Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology


Hiliary 2020
Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology for Racial Comments


President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

oh boy. more of this "apologizing" crap.

so reid said he was light skinned and had no black dialect "unless he wanted to have one".

obama is light skinned for a black person, dark skinned for a white.

And he doesnt have a american black dialect, but if youve heard his speaches to the acorn crowds he do.
Its laughable to hear them. (youtube has deleted them).

And i wonder how these "private conversations" became public knowledge.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...
Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...


Come on, it's all good fun.
Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...

Awwww, poor n00b. So naive to the ways of the board. :D

I was like that once.......
Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology for Racial Comments


President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

oh boy. more of this "apologizing" crap.

so reid said he was light skinned and had no black dialect "unless he wanted to have one".

obama is light skinned for a black person, dark skinned for a white.

And he doesnt have a american black dialect, but if youve heard his speaches to the acorn crowds he do. Its laughable to hear them. (youtube has deleted them).

And i wonder how these "private conversations" became public knowledge.

I can't wait for you to post the link for this It must be tha absolute shizzle.

So if you could just oblige I'll post my hardcore picture set of Denise Milani.


Hiliary 2020
Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...

Dude first I dont create that many threads.
too bad if this one bothers you, thats your fuckin problem.
And second I dont need to get laid or something.
I am and have been with women that you could never get, only in your dreams.
With all the political threads youve gotta compare me with hellraiser and give me shit for posting one.
If I say anymore I'll get banned.


Hiliary 2020
I can't wait for you to post the link for this It must be tha absolute shizzle.

So if you could just oblige I'll post my hardcore picture set of Denise Milani.

I dont know what shizzle is.
Its ashame that this post has disturbed some of you.
But you know, see no evil, hear no evil.
I understand.
As far as Obamas speeches to acorn, youtube has deleted them along with alot of other videos that arent politically correct or show things that some feel threatening.
see no evil hear no evil.
heads in the sand, ignorance is bliss.
Silence them!

this is the only one left, about 10 whole seconds, not much.
And if you havnt heard his speeches to them in 07, why give me shit about whether
its true or not?
oh yeah, see no evil.......

anything else i can do for you jolly one?


what the fuck you lookin at?
This is why I couldn't be famous or in politics or anything. Because I never apologize for what I say! If I say it...then I fuckin mean it! Obama doesn't have any so called "negro dialect" Which is fine by me, it shows he's educated unlike some...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Big news in Las Vegas today. The editors of the local rag are saying he should retire instead of facing the voters wrath in November. The dusty old fart is so far out of touch with his constituency.
This is why I couldn't be famous or in politics or anything. Because I never apologize for what I say! If I say it...then I fuckin mean it! Obama doesn't have any so called "negro dialect" Which is fine by me, it shows he's educated unlike some...

What if you say something that turns out to be boneheaded or wrong?
very interesting read thanks for sharing

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I am and have been with women that you could never get, only in your dreams.

Yep, the Kool-Aid swallowing Conservative from trashy New Jersey who has Tom Cruise in his avatar gets better women than I do. :bowdown: I aspire to be you one day...
Re: Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

I would just like to say this; Sky Lopez needs to return, as does Keri Sable. I would also like to add that alligators are cool. I wish I could have sex with Emma Watson and Olivia Munn simultaneously... that is all.
Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...

lol I was just thinking the same thing. He is HR just on the opposite end of the spectrum (starting tons of threads spewing nonsensical right wing stories instead of the left) I think you should have a neutral party be the moderator of this duel...someone like Will E. Worm. :D
Why is Reid apologizing?
He's a strong supporter of Obama's, so it clearly wasn't said out of malice, or denigration.
And what he said is true, those two factors DID make Obama a more electable black man.
Obama's mixed race: half black and half white. So he's just as much a white man as he is a black one. :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
Yep, the Kool-Aid swallowing Conservative from trashy New Jersey who has Tom Cruise in his avatar gets better women than I do. :bowdown: I aspire to be you one day...

actually i,m from a very beautiful beach town in southern new jersey, nothing trashy there.
and for the past 4 years ive been living in a city with the most beautiful women in the world. but you wouldnt know about either place.

you opened the door about the women thing, you jumped on me first, i responded and you know what, its true.
glass houses you know.
if you jump on somebody expect the same in return, or at least a response.
but your real problem was the article, not me.

lol I was just thinking the same thing. He is HR just on the opposite end of the spectrum (starting tons of threads spewing nonsensical right wing stories instead of the left) I think you should have a neutral party be the moderator of this duel...someone like Will E. Worm. :D

yeah i'm like hr.
up yours dude.
this was the top story all day on yahoo homepage and i posted it because i thought it was interesting.
i dont create many threads either
hr posts all kinds of stuff from left wing blog sites, this was an ap story.
this actually happened, reid did apologize to obama for "racial remarks".
far from a right wing nonsensical story, far from bullshit

another apology plus the fact that it shows evidence of at least reid choosing to promote obama because of him being black.
as i believe pretty much did the whole democratic party.

again too bad if you dont like the thread, deal with it.
you dont see me going into every thread i dont like ripping on the op.
you know why? cause i'm not a punk.


Hiliary 2020
Why is Reid apologizing?
He's a strong supporter of Obama's, so it clearly wasn't said out of malice, or denigration.
And what he said is true, those two factors DID make Obama a more electable black man.

thats basically all i'm saying bodes, he has supported obama and what he said was true.
this apologizing stuff has gone too far.
we've become apology happy.