No it wasn't. It was called (or projected or whatever) for Bush. That was what started the whole thing. The news called the election for Bush based on Florida, then Gore called Bush to concede. Then a half hour later Gore called back to say he changed his mind and it's not over yet.
That's when all the bullshit started.
You missed the part where Gore was projected the winner first....your facts have a pretty large omission to the saga.
It went Gore then Bush...then Gore conceded. Gore then probably heard about the automatic recount within the error margin then recanted his concession.
It ended up in the courts when Katherine(sp?) Harris tried to short circuit the recount process when she attempted to certify the election for Bush prematurely.
When the FL Supremes ruled that the recounts could continued then Bush appealed...instead of it going through the entire apellate process...Scalia jumped in and grabbed the case (apparently fearing the recount would produce a Gore win). should go back an reread what happened're missing some key details.:2 cents:
It's not a birth certificate.
It is a "certificate of live birth."
No signatures or seals.
If it was real then why did he spend over two million dollars to keep it out of the public's view?
There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii
Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship.
Obama Indonesian citizenship
Kenyan Ambassador Admits Obama Was Born In Kenya
^^^See Petra..