Mueller Investigation Ends, No Collusion Charges, No New Charges


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This impeachment is a farce.

For real, bullshit. Don't come in here wanking about Benghazi then start crying about impeachment being a farce. If you don't think extortion and bribery are impeachable offenses there's nothing Trump could shit out that you wouldn't enthusiastically swallow.
The Mueller Report Its done and over.
Ever read the Benghazi Report? Great, then you know there were multiple reports. Not one of them gave Clinton a pass. Not one of them said she was innocent of anything. All of them said that there were things that could have been done.

This impeachment is a farce. The President is guilty of doing something many aren't happy with. He is not guilty of breaking laws.
The "whistle blower" doesn't qualify as a whistle blower.

This is why there is a bicameral legislature. Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny.

(I'm NOT a Trumpster. I have not voted for Trump. I'm not happy with him being president. However, I do believe he is the legally elected 45 President of the United States)

At some point these MAGA Chuds are just going to say that the constitution is unconstitutional


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
That constitution is fake. I told ya tiomes and again

As the Don said, he "caught the Swamp", now he is creating the newest banana republic of the world

Get with it, there are free jobs in the White House almost every week. Secretary of State? National security advisor?



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
At some point these MAGA Chuds are just going to say that the constitution is unconstitutional

MikeXMoron has always claimed to be somewhat moderate, but that's on par with the rest of the GOP gone TrumpTarded, they're all radical far right insipid idiots.


Staff member
At some point these MAGA Chuds are just going to say that the constitution is unconstitutional

Look at your Obama devotees using all the scarecrow, scammy and fraudulous tactics by distorting the constitution. We know it very well, they belang to the Obama adminsitration so they are irreproachable. :facepalm:
GOP Senators Respond After House Democrats Float Another Possible Impeachable Offense

‘It’s all over!’ Trump reads smoking gun moment of impeachment testimony that exonerates him

Devin Nunes to Sue CNN, Daily Beast over Fake News Attacks

Republicans to Subpoena Whistleblower, Hunter Biden, Alexandra Chalupa

Impeachment part 2 is payback time: Senate Republicans prepare to stick it to Dems


Staff member
These Trump District Democrats Could Decide The Fate Of Impeachment

Mark your calendars. This will be the biggest day yet for impeachment legal fights

Democrats May Be Looking to Get ‘Out’ of This Impeachment Spectacle

Victor Davis Hanson: Dems Attempting to Impeach Trump over ‘Thought Crimes'

GOP Rep. Biggs: Some House Dems Looking for an ‘Off-Ramp’ on Impeachment


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Ok, I guess you really want to stay in your fantasy world were Trump get impeached, you don't want to face reality...

Was looking for the link to the Mueller Report to rub in Boy George's face, but ran acros't this instead. Hey, Johan, I like you, you're my Liberal Buddy and all, but damn brah, do you want to tell me you sorry or eat a big ol' crow? :D


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The Preswident's own personal attourney is still, even in the face of clear information by the US intelligence agencies, telling him and everybody:

This "UkraineInvolvement in Election Meddling" is what the russian government criminals push, it is what Guiliani pushes for his criminal boss.

The Preswident's own personal attourney is still, even in the face of clear information by the US intelligence agencies, telling him and everybody:

This "UkraineInvolvement in Election Meddling" is what the russian government criminals push, it is what Guiliani pushes for his criminal boss.

Are You or a Loved One Suffering From Trump Derangement Syndrome?



Staff member


Staff member
***Live Updates*** House Judiciary Committee Holds Second Impeachment Hearing

Judiciary Hearing Devolves As Democrats Reuse Their Witness To Question Other Witnesses

Major Fail: Nadler Doesn’t Swear in Witnesses at Judiciary Impeachment Hearings

The Vote Is In: House Judiciary Committee Passes Both Articles of Impeachment


Staff member
FISA Report Was So Bad That FBI’s Top Lawyer During Russia Probe Felt ‘Distressed’ After Reading It

House Judiciary Committee Releases Impeachment Report; Cites Russia Collusion

House Judiciary Committee Report Accuses Trump of ‘Bribery,’ ‘Honest Services Fraud’ — Not in Articles

Former Director: FBI ‘Not a Broken Institution,’ Criticizing It Threatens ‘Rule of Law’

Democraps Begin Senate Trial Hijinks Against Trump
FISA Report Was So Bad That FBI’s Top Lawyer During Russia Probe Felt ‘Distressed’ After Reading It

House Judiciary Committee Releases Impeachment Report; Cites Russia Collusion

House Judiciary Committee Report Accuses Trump of ‘Bribery,’ ‘Honest Services Fraud’ — Not in Articles

Former Director: FBI ‘Not a Broken Institution,’ Criticizing It Threatens ‘Rule of Law’

Democraps Begin Senate Trial Hijinks Against Trump

Some of the worst ‘rags’ on this earth.