They would have tortured Bush if he were as dumb!
So? He has done plenty of intelligent speeches without making any mistakes teleprompter or not. People want fucking perfectionism out of a president now? Bush did get tortured for being a dumbass because he was one all the time teleprompter or not. You wanna pick on the mans policys go ahead but in the mean time grow up and get off websites with names so stupid I think trident created the domain.
Yes, everyone uses telepromters and notes, even Republicans.
However, not every politician uses them seemingly all the time like Obama does, and you can tell he has to have it because when he gets interrupted or loses his place, he starts stammering. Most politicians know what they believe enough, and have a good enough idea of what their speech is about (because many wrote their own speeches), to ab lib and be close enough. He can't even do that, and when he does go off-script, he has a tendency to say things that a lot of people don't agree with.
Obama says there are 57 states in the United States. That would qualify for the "dumbass" category. Just sayin'
Obama says there are 57 states in the United States. That would qualify for the "dumbass" category. Just sayin'
Obama is the only politician to use a teleprompter. using a teleprompter when giving speeches means you're dumb
aaaaaaaand with this line of thinking its no wonder the Republican candidates are a bunch of non-evolution, non-global warming, anti- gay marriage, drill baby drill, down syndrome having empty rhetoric reactionary bunch of idiots
(are people really this dumb to buy bullshit like the OP?)
The difference being that if Palin had said the same then her supporters would end up editing the wiki page and arguing for a whole week that there are indeed 57 states.
Um, no. That's what the people on the left do whenever something they don't like gets out. They scrub the record, destroy/'lose' tapes, and disavow any knowledge of it ever happening.
Besides, even if people on the right did do that, there's still the media to harp on it, and we all know they would.
While Sarah Palin has refused to admit that her account of Paul Revere’s famous ride may have been wrong, some Palin fans have taken it upon themselves to make it right. Over the weekend, as the story played out on political talkshows, a mini war was brewing on the battlefields of Wikipedia as people attempted to alter the text on Revere’s Wikipedia page to match Palin’s account while other editors tried to shut them down. George Orwell would be so proud. Or, y’know, horrified.
The Palin editors attempted to add Palin’s quote as well as make mention of a “disputed account” while the opposing side fought to prove that Palin was not a “reliable source.” Thanks to the always entertaining Wikipedia Talk Page for the article, we can see the strikes made by each group. Here’s a sample of the fight: