Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to ....

BigSwede on 4000
Beliel on 5000
E-Ann-Hilden on 7000
dunit on 8000
Aces&Jacks on 10000
kungfudude on 24000
poggy1 on 26000
MATUTE on 26000
Irony on 27000
Calm on 30000
georges on 31000
Montrealman on 32000
jod0565 on 38000 :eek:

and everyone else on your milestones last night and today :glugglug:
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Retired Moderator
I am very glad to congratulate:

Jod0565, Montrealman, Analfan, Seraphim, Civickiller80, Poggy1, Matute, DrDeath67, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Georges, Calm, KungFuDude, D-Rock, Irony, Jacksson77, Cost, Pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, Anker89, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, Deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, Anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, Dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, New Sigreh, Jumbo Jim, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Michelle Lopez, Herte, Lady Love, Acideater, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Peter Gazinya, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, ToeSucker, Easton, Paroxysmia, Dave Rhino, Alexios Hellas, Christmas Ape, Dro50, Arealous

and all members on their rep points earned! :glugglug: :thumbsup:

Thank you very much both for the rep given and for the congratulations! :hatsoff:
I humbly thank JCMSVOBODA for pushing Me over 20,000+ Rep Gem Stones!

I also congratulate him and Jod0565, Montrealman, Analfan, SeraphiM, Civickiller80, poggy1, MATUTE, DrDeath67, TallCowboy, icerfan, georges, Calm, KungFuDude, D-Rock, Irony, Jacksson77, cost, pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy-DickDenice, holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, anker89, Rastagir, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, Anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, new sigreh, Jumbo Jim, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Michelle Lopez, Herte, LadyLove, Acideater, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Peter Gazinya, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, ToeSucker, Easton, Paroxysmia, Dave Rhino, Alexios Hellas, Christmas Ape, Dro50, and Arealous for all the rep that they have recently shared and garnered!

The Satyr Icon


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to:

brianelka on 4000
mike_84 and nedbuck on 5000
jumbo_jim on 6000
mythex on 9000
GENIUS on 12000
nothingandless and stefro on 13000
Gape_Fan on 16000
AFA on 18000
Nightcrawler on 19000
TheSatyrIcon on 20000
holdol on 21000
D-rock on 22000
pussy+dickdenice on 23000
pitino on 25000
and jod0565 on 39000 :eek:

Congrats to

Jod0565, Montrealman, Analfan, Seraphim, Civickiller80, Poggy1, Matute, DrDeath67, TallCowboy, Icerfan, Georges, KungFuDude, D-Rock, Irony, Jacksson77, Cost, Pitino, Nightcrawler, Darkman, Om3ga, AFA, Pussy/DickDenice, Holdol, Dohcvtec, Agggelos21, Anker89, Rastagir, TheSatyrIcon, 9inch, Aces&Jacks, Gape Fan, Black Star, Deeeze, Comanduc, Gordar, Undertaker, Jdb67, Stefro, Stek1983, Aegis, Anker89, Genius, KittyKat, RogueWolf, Degenerate Jeb, Analfanette, Marbod, Juballs, Tunsty, Andy73, Legzman, TheRedShark, Pussypoppa, Mythex, Dunit, Leafman, Cabey, Tgunz262, TT Gal, Iluvbgtits, E-Ann-Hilden, New Sigreh, Jumbo Jim, Nothingandless, SWTwo15, Dixie Normus, Bunker, Brianelka, Pillow, Steef, Thegunner898989, Michelle Lopez, Herte, Lady Love, Acideater, Bigredguy, Beliel, Misery, Stevie, Koga, Roul, Renegade1Oh, DrMotorCity, Dr Fika, Digger, Big Swede, Tachi, J2boobs, Peter Gazinya, Melroy, Bubb, Jiggah33, Bodie54, Aegean, Andy Hunter, Sandee2004, Picard2893, Praf0312, Tjpags, Swamprat, Paella, Red Spyder, ToeSucker, Easton, Paroxysmia, Dave Rhino, Alexios Hellas, Christmas Ape, Dro50, Arealous


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to Peter_Gazinya and Prof Voluptuary on 4000, and LadyLove on 13000 :glugglug:
Congrats to Peter_Gazinya and Prof Voluptuary.....LadyLove....bendeco45.....swamprat...comanduc....and a texaas style congrats to Jod0565
Congrats Dr. Death on 31700, JCMSVOBODA on 32700 and MontrealMan on 33000, MATUTE on 26800 and IcerFan on 29100
congrats to the following persons that I bumped on their next rep levels:
new10000 1259
agggelos 18915
drock 23239
tc 26871
motley 861
nedbuck 5469
big red guy 5361
billslammin 948
calm 30717
civickiller 29566
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