Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

few years back something similar happened to a friend of mine. she got rash all over her neck and one side of her face. she said that she was ok in the evening and in the morning...
well she was not. no one knew why she was having this rash for weeks... one day they found out that it was stress related. she was under a lot of stress, she was angry and the body reacted. they gave her something for her nerves and she was ok in a couple of days. ask your dr about this maybe it will help.
good luck


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I definitely think stress my be a contributing factor but that has already been adressed and I am on anti anxiety medication. This is definitely physical and extreme. This isn't just a rash. It's thousands of tiny little blisters in some areas and just patches of irregular shaped red hives in others. Now happened right after a vacation. The best week I have had in years! It started exactly 48 hrs after flying home. 48 hrs after being in ...and airport to who knows what from who knows where.
Nikki Nova
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few years back something similar happened to a friend of mine. she got rash all over her neck and one side of her face. she said that she was ok in the evening and in the morning...
well she was not. no one knew why she was having this rash for weeks... one day they found out that it was stress related. she was under a lot of stress, she was angry and the body reacted. they gave her something for her nerves and she was ok in a couple of days. ask your dr about this maybe it will help.
good luck

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks you guys. Read today;s blog entry for an update on everything. I posted a direct link to it 2 posts up
Love you guys. Send me your healing and loving energy. I REALLY need it.
Nikki Nova
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I'm sending all the loving & healing energy that I can! I sincerely hope they can get to the bottom of what ails you so that they can FINALLY begin to successfully treat it for you!

Coincidentally, tomorrow is a big day for the two of us! I was originally scheduled to see my cardiologist Wednesday afternoon for my 1st post heart attack follow-up. However, Monday they called to tell me they had to cancel & reschedule it! After playing phone tag Tuesday morning, they finally called back Tuesday afternoon & rescheduled my appointment for Friday morning!

I figure they will draw blood & put me through a whole battery of tests, so I'd lying if I said I didn't have at least a little bit of anxiety! But then again, I guess I'd rather know where things stand than I would like to be left guessing! I hope I get cleared to get into a regular fitness program finally! But, I've been having headaches everyday for about a week who knows what's going on! I'm supposed to go in about my MRI next week!

You & I have big days ahead of us tomorrow! Then I have more next week! "Lucky" us!

I sincerely hope everything works out for you tomorrow & your condition clears up for you both smoothly & swiftly!

Much love to you Nikki & best wishes for a speedy recovery,


ps. I could use all the loving and healing energy you can spare to send my way as well! That goes for everybody! Wish me luck tomorrow.....I have a feeling I'm going to need it!

pps. Is anyone else out there sick also? This thread is becoming a regular MASH unit! What will we talk about once EVERYONE is "healthy" again?!?!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

last i heard tastykakes was no the ropes. The Governor (former Gov now) had to give them money to stay afloat. winter snow? ugh. thank god im not there

That just goes to show just how FAR out of the loop I have allowed myself to become with regard to PA news! I did a little digging & found out that Tasty Baking Company has been in trouble for years! I guess their move to their new digs at the old Naval Ship Yards didn't result in the anticipated savings either! That resulted in their stock tanking earlier this month! Evidentally around the middle of the month, they did get some help in the form of a package of public & private funds in the sum of $6.5 million to stay afloat......but they are still actively looking into either selling the company or merging it with another company. I guess I should QUICKLY use three of the freebie coupons & save one as a collectors item! Ha ha ha! I always liked Tastykakes.....who knew!?!?!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey gang!!! Don't forget......tomorrow is another Bad Joke Friday!!! I for one will have a busy day will Nikki! However, I will pop in to lay a few bad jokes on ya when I get a spare moment! I have a couple I have been saving all week! Ha ha ha! Remember...."bad" can mean two is the case with most of mine.....just plain awful! Ha ha ha!

ps. Special shout out to the creator of the iPhone & iPod Touch!, without which I would hardly get on here these days & everyone would be deprived of my presence! Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Forgot to mention........Nikki, I wanted to let you know that I have started reading "the book"!

Now gang, I have to get up REALLY early, it's off to bed for me! Nighty night boys & girls! Hopefully I will see you all again tomorrow.....same bat time......same bat channel!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm sending you all my best wishes Nikki. I cant belive that it's spreading to your face and now your stomach. I hope you will be able to write and work again soon.

jbs173_1972 I hope your able to see your cardiologist soon. I dont like seeing people ill. It makes me angry.

I'm going to post some vids of comedians to help bring a smile to everyone



Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well ironically i was originally supposed to see my dermatologist on Wed as well...BUT I got a call telling me that "she doesn't do rashes". Swear to God. What fuckingf dermatologist "doesn't do rashes"?? I was reffered to a specialist (by someone else)who is supposed to be really good and that's whp I am seeing on Friday. We're on the same medical schedule or something. I hope tomorrow is a good day for us both.
Nikki Nova
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I'm sending all the loving & healing energy that I can! I sincerely hope they can get to the bottom of what ails you so that they can FINALLY begin to successfully treat it for you!

Coincidentally, tomorrow is a big day for the two of us! I was originally scheduled to see my cardiologist Wednesday afternoon for my 1st post heart attack follow-up. However, Monday they called to tell me they had to cancel & reschedule it! After playing phone tag Tuesday morning, they finally called back Tuesday afternoon & rescheduled my appointment for Friday morning!

I figure they will draw blood & put me through a whole battery of tests, so I'd lying if I said I didn't have at least a little bit of anxiety! But then again, I guess I'd rather know where things stand than I would like to be left guessing! I hope I get cleared to get into a regular fitness program finally! But, I've been having headaches everyday for about a week who knows what's going on! I'm supposed to go in about my MRI next week!

You & I have big days ahead of us tomorrow! Then I have more next week! "Lucky" us!

I sincerely hope everything works out for you tomorrow & your condition clears up for you both smoothly & swiftly!

Much love to you Nikki & best wishes for a speedy recovery,


ps. I could use all the loving and healing energy you can spare to send my way as well! That goes for everybody! Wish me luck tomorrow.....I have a feeling I'm going to need it!

pps. Is anyone else out there sick also? This thread is becoming a regular MASH unit! What will we talk about once EVERYONE is "healthy" again?!?!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

awesome. LOVED the first 2!!!!
Nikki Nova
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I'm sending you all my best wishes Nikki. I cant belive that it's spreading to your face and now your stomach. I hope you will be able to write and work again soon.

jbs173_1972 I hope your able to see your cardiologist soon. I dont like seeing people ill. It makes me angry.

I'm going to post some vids of comedians to help bring a smile to everyone



  • _MG_2064.jpg
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I'm gonna add a lil' comedy for you guys too. Vern...I think you'll like this

Verry funny picks Nikki. After watching that first video I thought she was talking about my parents. They have been smokers for a while.(I remember them going out to the gym and as soon as they came back would grab a pack and light up) My mom quit for about a month but that didn't last long. I can only imagine who would kill who first if one of them decided that both would quit smoking_____ <----insert laugh here

I'm off to watch Daily Show and Cobert Report. I'll be back late on Sunday Night. Have a good weekend everyone.

Sending you some good vibes Nikki. I wish you the best.

I hope this helps with your skin.



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That just goes to show just how FAR out of the loop I have allowed myself to become with regard to PA news! I did a little digging & found out that Tasty Baking Company has been in trouble for years! I guess their move to their new digs at the old Naval Ship Yards didn't result in the anticipated savings either! That resulted in their stock tanking earlier this month! Evidentally around the middle of the month, they did get some help in the form of a package of public & private funds in the sum of $6.5 million to stay afloat......but they are still actively looking into either selling the company or merging it with another company. I guess I should QUICKLY use three of the freebie coupons & save one as a collectors item! Ha ha ha! I always liked Tastykakes.....who knew!?!?!

i hadnt really heard anything about it but i havent around philly much (though still read the philadelphia inquirer online). when i was there in december, it was like the only thing anyone was talking about. All over the news, tastykakes in trouble! gotta save tastykakes! youd think someone was going to melt down the liberty bell.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Much love and best wishes to you Nikki. I hope that the specialist today at least identifies the problem.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I have some lame yet offensive jokes that I will post later! I typed them up on my iPhone & accidentally lost I will post for Bad Joke Friday later today!

Thanks for the humor you added Vern & Nikki!

Good luck to you today Nikki!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks guys and goo dluck to you too jbs173_1792

My appointment isn't until this afternoon and it's over an d hour away from where I live may be a while before I can tell you guys anything. Actually it may even be several days. They are doing skin scrapings and a biopsy of one area in particular so I'm sure it will have to be sent off to a lab and then several days into next week before the results...??? Not sure...but I am REALLY looking forward to going to the Dr and hopefully FINALLY getting some answers!!!
Love and Light

Much love and best wishes to you Nikki. I hope that the specialist today at least identifies the problem.

sending all my healing and love your way Nikki ...MUAH!!!

Good luck today Nikki and jbs.
I hope you both come back with great news.

I have some lame yet offensive jokes that I will post later! I typed them up on my iPhone & accidentally lost I will post for Bad Joke Friday later today!

Thanks for the humor you added Vern & Nikki!

Good luck to you today Nikki!


  • _MG_8159.jpg
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

On a seperate note....thank you top everyone who takes part in my thread. I think you are all just awesome people and I am lucky to know you!
Nikki Nova
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You know that is really funny Nikki. Because, I am sure we all feel the same towards you.
And Good luck today. :thumbsup: