I often wonder how any professional athlete would ever be stupid enough to go out to a night club, strip club, dance club, bar, concert, party, or any other place with a large gathering of people that wasn't thought out and prepared for ahead of time, tightly controlled, and had a large security staff with a good portion of those people that were protecting just him while they are in their playing days. It's better to never go to those places at all and if they do they should do it after they retire. Having somebody that they can trust, that's sensible, and has common sense around to keep them out of trouble wouldn't hurt either.
They might as well have a big sign on them that says, "Please I'm an idiot so start some trouble with me or the people I'm with or bait us into starting trouble with you. I don't mind the fact that I might lose playing time or lose my job entirely that allows me to make millions of dollars. I also don't care about all the negative perception I will get from the league I play for, my fans, my team, and my teammates. I know compared to me you have little to lose so if you don't like me there isn't much keeping you from trying to start trouble. Also by fact I hang out at these places in the first place and with the people I'm usually around it's a pretty sure bet, and you can probably tell, I'm not very mature, even by professional athlete standards, so there is a good chance I will go off even if nobody does anything to merit it. There is also a good chance considering the environment and/or how much of a douchebag I am that I will just plain do something dumb, unethical, illegal, or immoral regardless. In that case you will have a good view to either record what I do for your own gain, tell the authorities/press about it, or testify against me in a court of law after I do said stupid activity. Thanks for your time and have a nice day."