Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
i cant wait to hear what marlo has to say about weber...
Um wow Weber kind of lost his mind there for a second!! definite brainfart, I didn't see what got Weber so pissed @ Z.berg, but, it was a flagrant attempt by Weber to injure Zetterberg . I think Weber should @least get a 1 game suspension if not more. :2 cents:
He should be suspended for a game because of that shit. It was blatant. I thought Weber was above that garbage.
If Weber doesn't get a atleast a 1game suspension for that, it will look just like the time when Malkin was a 3rd man into a fight in the finals and didn't get the mandatory 1 game suspension thats he was SUPPOSED to get, and viola history will remember the Pens won the 09 finals, if Malkin got suspended like he should have, I don't think the Pens would have won the 09 finals. just saying. we know whats supposed to happen, shanaban suspended everybody this year when it came to HEAD incidents, so we'll see if Weber is held accountable or if he gets a pass. :2 cents:
P.S. With Buttman in attendance, I don't see how Weber avoids a suspension, but we'll see. never can tell when it comes to the Red Wings in the playoffs. :2 cents: