It's sad...
I wish more people these days would think BEFORE they reproduce. It seems all too often the unstable/uneducated people are the ones who don't think about the consequences of their actions, and all too often, the result is damaged children. :2 cents:
I sometimes think that middle class educated people are more prone to these sorts of incident. They are often more driven to get the education and job they want, they are more likely to be in a stable loving relationship, they are more likely to plan having kids and will have high expectations for them. If anything gets in the way of this picture perfect ideal it can hit them like a brick, after working hard for years they lose their job and feel life's not fair, they spend 4-8 years studying hard at college then can't get the job they want, they want the kids to get top grades and go to college but they don't bother, things like this can shake the most stable of people. On the contrary many poor people leave school at 16 with no aspirations than to live off welfare so they won't get depressed about being unemployed. Many have kids unplanned and end up single with no stable parents for support either, with the kid not being planned maybe it won't be loved as much and they'll bring the kid up half arsed not bothering if they get into trouble, they'll let the kids do what they want and never get upset enough by them to ever harm them. Obviously circumstances are different in every case but incidents like this occur across society regardless of education, wealth, profession etc