Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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Retired Moderator
My glad congratulations to:
Robot4321, Crack Pipe112, Mandy4Ever, HornyEd, J2boobs, Legzman, Thesafestplace, Brianelka, 9inch, Darkman, Dohcvtec, Stek1983, AFA, Georges, Matute, DrDeath67, Seraphim, Jod0565, Icerfan, Montralman, Nightcrawler, Calm, Comanduc, Black Star, Gape Fan, Dunit, TheRedShark, TheSatyrIcon, Mike84, Herte, Koga, Roul, Analfan, KungFuDude, Irony, Dick/PussyDenice, TallCowboy, Degenerate Jeb, CivicKiller80, Deeeze, Nightcrawler, Dirac, Sweetie69
and all my board friends!

Thanks to everyone for the rep! :hatsoff:​


Member, you member...
Congratulations to all Milestoners since my last post here!!!

Congratulations to CivicKiller on 7500 and JCMSVOBODA on 5300!!!

Thanks MATUTE and JCM!
Congrats to eveyone getting Mega Rep Numbers!
Robot4321, Crack Pipe112, Mandy4Ever, HornyEd, J2boobs, Legzman, Thesafestplace, Brianelka, 9inch, Darkman, Dohcvtec, Stek1983, AFA, Georges, Matute, DrDeath67, Seraphim, Jod0565, Icerfan, Montrealman, Nightcrawler, Calm, Comanduc, Black Star, Gape Fan, Dunit, TheRedShark, Mike84, Herte, Koga, Roul, Analfan, KungFuDude, Irony, Dick-PussyDenice, TallCowboy, Degenerate Jeb, CivicKiller80, Deeeze, Nightcrawler, Dirac, Sweetie69, holdol, and Pitino!

I hope thats everyone!

The Satyr Icon
reps for everyone who posts in this part of the board, lol thanks to everyone who repped me and helped me over 5500, great work to ppl who reached a new rep mark
:jump: Congratulations to: :jump:

All New Rep Collectors.


Jod0565 on 10900.

Civickileer on 7800.

Pitino on 6300.

Nightcrawler on 5700.


Georges on 5500.

Black Star on 5100.

Darkman on 4800.

Dohcvtec on 4700.

Cost, Stek 1983 and Dickdenice on 4600.

Aces&Jacks on 3800.

Andy 73 on 2200.

:glugglug: ¡¡¡ Well Done !!!



Member, you member...
Congratulations to all Milestoners since my last post here!!!

New congratulations to Baal on 2700, cost on 4700, MontrealMan on 750o, TheSatyrIcon on 2500!!!

And special congrats to 4G who is still maintaining a big ZERO and doing quite well!


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to ....

Cinjun, dale fern, keepfrosty and silver surfer on 100
pella86 on 200
p4ela and pinksoap on 300
noguerol and VaultDweller on 500
Big P13 and Legzman on 600
iluvbgtits on 1000
nedbuck on 1500
michelle_lopez on 2100
TheRedShark on 2500
jdb67 on 4100
AFA and holdol on 5000
Calm on 5500
agggelos21 on 5700
Irony on 6000
D-rock and Jacksson_77 on 6500
kungfudude on 6600
analfan on 7500

and everyone else on your milestones last night and today. :glugglug:

And thanks to (who else?) jod0565 for putting me above 7500 a little while ago! :bowdown:
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