Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Well said Kimora.
So because 19 radical Muslims committed those acts all Muslims must suffer? In case you dont know not all Muslims are radical.

No not all, but there are a boatload that are nuts.

Btw the Takfiri are allowed to undertake local customs i.e. drink alcohol go to strip clubs if the end result is killing the infidel. Hence the 19 hijackers did just that.



St. Nicholas Church being given a hard time while the Mosque gets a ton of political and media support.
Yeah but bars, strip clubs, betting facility and porno stores didn't murder nearly 3,000 on 9/11. Muslims did.
You do realize that those were insane radicals, right? Seriously, what do you care? You're not Muslim, no one is forcing you to go to ground zero. Who cares?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
But the strip club and the peep show around the corner are in good taste?:facepalm:

They're tolerable because the people who flew the planes didn't do so in the name of the strip bar and peep show.

A Greek Orthodox Church wanted to rebuild it's parish after it was destroyed next to GZ. The NY authorities refused. Hmmmmm wonder why?
Guess brown nosing muslims is more profitable than helping Greek Orthodox Christians.

This is wrong.

Criminals did. Muslims don't go to strip clubs nor drink.

What shouldn't be built near the Fed building in OKC?

Muslims DO drink. Good Muslims don't. They're only human; they break the rules and succumb to temptation too.

So because 19 radical Muslims committed those acts all Muslims must suffer? In case you dont know not all Muslims are radical.


1st Amendment ftw!

Don't be mad at the entire effin Muslim population, be mad at the guys who were flying those planes.

Hatred breeds hatred.


No, I am French but this is not the first time makes me the same remark than you.

I'm sorry, I don't understand, can you please rephrase that? :georges:
You do realize that those were insane radicals, right? Seriously, what do you care? You're not Muslim, no one is forcing you to go to ground zero. Who cares?

It was an attack on our country!!!!!! Do you seriously expect him not to care? If you don't care then it says that there is something definitely missing with you my friend.

Three thousand people were murdered in an act of unprovoked violence and you say "who cares?" That's just pathetic.
So how does it directly effect your life? The building of the actual mosque, I mean. You're under the impression that I'm saying "who cares" about 9/11. 9/11 was bad, but I'm not co-opting the grief of others that were DIRECTLY affected by THE ACTUAL CRASH.

Don't get so riled up, hoss.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Obama is makin it more and more to not like him...

If you support the Constitution of the United States you should support it to.

Plus this "Mosque at Ground Zero" stuff is shit! I worked in the World Trade Center from 1995 to 1999 and you cannot even see the World Trade Center site from the location.

Besides we are NOT fighting Moslems we are fighting Al Qaeda and the terrorists.

Go to Arlington National Cemetery and see how many Moslem's are buried there because they died fighting for our country.

Look up and see how many American Moslem's were killed by the 9/11 terrorists on that day.

Jesus Fucking Christ! Jesus would be ASHAMED how so many American's are freaking out over this. And he'd be ASHAMED that you all listen and believe all the right wing extremist hype!

Use logic ... not emotion!


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
He's right. I despise Islam, but he's absolutely right. I find it insane that anybody objects to the legal construction of a mosque on private property. Imagine if Catholics were forbidden to construct churches within blocks of a school because there are priests who are guilty of pedophilia. You'd see Giuliani, Bill Donohue and the Catholic Legal launching protests and waving the Bill of Rights in the air every time a camera was within a mile radius.

I know you and I often disagree but I applaud you for this reasonable line of thought.
You do realize that those were insane radicals, right? Seriously, what do you care? You're not Muslim, no one is forcing you to go to ground zero. Who cares?

Insane radicals? No, quite sane and very determined.

You see I do care. Perhaps when you grow up, you will too.
I worked in the World Trade Center from 1995 to 1999 and you cannot even see the World Trade Center site from the location.

Besides we are NOT fighting Moslems we are fighting Al Qaeda and the terrorists.

Use logic ... not emotion!

Good for you.

If you walk 20 meters from the proposed mosque you will see GZ.

No we're fighting Al Qaeda and terrorists who are muslim.

Use logic.

You are a disgusting human being. Ban me if you want but you are nothing but a lying bigot. You know the president is not muslim but you take snipits to try and your point. There is a special place in hell for liars. You sir, are a liar.

Play the whole unedited clip! Why not? Because fear mongering bigots can't handle the truth.


Hiliary 2020
damn, 10 pages.

its getting out of hand too.

from what i understand the church is not/will not be on the actual property where the trade center was.
if thats true whats the debate about?

and if it was on the actual property in my opinion it would be in bad taste to put it there, but private property, legally nothing can stop it.
damn, 10 pages.

its getting out of hand too.

from what i understand the church is not/will not be on the actual property where the trade center was.
if thats true whats the debate about?

and if it was on the actual property in my opinion it would be in bad taste to put it there, but private property, legally nothing can stop it.

I agree with you its private property they can do what city ordinances allow there, just why there.


Hiliary 2020
I agree with you its private property they can do what city ordinances allow there, just why there.

I don't know.
to rub it in our faces maybe.

before i answer is it even on the trade center property or just near it?
and like i said if its on the property i feel its in very bad taste.
You are a disgusting human being. Ban me if you want but you are nothing but a lying bigot. You know the president is not muslim but you take snipits to try and your point. There is a special place in hell for liars. You sir, are a liar.

Play the whole unedited clip! Why not? Because fear mongering bigots can't handle the truth.

That is the first time ever I hear this:rolleyes: Using arguments à la boothbabe are not working on me. If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it. There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing. I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists? The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew: