Re: Damn I love it when I'm on-the-money ...
D-rock said:
I don't agree with what they printed, but I don't see it as irresponsible.
Free Speech wouldn't be much if you had to tuck tail and run the other way every time somebody might be upset over what you say.
Depends on what you are going to say.
With free speech comes responsibility, and if I'm going to INSULT a figure many respect, I had better know what I'm stirring up.
My POINT wasn't whether it should be allowed or not.
My POINT was that when something causes HARM to a nation, they're just ABUSING a right that puts the leadership into a pickle.
Because, in the end, REGARDLESS of the violence which is only a VERY SMALL FACTION of the Islamic faith, there are a LOT of people who are pissed off.
So while I don't condone the violence, I do 100% agree with most of the PEACEFUL demonstrations.
It was UNCALLED FOR and an ABUSE of free speech.
D-rock said:
People are only responsible for there own actions, not the actions of others.
If anybody is shunning their responsibilities it isn't the newspapers or the journalist.
Oh, I very much DISAGREE.
You are EXCLUDING the 99% of those of Islamic faith that are taking this INSULT in strike.
They papers may believe they have the "right" to insult 1.3 billion people, but they should have thought about BEFORE doing so.
D-rock said:
I would like to see it where it says they are obligated not to make anybody angry.
If you're going to make 1.3 billion people angry, make it for a WORTHY cause.
I could understand the printing if ALL 1.3 BILLION OF THE ISLAMIC FAITH believe in violence in the name of Islam.
But that is NOT THE CASE.
So what the papers did is INSULT ALL 1.3 BILLION when it's really not even 1% who they were targetting.
D-rock said:
Of course if I got mad over something I read in the newspaper and went out and killed 10 people it would be the newspaper's fault...huh?
I'm sorry you can't see the points I'm making.
1. With free speech comes responsibility
2. You do NOT ABUSE free speech to INSULT BILLIONS of people
3. If you INSULT BILLIONS of people, don't be surprised when you have 0.01% commit violence
4. As much as people ARE responsible for their own actions, at some point, you have to recognize that if you INSULT a ENOUGH PEOPLE, 1/10,000 are going to do something about it.
D-rock said:
As far as I am concerned they can think whatever they want.
I don't mind what their beliefs are.
I care when they start telling me what to do or start infringing on the rights of others.
FORGET the 0.01%.
Think of the OTHER 99.99% who were INSULTED.
That's the problem here, I'm NOT only NOT condoning the violence, but the other 99.99% are NOT either.
But they are trying to get people like yourself, among others, to recognize -- PEACEFULLY -- that it was an INTENTIONAL INSULT.
All done in the name, and GROSS ABUSE, of "free speech."
D-rock said:
I don't blame them for not having a sense of humor;
That's the problem right there!
You're applying YOUR VALUES to the situation.
You do NOT stop to UNDERSTAND the INSULT applied.
D-rock said:
I blame them for the actions they take.
Then what do you say to the other 99.99% who are asking you to understand it was an ABUSE of "free speech"?
One that would NOT be tolerated had it been done in EQUIVALENCE to those of Jewish, Christianity, etc...?
D-rock said:
Isn't this a hypocritical statement since you yourself are judging us wrong for judging others beliefs?
How am I "judging"?
I'm merely TELLING YOU what the other 99.99% are trying to TELL YOU.
I'm merely giving EXAMPLES from our OWN PAST that ABUSES of "free speech" sometimes cause the government to have to TAKE AWAY your "free speech."
Why? In order to protect its citizens.
D-rock said:
How are we supposed to judge others?
You take THEIR VALUES into consideration.
You have equated the violent acts of 0.01% of a people as the WHOLE of 1.3 BILLION who were INSULTED.
D-rock said:
I may be going on my own beliefs and judging others by what I believe in, but I know I can be comfortable arguing for the side of the human rights I believe in.
Considerations for the values of others is founded in our great nation, the United States of America.
There is a difference between "touchy/feely" political correctness and other non-sense that results in the "United States of the Offended."
And this is NOT one of them -- this is VERY DIFFERENT.
Do NOT attempt to apply your own values to that of those of the Islamic faith.
Islam isn't radical, there are just some core believes you don't want to cross.
Same with those of the Jewish faith.
Heck, several denominations of the Christian faith are far more "touchy."