well thought out and intelligent, eh? seems more like a bunch of stabs at me because of my opinion.
i'll be sure to pour you a nice glass of shut the fuck up too.
oh, and the game is on NBC by the way. of course i'll be watching it. nobody here, and i mean nobody, is a bigger hockey fan than i.
LOL, parse the quote to make it look like a bunch of stabs with no substance.
You Might think you're clever, but it's pretty obvious to see what you did there. My points are valid and they have substance. You are substanceless. You're entitled to your opinion, but when it's an opinion that I think is flippant (I like that word here, thanks dirk) I'm gonna make my argument against it.
Anyway, think what you want about the NHL's outdoor games. I don't care. I just don't see how a person doesn't enjoy watching those legendary players lace them up and
play for fun. No contracts to worry about, no scores to settle against the other team, just a bunch of legends playing hockey outdoors like they're kids again.
You are a hockey fan. I wasn't saying you aren't one. I just don't see how a hockey fan doesn't love to watch that.
P.S. Thanks dirk. You get it. Where's the substance?