Trump now wants medias to fire those who spoke about collusion

Trump wants media outlets to fire his critics after Mueller report lets him off the hook

President Donald Trump wants vengeance now that special counsel Robert Mueller has turned in his report, which Attorney General William Barr says shows no evidence of conspiracy or obstruction.

The president is claiming the report exonerates him from allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election, and now Trump wants to punish his enemies who reported on the nearly two-year investigation, reported Axios.

Trump called for an investigation of his critics and cast himself as a victim within an hour of learning Mueller’s findings.
“Aides say Trump plans to call for organizations to fire members of the media and former government officials who he believes made false accusations about him,” the Washington Post reported.

Barr’s summary shows that Mueller did not find evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign or its associates conspired or coordinated with the Russian government, and Mueller wrote that he did not conclude Trump committed a crime, but he made clear his findings did not exonerate the president.

The report represents a huge political win for the president, who will use Mueller’s findings to cast doubt on investigations by House Democrats, and Trump’s allies are already calling for investigations of the investigators.

1) The President calling for members of the medias to be fired over something they said (or printed) is a direct violation of the First Amendment
Congress shall make no law [...] abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press [...]

2) Long after Obama had released his birth certificate, Trump continued to question his citizenship but the Obama administration never tried to silence him on that, because the Obama administration, unlike the Trump administration, actually cared aout the First Amendemnt, about the US Constitution
What a complete turd LOL
But it's ok, his nutsack sucking deplorables will no doubt cheer his ever expanding calls for dictatorial powers.
What a complete turd LOL
But it's ok, his nutsack sucking deplorables will no doubt cheer his ever expanding calls for dictatorial powers.

Talk about your dear leader Obama who prefered syrian refugees and illegals to veterans, so don't get me started of what kind of dirtbag Obama was. The deplorables such a magnificent word used by the swine and socialist fraud bitch of Clinton who lost the election. When the leftist media deliberately manipulate the people in order to slander the president with false accusation and unproven facts then so called leftist media pundits and Obama devotees need to be fired. Maybe we should talk about the whole bunch of leechoffs and parasites who were for the Clinton swine and were her devotees.


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Talk about your dear leader Obama

Another rather stunningly off target post.
Maybe you could tell Bin Laden, the dozens of other terrorist leaders who ate drone sandwiches, and a hundred thousand or so dead radical muslim terrorists how Obama was the best thing that ever happened to them lol
Another rather stunningly off target post.
Maybe you could tell Bin Laden, the dozens of other terrorist leaders who ate drone sandwiches, and a hundred thousand or so dead radical muslim terrorists how Obama was the best thing that ever happened to them lol

Nope, it is not. How do you explain then that the photo showing Obama and Farrakhan has been kpet in the dark before his election in 2008? Coinicdence? I don't think so. And remember me please who is Farrakhan? Blakc leader of the nation of Islam.

MSNBC’S Rachel Maddow loses half-a-million viewers after implosion of collusion conspiracy

We’re naming and shaming the absolutely worst reporters on the russian collusion consipracy theory

Rachel Maddow spends opening segments about Mueller report on verge of tears

After Trump-Russia Collusion Proved a Hoax, Rachel Maddow’s Ratings Take Massive Dive

The typical media host that you like but who grilled herself and her audience by spreading such bs
Nope, it is not. How do you explain then that the photo showing Obama and Farrakhan has been kpet in the dark before his election in 2008? Coinicdence? I don't think so.

No. Not a coincidence. It would have been bad publicity. Just like photos of Trumpy with Stormy Daniels. The sort of bad publicity all candidates try to avoid while running for office.

To contend that Obama is a champion of The Nation Of Islam because he and Farrakhan are acquainted and have sometimes appeared at the same functions is - forgive me - an incredibly silly and rather mindless one.
Donald Trump is acquainted with a number of bigots and has sometimes appeared at the same functions as them but that doesn't make him a racist, does it? Or does it? Based on your "logic" regarding Obama I guess it must.

Obama and Farrakhan have worked in association with many others on a couple of projects, but both have had to do with improving the black family structure. They have had zero to do with a hateful agenda towards whites, jews or any others.

If you can find any evidence of Obama ever championing the racist rhetoric of Mr Farrakhan please feel free to present it here.
No. Not a coincidence. It would have been bad publicity. Just like photos of Trumpy with Stormy Daniels. The sort of bad publicity all candidates try to avoid while running for office.

To contend that Obama is a champion of The Nation Of Islam because he and Farrakhan are acquainted and have sometimes appeared at the same functions is - forgive me - an incredibly silly and rather mindless one.
Donald Trump is acquainted with a number of bigots and has sometimes appeared at the same functions as them but that doesn't make him a racist, does it? Or does it? Based on your "logic" regarding Obama I guess it must.

Obama and Farrakhan have worked in association with many others on a couple of projects, but both have had to do with improving the black family structure. They have had zero to do with a hateful agenda towards whites, jews or any others.

If you can find any evidence of Obama ever championing the racist rhetoric of Mr Farrakhan please feel free to present it here.

Improving the black family structure, I read? But that is total bs :bs: because the Black Nation of Islam is a hate group

Nation of Islam receiving federal cash to teach prisoners

Farrakhan’s fury: Why do so many on the left refuse to condemn his racist, anti-Semitic rants?

Who is Louis Farrakhan? 10 things to know about the Nation of Islam leader, black activist

Farrakhan's known for his controversial anti-Semitic, anti-white and anti-homosexual comments. Kinda like you defend Ilhan Omar being a supposedly "respectable person" when she is just a fucking pathetic anti semitic piece of trash and a rabid radical islamist like her pos friend Tlaib. Is that the kind of liberal tolerance you are defending ?

An interesting article from the Guardian enlights us about Obama's ties to Islam:
Goodbye, Barack Hussein Obama: America's first 'Muslim president'

The article says :" His first major interview was given to Al-Arabiya in 2009. A few months after becoming president, he gave a speech at Cairo University, intended to repair and restart relations with Muslim-majority communities reeling from the reckless, unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Then, in his final year as president, he finally stepped into an American mosque for the first time, thereby beating the mosque attendance record of many Muslims I know. "

Another article from the L.A. Times which enlights again on Obama's laxist policy again radical islamic terrorism:
I’m a former CIA officer and a Democrat. Here’s what Obama still doesn’t get about terrorism

The article says :"To me and many of my former colleagues at the Central Intelligence Agency, such pronouncements reflect Obama's greatest blind spot in his fight against terrorism: he has been unwilling to acknowledge that Islamic ideology plays a role in what motivates terrorists to strike."

Let's not forget that Barack Obama kneed in front of King Fahd, something no other American president ever did. He shamed America to its fullest extent with t , he released 5 formers islamist motherfuckers in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl, also he has been beyond sympathetic to Islam, something unprecendeted and unforeseen with other US president


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Improving the black family structure, I read? But that is total bs :bs: because the Black Nation of Islam is a hate group

WTF does improving the black family structure - meaning encouraging more black fathers to stay with their families - have to do with Nation of Islam being a hate group??
answer: absolutely nothing

The article says :" His first major interview was given to Al-Arabiya in 2009. A few months after becoming president, he gave a speech at Cairo University, intended to repair and restart relations with Muslim-majority communities reeling from the reckless, unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And you have a problem with this why? Are you actually contending the invasion of Iraq was NOT a disaster for america's reputation and foreign policy worldwide?

Because it most certainly was. And it fell upon Obama to repair the resulting damaged relationships with many nations, including your own.

Then, in his final year as president, he finally stepped into an American mosque for the first time, thereby beating the mosque attendance record of many Muslims I know. "

Oh FFS :1orglaugh George Bush visited and spoke at 2 mosques while he was president.

He also hosted a Ramadan dinner every year he was president.

Let's not forget that Barack Obama kneed in front of King Fahd, something no other American president ever did.

Well at least he didn't hold hands with him and kiss him like Bush did :rofl2:

