Official Rep Collectors Congratulations Thread

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:jump: Congratulations to::jump:

All new Rep. Collectors


Jod0565 on 9100.

Pitino on 5300.

Comanduc on 4300.

Cost on 3600.

Aegis on 3000.

Nedbuck on 1200.

Herte on 600.

Patrickds9 on 500.

Dire Need on 300.

Skorpio on 100.

:glugglug: ¡¡¡ Well Done !!!



Member, you member...
Congratulations to all new Milestoners after my last post!!!

Congratulations to Pitino on 5400 and Jacksson77 on 5500 and Tunsty on 3000!!!!

Thank you Everyone!


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to ...

harry and vitakinetic on 100
Hector Llanos, MR ANDERSSON, p4ela and Snowflake on 200
TT_GAL on 500
thomasjenkins on 600 (and 500)
Dixie Normus on 1000
deeeze on 2000
Our rep fairy foxycougar on 2500
Calm on 3600 (and 3500)
AFA, Darkman, georges and holdol on 4000
Rastagir on 4100 (and 4000)
analfan on 5600 (and 5500)
and TallCowboy on 6100 (and 6000)

and to everyone else on your milestones yesterday and today. :glugglug:

And a big thank you to our love machine Jacksson_77, who bumped me over 6000 today! :lovecoupl


Nikkala made me do it!
Congrats to sjs1220 and one of our OCSMs rebekahdee on 100, and Mymessages74 on 200.


:party: congrats to all who have reached a new milestone as members of freeones :party:
Congrats to Jod0565 on 9100.

Pitino on 5300.

Comanduc on 4300.

Cost on 3600.

Aegis on 3000.

Nedbuck on 1200.

Herte on 600.

Patrickds9 on 500.

Dire Need on 300.

Skorpio on 100.


Retired Moderator
Montrealman said:
Congratulations to Seraphim on 7000 + !!! :jump: :partysml: :jump:

Thanks for the congrats,

Now I'm only 3,000 behind Jod :D

I'm getting there thanks to you all :thumbsup:


Member, you member...
Congratulations to all in Tall Cowboy's previous post and TheRedShark!

Congratulations to Icer on 6100, UnderTaker on 2700, Seraphim on 7100, Deeeze on 2200, Poggy1 on 7000, 4G on 85, AnalFan on 6100, KungFuDude on 5500, Aegis on 3100, D-Rock on 5600, Tall Cowboy on 6300!!!


Retired Moderator
[FONT="[B][URL=""]Georgia[/URL][/B]"]Congratulations to IcerFan, UnderTaker, Seraphim, Georges, Deeeze, Poggy1, Analfan, Jod0565, KungFuDude, Aegis, D-Rock, Tall Cowboy and to others I've omitted to mention![/FONT] :thumbsup:
[FONT="[B][URL=""]Georgia[/URL][/B]"]Thank you for all the lovely time here![/FONT]​
and thank you Jod for repping me to 3100. Also congrats for reaching that insanely high rep number. By the end of this week, you'll be at 10,000 with the way you're going.

Also I must admit that I've completely lost track of who have reached what new rep number here. Here are a few congrats to people I think have reached new milestones recently:

bigredguy on 2100
MATUTE on 6400
Montrealman on 6300
kungfudude on 5500
cost on 3600
Irony on 4300
dohcvtec on 3700
D-rock on 5600
TT_GAL on 600
Atlas 316 on 3100
pool709 on 600

congrats to everyone of the above and the many people I have missed


Member, you member...
You know what?
This thread is huge!
Because we all see the good that rep bestows.
We share in each other's milestones.
We delight in making each other smile.
We don't see those smiles, but they are there.
When I read the posts here - I feel a little better inside.
When I feel better inside, I feel better all over.
Yes, this thread is tough to keep up with.
Yes, we miss a few here and there.
Yes, we know our Icer will delivery a grand update.
Friendly, Fun, Fantastic = Freeones!
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