Tell me about it! My mother is LUCKY she kept her drug coverage when she retired from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! I think she pays something like $86 for 4 90 day supplies of her meds. If she had to pay out of would be OVER $2000! I'm lucky to be able to get a couple of meds that there isn't a generic for (or it isn't a cheap generic) at a college clinic pharmacy that sells it for $6-$12 for 90 days (would cost me $300-$500 otherwise).....the rest I can get at Target for $10/90 days!
I'll be blunt......this country is REALLY fucked up in a lot of ways! Sadly, most of the ones who get fucked on a daily basis are too IGNORANT to even realize it & they continue to vote AGAINST their own interests! Too many people, mainly my fellow whites, need slapped upside the head or something! Of health care system is so FUBAR that it will IMPLODE if things don't change! "Obama Care" is hardly going far enough......but at least it is a start.....sometimes that is what you have to do! I'm just tired of giving handouts to the problems.....instead of dealing with them! In a lot of ways, Obama Care as it is, is a hand out to the insurance industry.....much like the Medicare Drug Plan (THANK GOD my mother doesn't have to FUCK with that shit!!!) was a handout to the drug companies! I just don't get the concept of feeding the problem instead of KILLING the problem!!! Yes, I STRONGLY support a SINGLE PAYER system.....also known as socialized medicine!!! It sure as Hell seems to work pretty damn well in the rest of the civilized world.....and many of those countries have a much longer life expectancy than we do!!! Yes, I might have to wait 6 months for that botox injection or 1 year for that penile implant.....ha ha ha....but what are ya gonna do!?!?!?!? Bottom line, a health care system that sees it's rates soar exponentially higher than the rate of inflation CANNOT sustain itself....hate to break it to them!!! And, when I hear that Doctors will leave the profession if we move to a single payer system....or because of Obama Care....I laugh! Yeah right, what they fuck are they going to at McDonalds? BS!!! Yea, I'm sick of the whole fucked up system.....ha ha ha! I'm sure those steroids you had to buy for $170 for a 7 day supply ONLY cost $34 tops in Canada or Mexico!!! Yeah, that's fair! Is there nothing that Capitalism is immoral to apply to?
And Nikki, as for Obama Care......most of the provisions do not actually kick in until 2014!
Isn't it weird how you and I seem to have the same similar things happening to us at the same time in our medical odysseys? You and I both get our appointments pushed to Friday for whatever reason (still don't know why mine was.....ha ha ha), get new medicines....oh the life!!!
As for your "career change" I just saw something that might interest you! Everyone in this thread could go together on a distributorship of the next big thing! I just saw that they are introducing marijuana laced beverages in Colorado & later in California.....heck they have orange, grape, a Dr. Pepper like one, a cola, and a few others!!! God, are we that lazy that we need to drink our Mary J??? ha ha ha!!! Guess it might be healthier than smoking it!!!
Speaking of which......isn't it odd that I have smoked marijuana (not in a LONG time.....and likely NOT advisable anymore) before.....but I really haven't ever smoked cigarettes!?!?!? And Marijuana wasn't a gateway drug or any of that crap either.....never did anything stronger in my life......aside from morphine in the hospital.......AHHHHH, MORPHINE!!!!! jk......I never became addicted! Heck they even gave me some in the hospital back in October.....after I layed around in pain for about 6 hours without bitching (when I had to lay flat in the ICU). The nurse said I should have said something sooner and she went and got me some morphine! Needless to say I felt better afterward!
As for steroids, the only time I took them was back in May when I had that MAJOR bout of vertigo! I can't imagine what it is like for you having to take them seemingly all the time recently! It's definitely got to be hard on you having to go through all of this trial and error crap! What you need to do is go visit Bill Gates & give what you have to him! I GUARANTEE within a day "they" would figure out what it is & how to cure it!!! Then again I'm a cynic!
Here's to you and I FINALLY learning a successful for dealing with stress......and, at least in my case.....moving away from internalizing it!!! I suspect stress is the bane of our existence!!!
Here's to our health.......may it get better.....the sooner the better!!!
Much love to you Nikki!
Here is a link to read more on "Obama Care" and the key dates:
And it WON'T be repealed.....the House doesn't matter.....and they will never get the 60 votes for cloture in the Senate!!!