If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it
I disagree. Clnton may would had allowed the go ahead, but not Bush.
If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it
That is the first time ever I hear thisUsing arguments à la boothbabe are not working on me. If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it. There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing. I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists? The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:
okay flying people into buildings is quite sane gotchaInsane radicals? No, quite sane and very determined.
You see I do care. Perhaps when you grow up, you will too.
You are a disgusting human being. Ban me if you want but you are nothing but a lying bigot. You know the president is not muslim but you take snipits to try and your point. There is a special place in hell for liars. You sir, are a liar.
Play the whole unedited clip! Why not? Because fear mongering bigots can't handle the truth.
okay flying people into buildings is quite sane gotcha
Good for you.
If you walk 20 meters from the proposed mosque you will see GZ.
No we're fighting Al Qaeda and terrorists who are muslim.
Use logic.
Yes because only secret Muslims can be the arbiters of Constitutional law.If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it.
There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing.
I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists?
The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:
That is the first time ever I hear thisUsing arguments à la boothbabe are not working on me. If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it. There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing. I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists? The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:
It is impossible to believe he is christian because would have been a real chritsian, he would never have accepted that. Americans are correctly convicted that he is a Muslim.
I think it's tasteless for any religion to build a place of worship so close to where people of all faiths died, but these people have a constitutional right to do what they're doing.
Good for you.
If you walk 20 meters from the proposed mosque you will see GZ.
No we're fighting Al Qaeda and terrorists who are muslim.
Use logic.
If you want to see the only sane editorial I've seen on this matter watch this short clip from Jon Stewart. It makes 100% sense and it takes a USA comedian to bring proper light to the issue!
I saw this last night and it was hilarious by Stewart. :1orglaugh
Use logic ???? You are the one with the flawed logic.
Let me see if I got this straight according to your logic. You believe ...
* Al Queda are terrorists
* Al Queda are muslims
* Therefore all muslims are terrorists.
Using your login you could apply a huge generality like that to anything.
* Catholic priests are petophiles
* Catholic priests are Christians
* Therefore all christians are petophiles
Need I go on with this absurdity you are spouting?
If you want to see the only sane editorial I've seen on this matter watch this short clip from Jon Stewart. It makes 100% sense and it takes a USA comedian to bring proper light to the issue!
I'm only speaking about muslims and their religion not christians or catholics or whatever your yammering about.
Islam is in dire straits. It's been politicized, militarized by it's own high level clergy for decades since the late 60s to combat Communism. It had religious schools churning out mindless robots who hate Jews and the West because they're told so. The religions supposed "moderates" are mute to condemn their zealots and take action against them. So what's left to do but assume everyone deep down harbors some anti West anti Semitic notion, pro Islamist ideology.
Here's another (sane editorial):