You're lame. The Heritage Classic is 54327527397235435345 times better than the Winter Classic anyway. Let the Canadians (i.e. real hockey fans) have our outdoor game and don't watch it if you don't like it. It's not for you anyway.
Watching Gary Roberts, Joe Nieuwendyk, Lanny McDonald, Al MacInnis, Theo Fleury, and Mike Vernon lace them up against the likes of Brent Gilchrist, Benoit Brunet, Mike Keane, Russ Courtnall, and Kirk Muller in the alumni game. Yeah, that's really lame.
Not to mention how amazing the original Heritage Classic was, which was the NHL's first outdoor game. It was still by far the best outdoor game the NHL has ever had. And yours truly was there. How about Guy Lafleur, Benoit Brunet, Guy Carbonneau, Russ Courtnall, Kirk Muller, and Larry Robinson against Paul Coffey, Kevin Lowe, Glenn Anderson, Jari Kurri, Dave Semenko, Esa Tikkanen, Mark Messier, Bill Ranford, Grant Fuhr, and, oh yeah, a guy named Wayne Gretzky in the alumni game. How about seeing Ranford and Fuhr stand on their heads as if they were still in their prime. How about watching Mark Messier shovel snow off the ice during the intermission like he was twelve years old again and playing shinny with his friends. If a person finds any of that to be lame then they're not even a real hockey fan. I guess if it had involved the Tampa Bay Lightning in some way then it wouldn't be lame for you. Probably lame for everybody else, but at least you'd enjoy it.
The Winter Classic has never featured anything even close to that good and it only exists thanks to the Heritage Classic in the first place.