Tooting my own horn here ... the final score was 28-24 Patriots. Won my Super Bowl pool!
The only "specter" hanging over the Patiots was raised by the media and Patriots haters. Very few NFL players and coaches have ever stated, pubically or privately, that "Spygate" or "Deflategate" amounted to jack shit. That doesn't there were none. But very few. And those that do, if you look, have some other agenda for feeling as they do.
Spygate: then-Jets coach (former Patriots assistant) Eric Mangini had repeatedly used the Pats own offensive signals against them, so the Pats taped the Jets' coaches as a form of counter-intelligence warfare. Patriots got punished, not because they got some sort of competitve advantage, but because the Jets broke an unwritten rule and made a public stink about it, putting pressure on the league office to take action. Oddly, the Jets were never punished by the league for their own actions in the court of public opinion. Why? The Patriots videographer was standing in plain view of 80,000 people, plus players, coaches, event staff and security. Not very covert if you're trying to cheat, eh? EVery other team in the NFL for many years, including Mangini's Jets, used subterfuge to videotape signals and were never punished.
Miami Dolphins: used TV audio to steal Brady's line calls and employed them in a game in Miami (resulting in the worst loss of Brady's career). They were never punished by the league or the court of public opinion. Why?
Indianapolis Colts: used to pipe in recorded crowd noise and pump up the volume when the Patriots (or any other team was on the field). They were never punished by the league or the court of public opinion. Why?
Seattle Seahawks: Multiple violations of league substance abuse policy, conduct policy, and repeatedly conducted illegal practices. They were in fact writst-slapped by the league but were NEVER punished in the court of public opinion. Why?
New Orleans Saints: Bountygate. Punished. But the NFLPA and the court of public opinion pushed back and made it an issue about Commissioner Rodger Goodell overstepping authority that was within his rights under the collective bargaining agreement, thus clouding the real issue: the Saints paid money (outside of the salary cap, no less, another violation) to its players to injure players on opposing teams. This crosses so many moral and sports ethical lines I don't even know where to begin. The fact that Deflategate has been treated as an offense WORSE than Bountygate is a sad yet disgusting testament to the mentality and the irrationality of the media and of average American sports fan feeding at the media's trough.
Basically, what I'm saying above is: When the Patriots do something, it's cheating. When other teams do something, it's "just a part of the game."
Oh, did you get the latest news? A report came out Sunday contradicting all of the bullshit in the media (particually from ESPN and that fuck-wit hack Chris Mortensen) last week. In short, only one football used by the Patriots in the AFC title games was found to be "seriously" underinflated. One. The other footballs were at the minimum of 12.5 PSI (the level that Brady has said he prefers) or just a few tenths of a PSI below. As Obama is so fond of saying: "There's no there, there."
Sorry, haters. There was no cheating. There has never been any cheating. Not in 2001. Not in 2003. Not in 2004. Not in 2007. Not in 2011. Not in 2014. Not ever. I know you guys need something, ANYTHING, to make you feel better about your team, your organization, not winning, or worse, getting beat by the Patriots year after year after year. Boston-area fans can be whiny, arrogant dickheads, I get it. It's a fact I know all too well having grown up among them. But it's not the Patriots' fault. I read the hateful posts on here and I've stayed silent. But someone needed to set the record straight, shine some light in the fog of hate and ignorance. So, hate on the fans if you must ... many of them are indeed assholes. But remember that the vast majority of fans on all but a few NFL teams would kill to have an organization as rock-solid and committed to winning the RIGHT WAY as the Patriots have been for nearly 20 years. All you really need to see is how teams like the Baltimore Ravens conduct themselves when things don't go well, or how Seattle started a brawl at the end of the Super Bowl (and how they are the sorest winners I've ever seen), to appreciate the Patriot Way.
Go Pats! The next one is for the thumb!