Jagger69 said:
See, this is a big problem I have with Muslims in general right now. I am real open-minded about religion and I keep reading how these views don't represent the attitudes of "mainstream" Muslims. Ok fine....then when are these mainsteram Muslims going to start speaking out about this type of extremism? Surely they must realize that to remain silent is tacit approval. It's no wonder that so many on the right look at Islam as a fanatical cult rather than a legitimate religion. Surely there must be a moderate voice of reason amongst the Islamic leadership somewhere but I sure don't see or hear one right now.
This is scary shit.
Hey, anyone know if they ever lifted the death edict on Salman Rushdie?
Nope - Salman still has the
fatwa* for his execution (issued in 1989 by Ayatollah Khomeini). In early 2005, Khomeini's fatwa against Rushdie was reaffirmed by Iran's spiritual leader,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a message to Muslim pilgrims making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Iran has rejected requests to withdraw the fatwa on the basis that only the person who issued it may withdraw it.
* NOTE: a
fatwa (Arabic: فتوى) plural fatāwa (فتاوى), is a legal pronouncement in Islam, issued by a religious law specialist on a specific issue. Usually a fatwa is issued at the request of an individual or a judge to settle a question where ’’fiqh,’’ Islamic jurisprudence, is unclear.