No, I didn't expect a sweep. I guess they had to win at least one.
I think Boston is going to win 2. But Vancouver is going to win 4.
I think Boston is going to win 2. But Vancouver is going to win 4.
I've gotta tell you, I think it is total bullshit that goalies like Thomas can throw checks in front of the net, but the second any opponent touches him, it's big trouble.
Either he plays a physical game, or he doesn't. That shit should be a penalty for him if it is for everyone else.
Fucking stupid "protect the goalie" rules have created net minders like Thomas. Take those rules away, and he'd lose his nerve.
Well, this game has turned into pushing-shoving-trying to get psyched up for next game bull shit. I've turned it off.
Someone let me know if Vancouver ever manages to get their head out of their ass and score in this game, won't you?
Luongo is a sieve.
Are you fucking serious? Why do you suppose they left him in after, say, 4 or 5?
If you want to do something that is worth your time, perhaps you might enjoy this brand new article that I wrote today for Bleacher Report on whether or not Winnipeg's team should be named the Jets.
Shameless plug!
Nathan Horton meet karma. Thank you Aaron Rome
Fuck the Canucks. What a dirty team. Rome should be gone for the series.
Does Thomas think he's Lawrence Taylor? How can a goalie hit a player like that, but if your skate nicks the goalie you get an interference penalty?
I don't want to root for any of these teams.
What a dirty hit by Aaron Rome. Way too late and shoulder straight to the head of an unsuspecting (because the hit was illegal, not because he was careless) player. I guess that's the way these Canucks POSs are playing it. If Rome is suspended for the series, it's a pretty good trade-off for them. A fifth or sixth defenceman for one of the best clutch goal-scorers on the Bruins in Nathan Horton. Despicable.