Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

What the hell do they want anyway,

Good questions.

According to the protesters in London, they're requesting the copyrights to the cartoons, in order to prevent further reproductions.

I hope they do not publsh these cartoons anymore, but I also would like them not hand over the copyright, that would just be rewarding this disgusting behavoir.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Caleb14 said:
How nice, what shining examples of Islamic leadership.

See, this is a big problem I have with Muslims in general right now. I am real open-minded about religion and I keep reading how these views don't represent the attitudes of "mainstream" Muslims. Ok fine....then when are these mainsteram Muslims going to start speaking out about this type of extremism? Surely they must realize that to remain silent is tacit approval. It's no wonder that so many on the right look at Islam as a fanatical cult rather than a legitimate religion. Surely there must be a moderate voice of reason amongst the Islamic leadership somewhere but I sure don't see or hear one right now.

This is scary shit.

Hey, anyone know if they ever lifted the death edict on Salman Rushdie?


It's good to be the king...
Jagger69 said:
See, this is a big problem I have with Muslims in general right now. I am real open-minded about religion and I keep reading how these views don't represent the attitudes of "mainstream" Muslims. Ok fine....then when are these mainsteram Muslims going to start speaking out about this type of extremism? Surely they must realize that to remain silent is tacit approval. It's no wonder that so many on the right look at Islam as a fanatical cult rather than a legitimate religion. Surely there must be a moderate voice of reason amongst the Islamic leadership somewhere but I sure don't see or hear one right now.

This is scary shit.

Hey, anyone know if they ever lifted the death edict on Salman Rushdie?

Nope - Salman still has the fatwa* for his execution (issued in 1989 by Ayatollah Khomeini). In early 2005, Khomeini's fatwa against Rushdie was reaffirmed by Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a message to Muslim pilgrims making the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Iran has rejected requests to withdraw the fatwa on the basis that only the person who issued it may withdraw it.

* NOTE: a fatwa (Arabic: فتوى) plural fatāwa (فتاوى), is a legal pronouncement in Islam, issued by a religious law specialist on a specific issue. Usually a fatwa is issued at the request of an individual or a judge to settle a question where ’’fiqh,’’ Islamic jurisprudence, is unclear.
Jagger69 said:
Surely there must be a moderate voice of reason amongst the Islamic leadership somewhere but I sure don't see or hear one right now.

This is scary shit.

Hey, anyone know if they ever lifted the death edict on Salman Rushdie?

A moderate voice of reason would be the Middle Eastern people who are Sufi's; therefore, they practice Sufiism. During the Middle Ages Sufi's used to be leaders in science, math, astronomy, and other subjects, and were also the voice of reason against fanatics who wanted to go on destructive jihads.


It's good to be the king...
Muslims must accept that freedom of speech is central to Britishness and should be preserved even if it offends people, says Sir Trevor Phillips.

The chairman of the (UK) Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) said we should "allow people to offend each other".

And he suggested that Muslims who wanted a system of Islamic Shariah law should leave the UK.

His comments follow angry protests against cartoons satirising the Muslim prophet Muhammad.


I'm glad Sir Trevor made his comments about Shariah law - in a recent ICM opinion poll conducted for a Sunday newspaper, 40% of British Muslims want sharia law introduced into "predominantly Muslim" areas of Britain:

Somebody needs to explain the old saying - "When in Rome"
Somebody needs to explain the old saying - "When in Rome"

Good point, if you don't like the rules or laws of a country maybe you should leave instead of trying change things suit the minority.
I think all Muslims who want the law changed in Britain to suit there faith should just piss off to anywhere else in the world. If they can't accept our laws and beliefs then why should we compromise something which has worked for several years just to suit a small minority of the population.


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jumbo_jim said:
I think all Muslims who want the law changed in Britain to suit there faith should just piss off to anywhere else in the world. If they can't accept our laws and beliefs then why should we compromise something which has worked for several years just to suit a small minority of the population.


Extremists have been blamed after a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammed with bomb in his turban was put up in a First Choice housing office which runs Oldham's council housing (Oldham was hit by race riots in 2001 when youths from the mainly Muslim Asian community fought white youths).


And don't forget the desecration of dozens of Muslim graves, after the Birmingham riots involving Asian and black youths ast year, which was sparked by an alleged rape of a 14-year-old black girl by several Asians (Anti-Muslim leaflets attributable to "Black Nation" were also scattered at the Handsworth Cemetery).


I believe there will be more attacks against Muslims - even in the most tolerant of countries, people do feel aggrieved when extremists praise events like 9/11 & 7/7 because of a cartoon...
I believe there will be more attacks against Muslims - even in the most tolerant of countries, people do feel aggrieved when extremists praise events like 9/11 & 7/7 because of a cartoon...

Sad but true


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It's good to be the king...
Five held over cartoon protests

Five men have been arrested over their alleged role in protests against cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad, Scotland Yard said.
The five were alleged to have taken part in the 3 February demonstration which took place in London.

Four of them were held at their London homes in Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Redbridge and Southall and were taken to a police station for questioning.

A fifth man, who is from Birmingham, is being questioned in the West Midlands.

More details here


It's good to be the king...
The following link depicts the Prophet Mohammed Throughout History:

Mohammed Image Archive

Said images range from Islamic depictions of the prophet in the Middle Ages to the infamous Mohammed cartoons from the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten (and some really evil pics created created in the aftermath of the Danish cartoon jihad - see the Extreme Mohammed section)
om3ga said:
The following link depicts the Prophet Mohammed Throughout History:

Mohammed Image Archive

Said images range from Islamic depictions of the prophet in the Middle Ages to the infamous Mohammed cartoons from the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten (and some really evil pics created created in the aftermath of the Danish cartoon jihad - see the Extreme Mohammed section)

That is absolutely brilliant! :glugglug:


Staff member
I think the fundamentalist islamic regimes and the islamic extremists view any cartoon on Islam as an offense. You mustn't forget that fundamentalist islamic regimes and islamic extremists are far to be tolerant towards other religions that they consider as their ennemies. There is also a tendancy in developped countries to see fundamentalist cults developping. Perhaps we should see how countries like Iran, Yemen and other hardcore islamic countries where extremist regimes insult other religions to see that not only they have no sense of humor but that they have diabolized other religions that are not islam and made of them their ennemies. Problem is that many Muslims are not trying to adapt themselves to the customs and habits in the countries where they migrated but rather impose their views and way of thinking to others.

just my opinion


pretty simple... Muslims are totally insensitive and generally have no humour.

If you cannot laugh at yourself.... then you have problems.
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True, but that's reciprocity at its finest. lol

You know, "Death to all Zionists, Jews, Capitalists, Westerners, Americans, Christians!!!" etc.

It's done by idiots on both sides of the religious and political fences... It's sad, but that's the world in which we live.

********** said:
Ouch... you just categorized millions of people into one tiny stereotype.

That's really sad.

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********** said:

Statements like "Muslims are totally insensitive" (which is the same as saying "Christians are totally insensitive and just as bad), make me sick. Way to demonize the enemy, Aegis. Makes you sleep better at night about us bombing the fuck out of their women and children, I bet.
:wtf: :confused:

I didn't write that. At least I don't remember writing that. :rofl: