I woke up in a cold sweat last night after dreaming (or perhaps having a nightmare is more appropriate?) that VGK won the Cup in their inaugural season while me and all the other long-suffering Blues faithful are STILL waiting for our first taste of the precious nectar that flows from Lord Stanley's silver chalice after FIFTY-ONE YEARS. I can just imagine it now....some millennial chick in a Knights jersey giving wild fist-pumps while screaming drunken "Waaa-Hooos" at the T-Mobile Center and then asking her seatmate what "icing" means. Jealousy you say? OK....yeah, if it were to happen it's fucking goddamn jealousy all right!!!
Surely it cannot happen. Right? I mean, they are a fucking EXPANSION team! :eek:

Rod....talk me in off the ledge....please!
I wish I could, but the reality is that it
can happen (although I obviously don't think it will). Here's why I think it's possible. And, in fact, it's the explanation for how they've been so successful so far as a first-year expansion franchise. The league (on Gary Bettman's orders) has
made it happen. I didn't realize it until I watched their recent game against my Edmonton Oilers (which the Oilers did win in overtime). There were
several inexcusably ridiculous penalties that went in the Golden Knights' favor (they went 0/6 on the PP). That's when it clued in for me. And I can't believe I didn't think of it before. It's so obvious, and it fits right in with Gary Bettman's MO.
First of all, it was Gary Bettman's dream for years to expand to Las Vegas despite the
many reasons to believe that it was an ill-advised venture. Ensuring (through corruption and cheating) that the new team is successful allows for Bettman to say: "See, it worked just like I knew it would". Also, it brings the NHL a lot of attention because it can be framed as a "great story". Secondly, corruption from officials has been rampant and, frankly, quite transparent, in the NHL for many many years. Anyone who has watched a Montreal Canadiens playoff series in the last ten years can attest to that; they are handicapped by one-sided officiating in every game they play. And last year it happened with the Oilers as well; I don't care that I'm a fan of theirs and they're my team,
anybody watching the series against the Ducks has to concede that the officials
completely fucked over the Oilers. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say that the Oilers would've won that series in five games (handily) instead of losing in seven had it not been for the officiating. The Ducks were struggling with attendance and revenue at the time, so Bettman ensured that they had a deep playoff run to try to boost them back up in an important American market. (And this is a common thing in Bettman's playbook; I could cite a bunch more examples).
And what do the Oilers and Canadiens have in common? A few things: 1) A rich history with championships under their belts (so no need to bring them their first Cup and see what that does for the city and the fan base). 2) A large and loyal fan base that is not going to abandon them after a few (or in the case of the Oilers, many many many) bad years/playoffs. 3) They're Canadian teams in Canadian markets and we all know that Bettman is 100% about growing the game in America.
So, yes, I could see them winning the Cup if Bettman orders it. But probably not because the refs can only do so much when one team is far-and-away better than the other, as was the case in the Predators-Ducks series following the Oilers playoff exit last year. They tried to do the same thing, but the Predators were just too much better for it to work.
Like I said, I can't believe I didn't think of it before...