Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

********** said:

Aegean. Aegis. Greeks are all the same anyway. You all hate Muslims ;)

I'm messing with you. sorry about my mistake, Aegis :)
No problem. I could see that it was a simple mistake. But it did make me go back a bit in this thread and see if I had in fact written something like that. :1orglaugh

For the record I'm Danish, so this whole cartoon issue is of special interest to me.
My point, Fox, was that there are segments in all populations and religions who make sweeping generalisations about other populations and religions.

People are often all too quick to assail one group for making these generalisations while defending those of another, saying, "Well, we've done this to them and done that to them. Give them a break." etc.

It's not good for ANYONE to make such broad castigations, whether they be made by a minority group or "the majority."

:2 cents: :hatsoff:


Staff member
Nightfly said:
True, but that's reciprocity at its finest. lol

You know, "Death to all Zionists, Jews, Capitalists, Westerners, Americans, Christians!!!" etc.

It's done by idiots on both sides of the religious and political fences... It's sad, but that's the world in which we live.
It is mainly the fault of the leader of the country who manipulates medias and brainwashes people so he can be sure that people will follow his ideas and never question themselves wether it is true or not. Just look at Iran (under Kohmeni, Khameneï and Ahmazedineijhad), Syria, Yemen, Libya, North Korea (under Kim Il Jong), China at the time of Mao and Den Xiao Ping, Germany at the time of Hitler, U.R.S.S at the time of Stalin, Khroutchev and Brejnev and probably other countries I may have forgotten. Some people can't also think by their ownselves and believe in everything they see without analyzing what is behind the big talks that are directed towards them.
Exactly, just as with Americans who voted for G.W. Bush (twice) - you hit the nail on the head, georges!!! ;) :thefinger :D

georges said:
...Some people can't also think by their ownselves and believe in everything they see without analyzing what is behind the big talks that are directed towards them.


Staff member
Nightfly said:
Exactly, just as with Americans who voted for G.W. Bush (twice) - you hit the nail on the head, georges!!! ;) :thefinger :D
hahaha best joke ever :1orglaugh Maybe we can make the same conclusion for those who voted Chirac twice and for Clinton twice as well? Some people voted for Bush because they had their own reasons to vote for him as did persons who voted for Kerry. So I wouldn't jump into conlusions like this personally because U.S.A is a democracy and people voted and vote for who they think is the best to their political opinions.
I am mainly talking about regimes where oppression and the rights of individuals weren't and aren't respected.
Dictatures are dictatures and democracies are democracies.