Our beloved lisa a biggot

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Ive notiched in several posts of lisa that she thinks she is bigger than she is Im Sorry she got cancer but we dont all need to hear about it.

She to up herself for me in my opion and needs to realise that she isnt nothing more than a biggot

If she isnt happy here then she should go as she to negative for these boards

If u are offened Lisa or any of her mates thats tough!
:wtf: i don't understand you very well:mad: what are you trying to insinue by such accusations???Lisa is one of the honest and kindest members of the board. Imagine you were ill and you suffered like a prisoneer, how would you react and how would you live with a serious disease? I think its is not nice to diss lisa publicly and insult her as you did.:mad: that is not nice at all.Really you need to calm down and take a rest.

just my humble and honest opinion


knightrider said:
If she isnt happy here then she should go as she to negative for these boards
And this thread isn't negative? You do realise your comments are just a tiny bit thoughtless and unnecessary.

and you are?

Dude, one advice: enjoy your life, enjoy freeones, ignore people you don´t like.... and FFS BE GRATEFUL!! that you´re not in Lisas position.

edit: was aimed at knightrider, not thcfmad... just in case it wasn´t obvious


If she wants to post about cancer then she should go somewere else . For a Women who got cancer she to up other,s asses so u will sign on her side

Get with the program people her posts are just so depressing. This should be a place of fun not a place to get some lesbian biggot tell us about so much crap in her life

At first she was ok but she to drepessing no wonder she a lesbian as a sensible man would dump her straight away
Dude, you are messed up. Very mean of you to start such thread. :mad:
I don't understand what is your problem with Lisa???? U should think it over and apologize to her and the rest of the members you've insulted with this nonsense.:ban:
Why? If you don´t want to read, don´t read. Selective reading is a mighty tool.
But coming here with 15 posts (ok, I assume you´re an old member with a fake acc, which makes it even worse) and telling everybody what this board is supposed to be about and what kind of postings are allowed is a "little" bold don´t you think?
oh my god you are really retarded and pathetic khnightrider:mad: :bs::throwup:

if knightrider you are not pleased with someone posts plain and simple don't read them and go play somewhere else. that is very weak and impolite to do that. as someone said me an idiot will always remain an idiot

on these words grow up knightrider
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I'm not gonna waste my energy writing a stinging reply on a loser like this, but what i will say is...man, you are gonna make a lot of enemies on here writing posts like that.


I feel the need to defend myself im not a biggot and have never been. I dont know what ive done to upset u knightrider and i dont really care but i felt the need to express my views. Am im drepessing if i am im sure members of freeones will tell me. I can tell that knightrider dosent have much of a sexual outing in life perhaps he been scorned by a women and feels the need to take it out on me . Before critizing me u should have a look at your life as i bet its a lot more depressing than mine . I belive in freedom of speach and should be able to say what i like withing (flaming) reasons . U have sadden me with your comments but i doubt u care u are unable to care about anything . today been a bad day for me and idiots like u dont help so if u care u apoligize to me if u got the guts to

Thanks4 all u support on this but if i am depressing anyone else then plz tell me as i wish not to be a burden on u all

Love lisa xxx


Right i take it im offened people with my views so if i cant say what i like then the right of freedom of speach isnt welcome here

So if u going to be predujice in what my views are then u are all biggots and it be the last u see of me but dont blame me when lisa depresses u and makes this board all dull and boring

No need to ban me i wont be back EVER!!!!!!
knightrider said:
Right i take it im offened people with my views so if i cant say what i like then the right of freedom of speach isnt welcome here

So if u going to be predujice in what my views are then u are all biggots and it be the last u see of me but dont blame me when lisa depresses u and makes this board all dull and boring

No need to ban me i wont be back EVER!!!!!!

from someone who has the balls to speak his mind in the same way he is thinking.I am not sure you would have the balls to say that in front of us because you would receive a such beating that you won't stand up anymore. I am glad that a such narrowminded b.s trash can like you knightrider leaves the board.
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Try making some sense and I might consider taking you serious.

You´re whining about YOUR freedom of speech while YOU are trying to diss another member of this board for making use of HER freedom of speech?

omfg, this entire "freedom of speech" issue has become an excuse for everything.
my testimonial.

i find you a very open minded and a very kind girl.You are a very hot babe.I have always a lot of appreciation and a lot of consideration for you lisababe.

fingers crossed and wishing you all the best:);)

warmest xoxos from me and the other members of the board



no lisa u aint depressing. whats depressing is when a prick like him opens his gob without thinking or caring for other peoples feelings. i dont think he realised how much you are thought of on the board or how much support you have from us all. fuck the asshole. he's gone now.
the knightrider wasn't man enough to apologize.another 2 faced and weak minded lumpsum bitch.let's forget him he is not worth to talk about him
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