Mother shot her two teenage children twice in the head 'for being mouthy'

Talk about going crazy. RIP kids

'They never saw it coming': Mother shot her two teenage children twice in the head 'for being mouthy'

A Florida woman shot her two teenage children dead because they were being 'mouthy', police have claimed.

Julie Schenecker was found covered in blood on the back porch of her home in Tampa after her mother had called police to say she had gone missing after complaining about her children.

Police said the woman, whose husband is serving in the U.S. military in Qatar, had shot and killed her son on the way to football practice and then drove to her home and shot her daughter in the back of the head as she was on the computer.


Held: Julie Schenecker, 50, is led away by police officers after confessing to shooting her teenage children dead

A note was left at the home allegedly detailing her plans to kill her children and then herself, saying: 'They talked back and were mouthy and that she was going to take care of it.'

Laura McElroy, a police spokesman, said: 'I think we will never understand how or why a mother could take the lives of her children.

'That was the only reason she provided to our detectives.'

Schenecker was charged with two counts of first-degree murder and appeared in a county jail yesterday afternoon, where she had to be supported by a sheriff's deputy.

Her mother had called police from Texas because she was unable to reach her 50-year-old daughter, whom she said was depressed.

A statement from the police added: 'During a post-Miranda interview with detectives, the suspect confessed to killing her two children.

'She described the crimes in detail.'


Killed: Beau Schenecker, 13, was shot twice in the head and was found inside the family SUV and, right, Calyx, 16, was found slumped over her computer

Schenecker's husband, Arm Colonel Parker Schenecker, was stationed at U.S. Central Command headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa.

The Army intelligence officer has been told of his children's deaths.

Officers found the body of Calyx Schenecker, 16, in an upstairs bedroom.

The body of her son Beau, 13, was found in a sports utility vehicle in the garage.

An arrest affidavit said Schenecker shot her son twice in the head 'for talking back' as she drove him to football practice.

She then drove home, went inside and shot her daughter in the back of the head as she sat doing her homework, before shooting her again in the face, the affidavit said.

Ms McElroy said the teenagers 'never saw it coming'. They were both killed by a .38-calibre pistol which had been bought five days earlier, according to the Tampa Tribune.

Neighbour Charanun Soodjinda, 38, said: 'They seemed like a nice family. I never thought this would happen.

'How could you do that to your children?'

Seena Jain, who took turns driving the Schenecker children to school, told the St Petersburg Times that Parker Schenecker had taken over doing the school run after his wife was recovering from a serious car accident.

Both teenagers were described as being active at school. Beau played football at Liberty Middle School and Calyx was in the pre-International Baccalaureate programme at King High School, where she did cross-country and had set up a Harry Potter fan club.

Read more:
Now who will take over the Harry Potter fan club?

Sad that such events take place.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
While I agree that some teenagers are mouthy and deserve to be taught a lesson, shooting them is probably taking it a little too far. They eventually mature and grow out of this rebellious stage. Well, the ones who live manage to do so. Dead children are rarely able to rectify their behavior.

If you must shoot your children, at least aim for an arm or foot. Non lethal wounds will serve as warning and remind the offending children that they must change for the better if they wish to live.
While I agree that some teenagers are mouthy and deserve to be taught a lesson, shooting them is probably taking it a little too far. They eventually mature and grow out of this rebellious stage. Well, the ones who live manage to do so. Dead children are rarely able to rectify their behavior.
Exactly, now we will have mouthy ghosts running around causing supernatural mayhem!
When will people learn! :mad:


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A terrible shot indeed. I think she meant to kill herself and failed not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times.


...I bet ya $150,000 that the killer's mind has been compromised by Rx anti depressants and/or some other drug.... that's the part of the story they usually leave out, because, after all, guns are dangerous, never mind the catalyst! :facepalm:

RIP, Kids :(

Damn....all my mom did was smack me with a wooden spoon....
That's right.... keep it l-i-g-h-t ... it's the weekend!
Just shows that people are wrapped way too tight, just look at the look on her face. You can see there is just "something not right" with her, shame that the kids had to be at end of her psychosis.

If I had been "mouthy", my mom would just have slapped the shit out of me....but this is a bit extreme


Torn & Frayed.
...I bet ya $150,000 that the killer's mind has been compromised by Rx anti depressants and/or some other drug.... that's the part of the story they usually leave out, because, after all, guns are dangerous, never mind the catalyst! :facepalm:

RIP, Kids :(

Shit,they're already laying the groundwork for a defense by mentioning the depression in the first place.

Mick Jagger said:
And though she's not really ill
There's a little yellow pill..
This is sad, sad, tragic shit. There's nothing I can say that will have any impact on that.

That being said...:

Police said the woman, whose husband is serving in the U.S. military in Qatar

We're fucking broke. 14 trillion in debt. The IMF just schooled us and we have motherfucking military in Qatar??

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm sure that will teach 'em to have respect for their good ol' mom.:facepalm: Jesus, what a stupid fucking cunt...I hope she gets a good old dose of prison justice.
What on earth has that got to do with this incident?
& what do we do just pull out immediately?

It has nothing to do with the incident and, honestly, it was shitty for me to pull that quote....even though the thread is mostly disgusting jokes....somehow.

Still, the US is on the fucking brink and to read how militarily involved we are with Egypt and seeing that we have fucking troops in Qatar frightens me. When your house is on fire, you don't run off to test the pH level of your pool.