It is impossible to believe he is christian because would have been a real chritsian, he would never have accepted that. Americans are correctly convicted that he is a Muslim.
This is all so silly. First of all, does anybody truly believe that Obama believes in any of that religious, deist nonsense? Obama's a politician. He's been for quite some time. He had gone to a Black Christian church for 20 years. His wife is a Christian, his kids were Baptized. It's a matter of political expedience. All of it.
I don't get the argument. So he's a closet Muslim...with a Christian wife and kids? A closet Muslim who publicly claims that he is, in fact, a Christian? Somebody with a secret faaith that he betrays in front of the world? A closet Muslim who advocates abortion rights, gay rights and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell?
And what I really don't get is that, if he really is some secret Muslim with some Muslim agenda, what is he doing about it? Expanding the war in Afghanistan? Bombing the fuck out of Pakistan and Yemen? Expanding the now unnamed War on Terror into Eurasia after he fires General McChrystal, a man who's political philosophy was to gain Afghan Muslim hearts and minds by easing up on civilian collateral damage? Picking Rahm Israel Emanuel, the Zionist son of a racist Israeli terrorist, as his Right Hand man??
I swear, Obama could order an air strike on The Dome of the Rock and people would say, "See, I knew he was a Muslim!" I can't stand his politics, but man people really need to pick their battles.