Obama releases long-form birth certificate

if some of you people had the same drive and energy about shit that really affects the country as you do about "the birthers" and defending this guy like he's your mom shit might actually get fixed.
no it wouldn't . There is no fixing what's wrong with America. Politics is only a fraction of it. We are a land of down syndrome self righteous whores. Turn off that fucking box if you want to change America


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Obama won because of change and being a colored feller.
Does the word "coloured" still fly? Not an accusation, just a question. I like your current sig best so far, she looks better on the right, btw.
Try moderating properly, and with at least a hint of impartiality.
Well said!
:clap: :thumbsup: :bowdown:
It's not like Obama is some blue blood with the wealth and backing to stage this kind of hoax.
Or is he? :tinhat:
Sorry, couldn't resist. I blame the influence of the tinhat smiley.
If I were on the committee...
If you were on the Commitee Reagan would have got the prize. :tongue: :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
no it wouldn't . There is no fixing what's wrong with America. Politics is only a fraction of it. We are a land of down syndrome self righteous whores. Turn off that fucking box if you want to change America

you know we agree on that and incidentally I don't even own a tv.
I agree that the rotten box has a huge influence on people but I wouldn't say it makes them self righteous, maybe more conformist, controlled and manipulated, greedy selfish and shallow but not really self righteous.
why you mentioned down syndrome I have no idear.
so yeah change america, turn off the box but I think we see most of the problems with a little different perspective.

And pool hustler he was a Us senator since 2005 and he spent almost all his time from 2006 to 2008 .
what does the question imply?
addressing the bush question, no .
but bushes parents are well known people.
we all know where he was born.
No, you and I assume it. As I doubt you or I have seen a shred of evidence proving the assumption one way or the other. Maybe I should have simplified the analogy more. The point of the analogy was to have you rationalize what you'd have to accept in order to give any legitimacy to a similar accusation about Bush. Since we're in the land of anything is possible, why accept any assumption on the Bush family without proof of each fact? But never mind. When I think back I should have realized my efforts here were destined to fail you. Oh well..:dunno:
yeah, from nothing to senator to prez in lightning speed.
Keep reading...addressed later.
and he doesn't need to be born rich for that just have the backing of some very rich left wingers and a country willing to put him in office based on things that shouldn't count.
Yep..'Manchurian candidate' right?:tinhat:
Yeah he most likely was born in us territory but why wait so long to produce a doc?
I always thought he was hiding something........so if not trusting THE GOV, not trusting the dems and not trusting politicians makes someone wacky then I'm a LOON.

So long? He produced the exact same type of document you have from your evidence of birth (assuming you have yours). If you recall, he was accused of not being a US citizen which prompted him to produce his regular birth cert. (the one EVERYONE should have and would produce whereupon they needed to prove where they were born). Did that shut up 'birthers'? No because that was then called a fake....Now that he's released the long form...:facepalm:

This is why you don't descend to the whims of idiots when you have the facts on your side. It will never end. When you have the facts on your side, you tell them to pound sand because your facts will beat their's any day of the week. All they're looking for is a protracted debate so they can say, "Ahah!!" at your first misspeak totally irrelevant to the original question or point.

Re LOON: Is this your coming out party?

I doubt that it was given for any real achievement.
Ok..opinion noted. Value added-0.

Obama only fueled the conspiracies by not releasing the "long" form 2.5 years ago.

Yeah...that's what we do. We all go get our long forms the first time idiots question the authenticity of our standard birth cert.:rolleyes: So the first time you needed to prove you were born where ever you were born...you broke out your 'long' form birth cert. too huh?:rolleyes:

if some of you people had the same drive and energy about shit that really affects the country as you do about "the birthers" and defending this guy like he's your mom shit might actually get fixed.

Why is the response to and debunking of political nonsense more detestable than the perpetuation of it? Look around, you're a frequent flyer in these threads with your POV just as much as anyone. Ever stop and think how few the responses and defenses would be with without the energy being put into perpetuating myths??:eek:

And pool hustler he was a Us senator since 2005 and he spent almost all his time from 2006 to 2008 .

I asked you to be patient enough to read on earlier in this post. Well, here it is...What was President Barack H. Obama Jr. doing from 1997 to 2004?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
if some of you people had the same drive and energy about shit that really affects the country as you do about "the birthers" and defending this guy like he's your mom shit might actually get fixed.
All Politicians love this shit, especially the dems because it keeps people concentrating on the right hand while the left is picking their pocket.

Or conversely, if the birthers (and yes, I'm specifically calling out Trump here) had the same drive and energy about shit that really affects the country, shit might actually get fixed.

IMO, these loony-tune people are like the nose-pickers you see at company conferences. They have nothing of value to add to discussions, so they wander off on tangents, and do nothing but disrupt and prolong the meeting.

I do agree that politicians "love this shit," as you say. But I would not say it's "especially the dems". I'll let you borrow my old HP-12C and any computer program you want. Using those tools, if you can explain and validate Rep. Paul Ryan's fuzzy math budget to me and have it make sense, I'll buy you a weekend at your favorite Colombian hotel. 2.8% unemployment rate??? Really? Has Mr. Ryan ever heard of "full employment"? Does he realize that a sustained 2.8% unemployment rate is unsustainable?

As for Mr. Trump, if I'd taken my companies through bankruptcy (at least) four times, yeah, I'd be anxious to divert attention from my own failings and onto birth certificates and college transcripts (his latest mission in life). And if I'd been caught lying during a deposition, I would rather talk about what some other guy did or didn't do 25 years ago than that. Here's an idea for Trump and all the other birthers (including the ones here): given our current economic/fiscal woes, offer up a solution or three. You don't even have to be THAT specific, just some general ideas. Can you do that, or are you just able to offer continued chin music (for you northern types, that's like "jaw flapping", just more refined :))?

If it had been me, I would have told these moonbeam worshipping flakes to go fuck themselves. If it had been me, I would have said that I don't need to have my integrity questioned by a guy who periodically bankrupts his companies and snatches the cash, lies in depositions, fakes his net worth on financial statements and cheated on his wife. But that's probably why I wouldn't make a good politician. :dunno:
He should have released it when people questioned it the first place.

Yea, I was one of the people that questioned it. If his government was supposed to be so transparent, what is wrong with his long form certificate that he couldn't show it?

Seriously? You're not as bright as I thought you were. Why should he do anything out of the ordinary from any other president? If he met the standard vetting process than he is president. Case closed. If certain extremists now have a problem with how our presidents are vetted than those extremists can try to get protocols changed. I can think of 100 reasons why he didn't have to release anything. Some reasons start with privacy and others start with F Off Haters... :dunno:

I hope you haven't also thought Donald Trump is a serious candidate for president.


Will E Worm

He didn't.
That bogus contention (among so many others) has been thoroughly debunked for some time now.

He did and that is that. :hatsoff:

Wasn't SOS Hilary the original "Birther"? :dunno:

I do believe she started it!

I know. Something liberals like to conveniently forget. ;)

Why should he do anything out of the ordinary from any other president?

We have to show all forms of ID to do anything.
To run for an office they should have to as well and we the people should have access to the information. Freedom of Information Act, and the fact that we are not serfs. We aren't supposed to be anyway.

This is another reason why Obama should not be hiding anything.

"It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent."
Barack Obama

You might want to read that again. ;)

"A government operates and acts differently than a company. So all we want to do is get some transparency here and then determine if the deal should go forward."
Mark Foley

Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terrorism have reduced the pace of military transformation and have revealed our lack of preparation for defensive and stability operations. This Administration has overextended our military.
Barack Obama

:1orglaugh Obama continues to overextend the military.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What the Birthers mean, but are too chicken shit to say (in public):

Now Trump is saying that Obama shouldn't have been allowed to enter Harvard and he wants Obama to explain how he got in. The guy graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School. But Trump says he was a "terrible student" and should have never been granted admission. How did this ni... guy get into Harvard Law? OK, fine... now that we pretty much know that this ni... guy was indeed born in the U.S., how did the ni... guy get into Harvard? And do we know that he didn't pay someone to take his tests for him? I mean, let's be honest, we all know that ni... uh, people like Obama aren't very intelligent. So, we demand to see Obama's college transcripts now! This (according to Donald Trump) is a very, very important issue. And ya know, Donald is very, very smart (just ask him) and very, very rich (just ask him) and if he says this is a very, very important issue... he must be right! :bowdown:

If you ask me, that Obama is one uppity ni... guy! Damn African born, secret Muslim, Nazi-Communist-Socialist ni... guy!
Why would it...? Like I mentioned to Petra, it's never been about the facts. It was about moving the goal line back a little further every time he shuts them up with something else on it. The whole point of that game is to keep it alive and hopefully trip him up on some totally unrelated technicality...Like they did with Clinton.

The people who fronted [nobabe]Paula Jones[/nobabe] hit jackpot with that scam. At best they were hoping to besmirch Clinton as the antithesis of the type of man a strong constituency of his ('wimmins') thought he was... They ended up getting him impeached.:facepalm:

That's what allot of this nonsense is about...keeping the shit going at least and hopefully (for them) escalating it to the level of depositions and technical legalese so as to gig him on some hyper technicality.

Because as you see ...even implicit in the question you just asked, it doesn't solve anything for some of you. As the solution here begets but another question. And why would/should he legitimize a fake issue held until now...by the lunatic fringes?

It was a joke among right minded people until Trump started making that his campaign issue. Now that Obama has trumped him, he still isn't shutting up about it. See??

Right. And I believe I mentioned that in my post about how this has just done nothing but helped Trump out in his run since he was the one that resurrected this on a media sized scale. Before he went on The View and brought it up the whole certificate fiasco controversy was small. Now it is back in full force.

Whatever. Obama is President right now and that is that.

I have never been able to make sense of this assertion.
We're talking about the good old US of A. There had to have been way more people that voted against him because of his race than voted for him because of it.

Just as people voted because he was black. So what?

I bet more black people voted for him because he was a democrat black man. Remember Alan Keyes? Him being Republican he didn't garner much of a following. The vast majority of folks that vote do not keep up with politics and most likely do not even know who their local politicians are.

Does the word "coloured" still fly? Not an accusation, just a question. I like your current sig best so far, she looks better on the right, btw.

It was sarcasm.
"It's time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent."
Barack Obama

You might want to read that again. ;)
Great idea Obama espouses here IMO. But I somehow think you're trying to suggest the silly notion Obama wants to decide how every dollar is spent by each US citizen. Much like the 'birther' mumbo-jumbo...I doubt you've reasoned anything logical as to how such a circumstance comes to pass though.
Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terrorism have reduced the pace of military transformation and have revealed our lack of preparation for defensive and stability operations. This Administration has overextended our military.
Barack Obama

:1orglaugh Obama continues to overextend the military.

Obama campaigned on increasing the troop levels in Afghanistan and withdrawing troops from Iraq. In Dec. 2008 GWB did what Obama campaigned on with respect to Iraq and Obama subsequently did what he campaigned on and increased the troop levels in Afghanistan.:2 cents:

Will E Worm

Great idea Obama espouses here IMO.

Too bad he isn't doing any of them.

But I somehow think you're trying to suggest the silly notion Obama wants to decide how every dollar is spent by each US citizen.

You have comprehension problems. :rolleyes:

He said he would reform the federal government so they would take responsibility for every dollar that is spent by them.

He also said, "spread the wealth." Which is not his job and is anti-American.

Obama was caught on video telling an Ohio plumber that he intends to take the profits of small-business owners and "spread the wealth around" to those with lesser incomes.

Also, Obama was supposed to be the anti-war President.
He's not, he wants more wars. Libya and Iran are just two.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Wasn't SOS Hilary the original "Birther"? :dunno:

I do believe she started it!

She was - however, when presented with the facts, she had the common sense to leave it alone.

What people fail to understand is that, once he began his run for President, his records were being checked. I don't mean by some two-bit private dick hired by some rich white kid with a TV show. I mean by true professionals who do this for their pure existence. They did not just go through those records with a fine-toothed comb, they tore that comb apart looking for crumbs. They didn't just go through his records nor simply his parents' records. They tore apart his family records apart to an extent that the media will never find. They tracked, they interviewed, they dug, they extracted, they analysed (Hehehehehehe. "analysed"), they dug some more.
If there was one iota of a question about his birth right, he would have been forced (most likely quietly and behind closed doors) to drop his Presidential run. And continually to question his past accomplishes two things the Republicans are trying very hard to do:
1) Take attention away from the true issues such as the economy, health care, the environment, foreign affairs, et al. The Republicans are total failures in all of those issues, and are only able to succeed in hyperbole. By focusing on these non-issues, their failures in all other issues are clouded.
2) Show that they still are unable to digest the sour grapes that a once poor black kid from a broken home was able to beat a rich white military man.


what the fuck you lookin at?
if he was born in east Africa how the fuck can he be president?
You have comprehension problems. :rolleyes:

He said he would reform the federal government so they would take responsibility for every dollar that is spent by them.

He also said, "spread the wealth." Which is not his job and is anti-American.

Obama was caught on video telling an Ohio plumber that he intends to take the profits of small-business owners and "spread the wealth around" to those with lesser incomes.
Not that a fact will make a single bit of difference to you cupcake but for those who can actually comprehend what they read or hear...see the cupcake's claims debunked by the facts below..:hatsoff:

1. Sam Wurzelbacher(sp?) was not a plumber nor was he fixin' to buy a plumbing company as he claimed.

2. The exact exchange between Sam and Obama (since you're unfamiliar with the facts as usual...:tongue:)

Wurzelbacher said, "I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes 250 to 280 thousand dollars a year. Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?"

Obama said, "If you're a small business, which you would qualify, first of all, you would get a 50 percent tax credit so you'd get a cut in taxes for your health care costs. So you would actually get a tax cut on that part. If your revenue is above 250, then from 250 down, your taxes are going to stay the same. It is true that, say for 250 up — from 250 to 300 or so, so for that additional amount, you’d go from 36 to 39 percent, which is what it was under Bill Clinton."

Obama also said, "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too… My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. If you’ve got a plumbing business, you’re gonna be better off [...] if you’ve got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you, and right now everybody’s so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."

3. Obama never claimed spreading the wealth around was his job nor that he planned to do it.. With respect to Sam's (phony) concerns...all Obama was going to do was let expire the Bush tax cuts on the top 2 pct. and allow them to revert back to 39% from 36%.

4. Reforming g'ment is cool and one thing...but Obama didn't have to do a single thing to make g'ment responsible for every cent it spends. They already are...

That doesn't mean they spend every cent responsibly and that's what he was suggesting. That doesn't mean you will automatically agree with everything he believes should be funded either.

Also, Obama was supposed to be the anti-war President.
He's not, he wants more wars. Libya and Iran are just two.

You're the one with comprehension problems....When did Obama bill himself as the anti-war President?? Factually he's said the opposite.

I stand before you as someone who is not opposed to war in all circumstances. The Civil War was one of the bloodiest in history, and yet it was only through the crucible of the sword, the sacrifice of multitudes, that we could begin to perfect this union and drive the scourge of slavery from our soil.

I don't oppose all wars. My grandfather signed up for a war the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed, fought in Patton's army. He fought in the name of a larger freedom, part of that arsenal of democracy that triumphed over evil.

I don't oppose all wars.

After September 11, after witnessing the carnage and destruction, the dust and the tears, I supported this administration's pledge to hunt down and root out those who would slaughter innocents in the name of intolerance, and I would willingly take up arms myself to prevent such tragedy from happening again.


Obama - 2002

/\/\...I know Will E., the text of that speech is photoshopped.:rolleyes::1orglaugh

She was - however, when presented with the facts, she had the common sense to leave it alone.

No greater evidence of her accepting the facts than her deciding to serve in his administration.:dunno:


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Pffft! They didn't use that font in 1961.....
Hehe. Right I agree wholeheartedly Blueballs. :)

Okay everyone - his mother's race is "Caucasian". His father's race is African??

Oh really.

What type of race is that? Back in 1961 the race would be called "Negro". "Black" in the very least.

Also any long birth certificate issued at around that time has the baby's birth weight, its length and day and time of birth.

Mine does. And I was born a year later in 1962.

No where on the President's "just released" long birth certificate does it have any of these key facts.