because it was "too powerful of a federal entity" forced them to
add a Bill of Rights. And that Bill of Rights guaranteed 9 individual freedoms, and then a catch-all for the states of their people. Written by the people, submitted by the states, added by the federal legislators so the states would agree to a more powerful federal, with limited powers.
The same concepts of due process, personal property, individual freedoms are still just as relevant.
Take electronic/photo traffic enforcement for example. Giving out so many citations that the judicial system cannot provide due process in review and challenges violates that very aged principle.
I am shocked how many people are so willing to give up their basic rights!
It's not 4th grade at all. It's just not stuck in the stone age, like your views appear to be, Prof.
Then I'm "stuck in the stone age." If that's your attitude of my view, then so be it. I'm a man out-of-touch with the present, and cling to hokie concepts of American civics that have no place today. I am stupid to believe that things that were important to those before me should make me reconsider how we should change them, even when I disagree, to respect that it was important enough to them.
Again, I didn't say that outlawing political parties or lobbyists would be easy. But it's worth a start.
Outlawing political parties is
impossible because it would require you to
remove the First Amendment. The government can
not outlaw the rights of individual citizens to assembly.
What is a political party? It is an assembly! It is an assembly by ... tada ... individual choice! What don't you get here?
Again, you continue to think like a 4th Grader without an ounce of adult-level civics. It's classic. "Oh, well we'll just outlaw the 'bad' political parties." It's like Fox's old, "oh, we'll only allow 'real' minorities" -- how do you
define that? It's
100% subjective!
Otherwise only people like Ross Perot, on their own dollar, could run for office. Unless, of course, you want to really make it really complicated to even "distribute public funds" to run for office. And how would you manage that?!
Same goes for lobbyists. Anyone who talks to a representative is a lobbyist! If they didn't pay for their own travel, expenses, etc..., then it's something that has to be accounted for as lobbying! So if someone who can't afford to do it themselves, then we have that issue.
So now we're back to only people who can afford to travel to DC, on their own dollar, can lobby. How does that serve the poor?
"Oh, we'll have 'real' lobbyists who are allowed and we'll stop those 'evil' ones from being able to lobby." It's just like the "blame" non-sense in other threads. Who is "real" and "good" and who is "bad" and "evil"?
Again, can I get some arguments that are higher than 4th grade level? That's what even South Park goes after, that 4th grade level argument Matt and Trey see in politics as well.
We could start by re-organizing some existing Federal Agencies to closely monitor political candidates' finances.
Dude, this is beyond what is already done. There are politics that go on in the committees and sub-committees on what is right/wrong, and its typically "okay, we'll give you Democrats this for allows us Republicans to do this." It's bullshit, over and over.
More loopholes need to be closed, Prof.
"Loopholes" to who? Every time we allegedly have "campaign finance reform," there are new loopholes. The reality? It's just more political rhetoric.
Libertarians have argued from Day 1 that it's
impossible. The only possibility is to account for all contributions, publicly. That has worked far, far better when implemented. Because when someone fails to disclose something, it's a direct accounting error, no excuses.
We could allocate a public access television and radio station for political ads--thereby alleviating some of the cost/need for money in political campaigns.
who decides
who gets those? That's the problem! Who decides who runs? That's the problem!
And if you ask your friends to help you get signatures ... guess what ... they are now part of "your political party!" This is the type of things you're not thinking through.
We could set up *New* election rules which limit the size of a candidate's campaign committee and how they promote their candidates.
Which is more sub-committees and more give/take politics, etc... And who says
they are remotely going to agree with
Fox had this problem as well. You think everyone will agree your way is the correct way. In reality, it's just going to boil down to different individuals bargaining with other individuals, then people "grouping" (I won't call them a "party" for your sake

), etc...
Hello ... ?!?!?! Democracies are largely built on consensus, majorities, etc... That's why "assembly" aka "groups" aka "parties" come about.
Again, would you like to revisit these basic concepts beyond the 4th grade level?!?!?!
We could enact provisions which restrict people from working for a candidate/elected official and then "transitioning" into Gov't work and vice versa, when the candidate gets voted out.
Ahhh, a reversal of the "spoils" system. Yeah, they've been working on that for ... oh, forever?!
Hmmm, how many countries in the world with Democratic-Republics? How many have figured out how to fix that one? None.
And we can standardize term limits too, across the board.:thumbsup:
I totally agree with term limits. No argument there.
Of course, the problem with term limits is that people tend to switch to lobbyist or other positions that are available for their expertise.
Again, I really think you haven't thought this remotely through past a 4th grade level. I'd love to live in the world Fox and you do, but I am either just too stupid (stone age?) or just too much of a realist.
Individual freedoms exist for a reason. You prosecute those who don't use them responsibly. You don't take them away from everyone. Otherwise we're just fucked.