I don't remember being insistent on details, I think I only asked for rank and number or something, but it was a LONG time ago, so I can't remember exactly.
Well, whatever the case..point is if someone says they were in the military you either believe them or you don't when they tell you. I'm not sure why someone would have an incentive to lie about something like that on this board. But in either case I never saw the point of asking them their rank, where they were stationed and branch as a matter of proving something as anyone with half a brain can correlate those answers or even use someone else's info they happen to know and prattle it off. I don't come here to prove anything about my personal background to anyone...as it's pretty pointless and ridiculous to be debating someone who doesn't know you about what your or they've done in their lives.
If a guy claiming this doesn't sound credible then I suppose you take what he/she says with a grain of salt. Nagging and name calling is probably going to get you the ban hammer.
There was a time where I would respond in kind to name calling and baiting and silly shit like that. But here, the admin just wants you to let the mods do their jobs.:dunno: