will trump shut up?....of course not lol
It looks a bit too well kept for something so old, he thought by releasing this he'd throw us off of his tracks but I'm onto him
Whatever. Only question I have is what Petra brought up:
Why it take this long?
fuck yeah!Eat shit, birthers ......
Why must this be an us against them thing?
And why would wanting to be sure that the PREZ is a natural born citizen considered wacky?
To me its not caring or blindly saying he is that's wacky.
lol...can't believe people are still talking about this.
See the pictures of the donald? He is orange and forgot to paint his white eyelids.
Why would it...? Like I mentioned to Petra, it's never been about the facts. It was about moving the goal line back a little further every time he shuts them up with something else on it.
On the flip side though, at any time Obama or his admin could have produced the birth certificate and said, "here it is now shut up and lets get to business". Yet they didn't.
Ignoring the issue and hoping it would go away sure as hell didn't work either.
And you're possibly right. Each time he jumped when the opposition said jump, they might have asked him to produce something else. Or, he could have been firm. At this point we'll never know the outcome if he'd have produced the piece of paper asked for 3 years ago.
What I do know is people are going to pick this apart and the closer we get to election time, the sillier things are going to get. We're now at the point where the government might as well give up trying to fix things until the next term because nothing useful is going to get done for the next year and 7 months.
So if in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, a lunatic fringe started running around with trumped up evidence GWB wasn't born in Connecticut you would be among those asking that Bush dignify the idiots by going out of his way to prove them wrong...knowing full well, it's just a game to get him to engage them in the first place?
What you don't get is it's loony not because of the question....It's loony because of what the question implies. That a man has ascended to the office of POTUS using faked documents.
Does that clear up why this lunacy is the province of idiots?:tinhat:
It's not like Obama is some blue blood with the wealth and backing to stage this kind of hoax.
Or he could have been awarded it for his nuke non-proliferation efforts and his speeches on peace, unity and race relations If you don't ...you should probably work to get on the committee which makes the decisions and add your input for the next winners.:dunno:
your woman obsesses over you cheating on her.Obama only fueled the conspiracies by not releasing the "long" form 2.5 years ago.
why didn't George Bush/Don Rumsfeld come out and prove they weren't Lizard People Illuminati?Increasingly, one of our two great political parties appears to be governed by what Charles P. Pierce calls the "Three Great Premises" of talk radio: "First Great Premise: Any theory is valid if it moves units ... Second Great Premise: Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough ... Third Great Premise: Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is measured by how fervently they believe it."
agreedI'm a LOON.
yeah, from nothing to senator to prez in lightning speed.
That said, I personally wouldn't have lowered myself to dignify or legitimize the scam.
Obama won because of change and being a colored feller.
If it was real then why did he spend over two million dollars to keep it out of the public's view?