Obama releases long-form birth certificate

I bet this is helping Trump's run for the presidency. He brought it up and now it is all of a sudden revealed. Both short and long forms.

Whatever. Only question I have is what Petra brought up:

Why it take this long?

Aside from that it comes down to this: people need to shut up and realize he is the President right now. No president is going to be liked. However most likely Obama will be a one term President.


...that depends on who the GOP has to offer as a better alternative. Obama won because of change and being a colored feller. Obama who ran up against a crusty old white man that quickly became a maverick of a joke. Who else did the people have to choose from at that point?

Aside from that this thread is stupid. A lot of crap I see going on in it and once again showcasing that we are unable to partake in a serious political discussion without resorting to recess playground antics with each other.

It is one thing to debate; but it is another to bait.

Grow up and decide you are able to participate in a debate or don't bother posting at all. Or if you do post and still do not want to debate feel free to not quote or argue just for the sake of whatever it is you feel you are doing.

Just leave it at your two cents. Because most likely people will only skim and take out the parts they agree with and leave the rest at the shitter.

It is what it is...
It looks a bit too well kept for something so old, he thought by releasing this he'd throw us off of his tracks but I'm onto him


Why would it...? Like I mentioned to Petra, it's never been about the facts. It was about moving the goal line back a little further every time he shuts them up with something else on it. The whole point of that game is to keep it alive and hopefully trip him up on some totally unrelated technicality...Like they did with Clinton.

The people who fronted [nobabe]Paula Jones[/nobabe] hit jackpot with that scam. At best they were hoping to besmirch Clinton as the antithesis of the type of man a strong constituency of his ('wimmins') thought he was... They ended up getting him impeached.:facepalm:

That's what allot of this nonsense is about...keeping the shit going at least and hopefully (for them) escalating it to the level of depositions and technical legalese so as to gig him on some hyper technicality.

Whatever. Only question I have is what Petra brought up:

Why it take this long?

Because as you see ...even implicit in the question you just asked, it doesn't solve anything for some of you. As the solution here begets but another question. And why would/should he legitimize a fake issue held until now...by the lunatic fringes?

It was a joke among right minded people until Trump started making that his campaign issue. Now that Obama has trumped him, he still isn't shutting up about it. See??
First ask yourself if the 'birther' thing has been brought up before - it has, when BHO ran in 2008

Second, ask yourself if Trump is actually going to run for president - he's done this before and each time, back out after getting what he wanted (he was never seriously considering it). For anyone even considering him as a candidate....ask yourself "What is his platform?" (and see how far that gets you and walk off in shame for having even spent time on that idea)


Then, ask yourself what the donald gets out of this

What's his angle this time around? My own best guess is to boost the ratings of his reality TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice," which airs on NBC. The show pays Trump a reported $3 million per episode. MSNBC talk-show host and Trump critic Lawrence O'Donnell is probably exaggerating when he says the show may be the only paying job Trump actually has.


Hiliary 2020
Why must this be an us against them thing?
And why would wanting to be sure that the PREZ is a natural born citizen considered wacky?
To me its not caring or blindly saying he is that's wacky.
Why must this be an us against them thing?
And why would wanting to be sure that the PREZ is a natural born citizen considered wacky?
To me its not caring or blindly saying he is that's wacky.

So if in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, a lunatic fringe started running around with trumped up evidence GWB wasn't born in Connecticut you would be among those asking that Bush dignify the idiots by going out of his way to prove them wrong...knowing full well, it's just a game to get him to engage them in the first place?

What you don't get is it's loony not because of the question....It's loony because of what the question implies. That a man has ascended to the office of POTUS using faked documents. :facepalm::rolleyes:

Does that clear up why this lunacy is the province of idiots?:tinhat:

It's not like Obama is some blue blood with the wealth and backing to stage this kind of hoax.
lol...can't believe people are still talking about this.

See the pictures of the donald? He is orange and forgot to paint his white eyelids.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
lol...can't believe people are still talking about this.

See the pictures of the donald? He is orange and forgot to paint his white eyelids.

Unfortunately, not only are people still talking, I suspect they will be for .... well, probably ever. Evangelism, which is what hardcore birtherism is - no less than say ..errr.. truthers - knows no form of proof that can defy its theory of the world.

BTW ... there's nothing wrong with orange:D
Let's assume BO wasn't born in the U.S. He got in with all these fake documents. What do the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security or whoever checks the legality of these documents have to gain from keeping this secret? Were the documents crafted so well that even they cannot tell? This is insane. I heard about this nonsense before and I thought it was a joke. It's depressing knowing that people go to such lengths to make fools out of themselves.

So people didn't believe he was American. He somehow cheated his way all the way to be POTUS. Ok. But then he showed proof of birth that every other Hawaiin uses and it's not good enough. Now he's showing the long form and people still aren't happy? What is it with these conspiracy theorists?? I'm embarrassed for them.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Why would it...? Like I mentioned to Petra, it's never been about the facts. It was about moving the goal line back a little further every time he shuts them up with something else on it.

On the flip side though, at any time Obama or his admin could have produced the birth certificate and said, "here it is now shut up and lets get to business". Yet they didn't.

Ignoring the issue and hoping it would go away sure as hell didn't work either.

And you're possibly right. Each time he jumped when the opposition said jump, they might have asked him to produce something else. Or, he could have been firm. Perhaps if he was more experienced as a leader that would have helped him keep things fromg getting so out of hand in the first place. Honestly, at this point we'll never know the outcome if he'd have produced the piece of paper asked for 3 years ago. We can only speculate until someone either gets a hold of the Tardis or invents time travel.

What I do know is people are going to pick this apart and the closer we get to election time, the sillier things are going to get. We're now at the point where the government might as well give up trying to fix things until the next term because nothing useful is going to get done for the next year and 7 months.
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On the flip side though, at any time Obama or his admin could have produced the birth certificate and said, "here it is now shut up and lets get to business". Yet they didn't.

Ignoring the issue and hoping it would go away sure as hell didn't work either.

And you're possibly right. Each time he jumped when the opposition said jump, they might have asked him to produce something else. Or, he could have been firm. At this point we'll never know the outcome if he'd have produced the piece of paper asked for 3 years ago.

What I do know is people are going to pick this apart and the closer we get to election time, the sillier things are going to get. We're now at the point where the government might as well give up trying to fix things until the next term because nothing useful is going to get done for the next year and 7 months.

Call me a cynic but the ruse was as transparent as plate glass.

Like I mentioned before, the broader implication was Obama has somehow done all of the things he's done in life by perpetuating what would have to be hoax..including becoming president. If that doesn't have stupidity written all over it...I don't know what else would.

That said, I personally wouldn't have lowered myself to dignify or legitimize the scam.


Hiliary 2020
So if in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, a lunatic fringe started running around with trumped up evidence GWB wasn't born in Connecticut you would be among those asking that Bush dignify the idiots by going out of his way to prove them wrong...knowing full well, it's just a game to get him to engage them in the first place?

What you don't get is it's loony not because of the question....It's loony because of what the question implies. That a man has ascended to the office of POTUS using faked documents. :facepalm::rolleyes:

Does that clear up why this lunacy is the province of idiots?:tinhat:

It's not like Obama is some blue blood with the wealth and backing to stage this kind of hoax.

what does the question imply?
addressing the bush question, no .
but bushes parents are well known people.
we all know where he was born.

yeah, from nothing to senator to prez in lightning speed.
and he doesn't need to be born rich for that just have the backing of some very rich left wingers and a country willing to put him in office based on things that shouldn't count.

look, his father was an african who went to hawaii and met some hippy chick.
they had barry and he was raised by his typical white woman grandmother who was afraid of blacks.
Yeah he most likely was born in us territory but why wait so long to produce a doc?
I always thought he was hiding something........so if not trusting THE GOV, not trusting the dems and not trusting politicians makes someone wacky then I'm a LOON.
Or he could have been awarded it for his nuke non-proliferation efforts and his speeches on peace, unity and race relations If you don't ...you should probably work to get on the committee which makes the decisions and add your input for the next winners.:dunno:

I doubt that it was given for any real achievement.

If I was on the committee only those who put forward breakthroughs for the betterment of humankind would be awarded the prize.

No more Arafats, Obamas, Gores. No more politically driven crackerjack prizes.

Obama only fueled the conspiracies by not releasing the "long" form 2.5 years ago.
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Obama only fueled the conspiracies by not releasing the "long" form 2.5 years ago.
your woman obsesses over you cheating on her.
You come home after work and she keeps questioning you about sleeping around and accuses you of banging her sister, her mom, and 3 stray dogs, despite being at work for the past 10 hours. She demands you let her smell your dick to see if you still smell like sex.

Do you further fuel these irrational and baseless claims by subjugating yourself to this indignity or do you tell her to pound sand and get help for her paranoid schizophrenia?

Even if you do comply, that same irrational notion (founded on nothing) will not be satiated. So, no, I don't see this as all Obama's fault. He did everything that was required of every other presidential candidate. Also, you're completely oblivious to the events throughout 2007-2008? We've covered this ground already and you're feeding the trolls

The futility of reasoning with crazy

Increasingly, one of our two great political parties appears to be governed by what Charles P. Pierce calls the "Three Great Premises" of talk radio: "First Great Premise: Any theory is valid if it moves units ... Second Great Premise: Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough ... Third Great Premise: Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is measured by how fervently they believe it."
why didn't George Bush/Don Rumsfeld come out and prove they weren't Lizard People Illuminati?
I'm a LOON.


Hiliary 2020
if some of you people had the same drive and energy about shit that really affects the country as you do about "the birthers" and defending this guy like he's your mom shit might actually get fixed.
All Politicians love this shit, especially the dems because it keeps people concentrating on the right hand while the left is picking their pocket.


milf n' cookies
One media whore versus another media whore!
yeah, from nothing to senator to prez in lightning speed.

No, he was an Illinois state senator for EIGHT YEARS.

That's 8 MORE years than Abraham Lincoln (also elected president during his first term as a US senator) served in the Illinois state senate.

That said, I personally wouldn't have lowered myself to dignify or legitimize the scam.

I totally agree.
I'm disappointed he indulged the nutters.
They deserved to be ignored.
But politically it may have been the best move.

Obama won because of change and being a colored feller.

I have never been able to make sense of this assertion.
We're talking about the good old US of A. There had to have been way more people that voted against him because of his race than voted for him because of it.

What's this and this all about? :dunno:

:rofl: I seriously can't believe there are still people questioning what either of those "things" are about, especially the former :facepalm: My goodness sir, are you this ill informed by design? It seems like you'd almost have to be :dunno:

If it was real then why did he spend over two million dollars to keep it out of the public's view?

He didn't.
That bogus contention (among so many others) has been thoroughly debunked for some time now.
why now though? why pander to the Quack now (Trump)/ okay, we have the line-up for Presidency II but even still... mighty suspicious/

put that tin foil away ! ^^ :laugh:

er no, i am serious /