Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

That is the first time ever I hear this:rolleyes: Using arguments à la boothbabe are not working on me. If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it. There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing. I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists? The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:

There you go using that "authorizing" word again.:facepalm:
I don't know if anyone has sought to clarify the facts, but..

The mosque is not being built at ground zero. It is being built two blocks away. It is not just a mosque but a community center for families and children. There is, presently, a mosque four blocks away from ground zero, that actually predates the World Trade Center. And furthermore, for such hallowed ground, you can find a strip club, OTB, Dunkin Donuts, and souvenir stands, all within the same distance as the proposed mosque, which, by the way, is called the Park 51 project, as it is not at ground zero, nor is ground zero a neighborhood of New York like Tribeca, SoHo, etc.
Insane radicals? No, quite sane and very determined.

You see I do care. Perhaps when you grow up, you will too.
okay flying people into buildings is quite sane gotcha
You are a disgusting human being. Ban me if you want but you are nothing but a lying bigot. You know the president is not muslim but you take snipits to try and your point. There is a special place in hell for liars. You sir, are a liar.

Play the whole unedited clip! Why not? Because fear mongering bigots can't handle the truth.
okay flying people into buildings is quite sane gotcha

In their eyes the means justifies the end in case you haven't noticed. They'll do whatever they think will grant them success in case you haven't noticed.


Believer In GregCentauro
Good for you.

If you walk 20 meters from the proposed mosque you will see GZ.

No we're fighting Al Qaeda and terrorists who are muslim.

Use logic.

Should we hate (and deny rights) to all Christians, because of the Ku Klux Klan? No....

Yes the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian Terrorist group...if you dont know that youre a fool.


The critics of the mosque sound like those folk in muslim countries who protest against christian missionaries and churches because of the christian armies that invade and occupy their lands.....
If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it.
Yes because only secret Muslims can be the arbiters of Constitutional law. :facepalm:

There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing.

All of whom have been refuted on numerous occasions. You think otherwise, provide some real evidence for your case. Of course there isn't any "real" evidence out there and these are just the ramblings akin to the worst kind of conspiracy theorist.

Nice 'No true Scotsman' by the way. :hatsoff:

I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists?

Someone who was elected to uphold the Constitution?

You may be "frank" and "honest" with everyone you speak with here georges, but that's not enough in this case. If you believe Obama to be a secret Muslim here under cover in order to bring with him the Caliphate, but if you really want the rest of us to accept your propositions here you're really going to have to do better than a couple minutes of youtube video edited out of context.

The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:

..... all right. :dunno:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
That is the first time ever I hear this:rolleyes: Using arguments à la boothbabe are not working on me. If it was Clinton or Bush, they would never have authorized it, I am sure of it. There has been several persistant questions of who Obama really is. I don't believe he is a christian because a christian would have said no to this kind of thing. I am frank and honest with everyone I speak and deal with here. But let me tell you one thing, who would have authorized to build a religious building (for the case here a mosque) near when a tragedy happened and knowing that this tragedy was perpetrated by radical islamist terrorists? The WTC was attacked by those same people the first time in 1996.You are blinded by what the press says, Obama so good , Obama so great. Let's see what kind of "marvelous" surprise we will get next:elaugh::eeew:

Here's the thing. It doesn't matter if muslims, christians, hindis, pagans, christian scientists or the followers of the church of the flying spaghetti monster is building a house of worship or a community center on or near GZ.

The Constitution of the United States explicitly states in the first amendment that Congress shall make no low respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

So really when it comes down to it, this is very black and white. Regardless of people's feelings on this, regardless of who the current president is, regardless of Obama's religious affiliations or supposed affiliations, regardless of the government's feelings on it...as long as the muslims building the mosque/community center own the land and follows the city building code...they can.

I think it's tasteless for any religion to build a place of worship so close to where people of all faiths died, but these people have a constitutional right to do what they're doing.

Oh yes, and some humor. Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition
Last edited:

I can take bits and pieces of footage out of context and argue that President Kennedy was born in Berlin.
I think it's tasteless for any religion to build a place of worship so close to where people of all faiths died, but these people have a constitutional right to do what they're doing.

I'm glad you see the law is right, but as far as tastelessness goes, there is already, within two blocks of ground zero, an OTB, strip club, McDonalds, and a host of other stores that to me, don't exactly scream hallowed ground.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Good for you.

If you walk 20 meters from the proposed mosque you will see GZ.

No we're fighting Al Qaeda and terrorists who are muslim.

Use logic.

Use logic ???? You are the one with the flawed logic.

Let me see if I got this straight according to your logic. You believe ...
* Al Queda are terrorists
* Al Queda are muslims
* Therefore all muslims are terrorists.

Using your login you could apply a huge generality like that to anything.
* Catholic priests are petophiles
* Catholic priests are Christians
* Therefore all christians are petophiles

Need I go on with this absurdity you are spouting?


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Use logic ???? You are the one with the flawed logic.

Let me see if I got this straight according to your logic. You believe ...
* Al Queda are terrorists
* Al Queda are muslims
* Therefore all muslims are terrorists.

Using your login you could apply a huge generality like that to anything.
* Catholic priests are petophiles
* Catholic priests are Christians
* Therefore all christians are petophiles

Need I go on with this absurdity you are spouting?

I'm only speaking about muslims and their religion not christians or catholics or whatever your yammering about.

Islam is in dire straits. It's been politicized, militarized by it's own high level clergy for decades since the late 60s to combat Communism. It had religious schools churning out mindless robots who hate Jews and the West because they're told so. The religions supposed "moderates" are mute to condemn their zealots and take action against them. So what's left to do but assume everyone deep down harbors some anti West anti Semitic notion, pro Islamist ideology.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I'm only speaking about muslims and their religion not christians or catholics or whatever your yammering about.

Islam is in dire straits. It's been politicized, militarized by it's own high level clergy for decades since the late 60s to combat Communism. It had religious schools churning out mindless robots who hate Jews and the West because they're told so. The religions supposed "moderates" are mute to condemn their zealots and take action against them. So what's left to do but assume everyone deep down harbors some anti West anti Semitic notion, pro Islamist ideology.

Trident1 .. you talk in such circles and flawed logic I can't make sense of what you are trying say.

The one part I agree totally on is the Muslims "moderates" need to be more brave and speak out.

Facial_King ... that was very well written! I'm going to tweet that one out now.