New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
:quack::quack::quack:athead: :rofl2:
Ok. I was tryna have a serious conversation.
:quack::quack::quack:athead: :rofl2:
Ok. I was tryna have a serious conversation.
Your statement is one such that, taken in its context, it is the diametric, polar opposite of a serious conversation.
No crimes, no impeachable acts. A bunch of pathetic, head-in-the-sand, handwringing, nervous mumblers, that Just. Can't. Let. It. Go.
".... buh, well, uh, there was that time he said that one thing, and who knows if he was joking... an, an-an...RUSH-AHHH! ...uh-huh."
"Okay, cogent analysis, honey - tell you what: we'll get ice cream and impeachments on the way home, okay, so now will you please shut the fuck up?!?!"
House Judiciary Committee Passes Resolution Making Impeachment Inquiry More Likely
Inquiry, already happening. Impeachment- imminent.
So as it it turns out, Mr. Mueller's services weren't needed.
Trump will weasel his way out of any prosecution, he has the republicans openly defending him, and he has the mafia covertly defending him, and they don't have to abide by any laws.
Oh, no, yeah - there are snipes out there, for sure! You just have to keep looking
Trump will weasel his way out of any prosecution, he has the republicans openly defending him, and he has the mafia covertly defending him, and they don't have to abide by any laws.
someone who gave up a billionaire lifestyle in order to unfuck America from the last 28 years of "leadership."
Republicans don't care how much their representatives lie, cheat, and steal, as long as they stay in power and keep pushing the party agenda.
The House has a duty to impeach The Orange Pig, regardless of whether or not the senate convicts and removes Cheeto Benito, Election 2020 will make the blue wave of '18 look like a little rain shower.
Cheeto Benito. Ha. Seriously, point out exactly how he has anything in common with fascists. Do it. Be specific. No one has been imprisoned or prosecuted because they're critical of his policies (unlike Bohama). He hasn't tried to disarm the populace and the "concentration camp" story line was perfected by the last jughead in the White House. Latly, your butthurt isn't grounds for impeachment.
How is he illegitimate? He won an election in the exact way the Constitution and the Founding Fathers laid out. Hilldebeast was a shitty candidate who was too lazy to visit Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio in the weeks leading up to the election. You haven't pointed out exactly what makes him a dictator or fascist. Just snowflakes replacing fact with emotion again. Enjoy your butthurt.