Silly reasoning. Those who like Bin Laden know exactly where he was killed if they would like to make a shrine they could do it there:dunno:(though I doubt if Pakistan would allow it). I doubt if anyone even wanted his body.

apparently where he was killed was burned down too.

You can create a shrine or whatever to anyone at any place; but being buried at sea and having his last house destroyed makes it harder.

For instance if you nuked Jerusalem; how many people would bother to make the pilgrimage to see a radioactive crater? A few for sure but not in the numbers like there is now and probably decreasing over time.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Shifty, I love you but that shit's on my yahoo page at start up.
being called a fag on a porno fourm for commenting on another persons comment is sad i guess i should have just talked about draco reptilian shapshifters killing him as part of a world domination plot to elimimate a bloodline... or somthing of that manner :facepalm: im going to go jerk off now
Whatever you want to be deceived on. ;)

Because we all know the one-eyed brainwashing machine known as the television would never lie.

I guess you have been researching this for a long time, right?
I thought so as in no you haven't. The television tells you what to believe.

Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their f***ing skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!


I just asked you to close the gaping whole in your theory by telling us why the Bush administration would be keeping OBL on ice for the Obama administration. That's what you're theory implies right?:dunno:

So, what's the answer WTC7...err Will E. Worm??

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
being called a fag on a porno fourm for commenting on another persons comment is sad i guess i should have just talked about draco reptilian shapshifters killing him as part of a world domination plot to elimimate a bloodline... or somthing of that manner :facepalm: im going to go jerk off now
I never use that as a pejorative. Dr. Lexxus did.
Adult Image Hosting
Blind faith to either party is just begging for trouble... Newsflash: they both suck and Washington is incompetent.
Washington hasn't president for a long, long time.:2 cents:
And to give credit to Obama for this is absurd. The military and all intelligence organizations have been looking for him for a decade... regardless of who is in office, it would have happened eventually.:2 cents:

OBL would have died on his own 'eventually' too.:rolleyes:

But it's untrue to think he would have been captured no matter which strategy. Bush and Obama employed different strategies. Military and intelligence organizations operate to execute policies set forth by the administration. If the administration in power doesn't allow military nor provides them with the resources to operate in various places, that directly affects the ability to carry out a mission.

Bush committed 15K troops to the fight in Afghanistan, sent 80K to Iraq then said he doesn't think much about OBL...any surprise no OBL on his watch?

Obama made it a top priority, committed 10s of thousands more troops to Afghanistan, OBL is shark bait in a little over 2 years of him taking office. :hybrid:
Obama made it a top priority, committed 10s of thousands more troops to Afghanistan, OBL is shark bait in a little over 2 years of him taking office. :hybrid:

First of all, he was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan... and second, do you really believe that? I doubt you do HM.

And now, White House chest thumping.... what a mockery. I hate these DC political elitists, who would just as soon spit on a soldier if they were approached on the street by one in this dying whore of a town, and now BHO is taking the credit? This is getting more absurd by the minute...
No. It's just that you're being a raging asshole. Bush did plenty— he fucked up everything he touched.

Obama finally does something right, but you people just can't give him any credit.

What did you do today? Really? Obama just killed Bin Ladin. :facepalm:


You're proving yourself to be a complete idiot with every post you make...

I'm going to say this one time: Obama did NOTHING that brought this to fruition. Nada. Zip. Nothing. If you don't understand that, you need to do a little more thinking and spend a little less time on the internet. He may have given a "yes" when asked if they could take out the compound, but that's it. The military killed him, not the President. He can take all the credit he wants, but it would have happened with anyone in office.

And furthermore, as much as I didn't like Bush, to claim he "fucked up everything he touched" is equally deluded.

Completely black and white statements like these scare me because they reflect NO thought whatsoever, and are becoming far to frequent from extremists on both sides these days. :2 cents:
....and oh yeah, our "hero" Fireman and Police Officers out taking pictures and hanging out in front of their, feeding their egos. :facepalm:

you sir, are an asshole. i honestly hope that when you most need those heros (cause they are heros and youll need them at some point) that they dont get to you in time
If we can't take back the body of Bin Laden, maybe we could ask his niece to make a show at Las Vegas instead !
His niece looks like really bitchy !


  • benladen-wafa-niece-yeslam.jpg
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First of all, he was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan... and second, do you really believe that? I doubt you do HM.
We were losing the battle for Afghanistan when Obama took office. We need to turn the tide in Afghanistan because that's where we're operating out of and the operation to get OBL originated. That's why it mattered to increase troop levels there. :2 cents

And now, White House chest thumping.... what a mockery. I hate these DC political elitists, who would just as soon spit on a soldier if they were approached on the street by one in this dying whore of a town, and now BHO is taking the credit? This is getting more absurd by the minute...

Obama is getting the credit for it like any other president would who makes the decision on these matters. Like I said, he changed a policy that hadn't captured or killed OBL in 8 years then we killed OBL in 2 years.:dunno: I know it sucks for those who hate Obama's core and were desperate for him to lose the next election but you're a grown up C/ know how these things go.

Just be glad this wasn't GWB...and all of the theatrics his handlers would have unloaded to mark the occasion and lionize Bush. Trust me, Obama and his administration are marking this a thousand times more humbly than GWB would have. You think GWB was landing on aircraft carriers and the like just because our troops pulled down a statue of Saddam...there is no telling what they would have staged for self promotion jointly with Faux (pas) news to make the announcement....:anonymous

You're proving yourself to be a complete idiot with every post you make...

I'm going to say this one time: Obama did NOTHING that brought this to fruition. Nada. Zip. Nothing. If you don't understand that, you need to do a little more thinking and spend a little less time on the internet. He may have given a "yes" when asked if they could take out the compound, but that's it. The military killed him, not the President. He can take all the credit he wants, but it would have happened with anyone in office.

And furthermore, as much as I didn't like Bush, to claim he "fucked up everything he touched" is equally deluded.

Completely black and white statements like these scare me because they reflect NO thought whatsoever, and are becoming far to frequent from extremists on both sides these days. :2 cents:

Man...I understand the sour grapes but just stop. To say Obama had nothing to do with this is pretty naive IMO.
All I know is we better get some good pictures of this *******'s corpse. It was very foolish to dispose of the body so soon. Everyone in the world wants to see the body to make sure he's really dead. With the body gone, how do we even know the guy is really dead? I see our "friends" in "Pockistahn" are already claiming he is still alive.

Jesse Ventura is going to have a field day with this. Have any pictures of the corpse been released or leaked?
You're proving yourself to be a complete idiot with every post you make...

I'm going to say this one time: Obama did NOTHING that brought this to fruition. Nada. Zip. Nothing. If you don't understand that, you need to do a little more thinking and spend a little less time on the internet. He may have given a "yes" when asked if they could take out the compound, but that's it. The military killed him, not the President. He can take all the credit he wants, but it would have happened with anyone in office.

And furthermore, as much as I didn't like Bush, to claim he "fucked up everything he touched" is equally deluded.

Completely black and white statements like these scare me because they reflect NO thought whatsoever, and are becoming far to frequent from extremists on both sides these days. :2 cents:

If this had turned out to be a complete and utter disaster, I hope your above post is exactly what you would have said.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
We can't stop the partisan bullshit even for an event like this?? :dunno::confused::crying::facepalm:

In what way is the USA truly "united" if we cannot all feel some sense of camaraderie and kinship knowing that this outstanding detachment of Navy SEALS accomplished what we have all been striving to achieve for the past 10 years??? Why can't we quit assessing blame or giving credit just this once and simply celebrate the moment as one people??

Long-overdue justice was truly served yesterday courtesy of the red, white and blue. I am and always will be proud to be an American. :thumbsup:
All I know is we better get some good pictures of this *******'s corpse. It was very foolish to dispose of the body so soon. Everyone in the world wants to see the body to make sure he's really dead. With the body gone, how do we even know the guy is really dead? I see our "friends" in "Pockistahn" are already claiming he is still alive.

Jesse Ventura is going to have a field day with this. Have any pictures of the corpse been released or leaked?

Jesse was Navy UDT which evolved into the SEALS. He probably still has connections there. I'm sure he'll ask a few questions and get confirmation from someone he trusts, and not make an issue of it.


Closed Account
You're proving yourself to be a complete idiot with every post you make...

I'm going to say this one time: Obama did NOTHING that brought this to fruition. Nada. Zip. Nothing. If you don't understand that, you need to do a little more thinking and spend a little less time on the internet. He may have given a "yes" when asked if they could take out the compound, but that's it. The military killed him, not the President. He can take all the credit he wants, but it would have happened with anyone in office.

And furthermore, as much as I didn't like Bush, to claim he "fucked up everything he touched" is equally deluded.

Completely black and white statements like these scare me because they reflect NO thought whatsoever, and are becoming far to frequent from extremists on both sides these days. :2 cents:

That's not fair that is like saying Bin Laden was not responsible for killing over three thousand ppl during the attacks ten years ago, it was the terrorists that did it. It's no different if you worked for a company and put in a lot of effort on the floor yet the owner gets all the credit. Just be thankful the meat headed shit sack is long gone.

I hope the water won't be contaminated after throwing BL's corpse out to sea...